Gc M. L.
3 1833 00673 8378
parish register series.
vol. xxix, (glouc, vol. viii.)
One hundred and fifty printed.
Parish Registers,
Edited by
/. ?
If. P
London :
Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co.,
124, Chancery Lane.
Volume I.
King's Stanley Swindon
Owlpen Forthampton
Quedgeley Nimpsfield
Rendcombe Slimbridge
In this, the eighth volume, are given three more Glouces-
tershire Marriage Registers. The former volumes contain
those of the fifty-four following parishes : —
Volume II.
Leonard Stanley Uley
Stonehouse Owlpen
Stinchcombe Chedworth
Volume III.
Nether Swell Matson
Stone Bishop's Cleeve
Mickleton Charlton King's
Aston Snbedge Dorsington
Volume IV.
Hinton-on-the-Green Stanton
Aston Somerville Snowhill
Kemerton Temple Guiting
Lemington Parva Wormington
Weston-on-Avon Child's Wickham
Buckland Weston Subedge
Saintbnry Guiting Power
Preslon-upon-Stour Sutton-under-Brailes
Volume V.
Hawkesbury Dursley
Coaley Clifford Chambers
Volume VI.
Batsford Willersey
Beverston Elkstone
Standish Ebrington
Quinton Stinchcombe
Weston Birt
Volume VII.
Cheltenham Frampton-on-Severn
Newington Bagpath.
The Registers have been transcribed by Mr. Cecil T.
Davis, public librarian, Wandsworth, the Rev. W. Symonds,
vicar of Great Sherston, in Wilts, and the Rev. E. T.
Griffiths, vicar of Cam. Help in collation has been given
by the Rev. S. E. Rudge, rector of Kingscote and Newington
Bagpath, Rev. J. Melland Hall, and the Rev. F. P. G.
de Freville, and to them the Editor desires to tender his best
thanks. Thanks are also due to the parish clergy for leave to
print the various registers.
As before, this volume is issued without any index.
Hereafter the Editor hopes that it will be feasible to issue a
general index for the whole county, and thus avoid that great
evil — an undue multiplicity of indexes.
The reader must bear in mind that these transcripts are
not legal "evidence," and that for certificates the clergy must
be applied to.
The Editor desires to impress upon the reader the fact
that it is only volunteer assistance that renders the issue of
these Registers possible. He will gladly welcome further
help in the work of transcription, especially in the north of
the county, and on the west side of Severn.
W. P. W. Phillimore.
124, Chancery Lane,
July, 1902.
Volume IV, p. vii. — After Lemington Parva add Weston-on-Avon, 1690
— 1810.
Painswick .
Kingscote .
Cam . .
(BlonmUv<'m |Jartslj fUgtstas.
Marriages at Painswick,
1547 to 1812.
Note. — The Registers of Marriages for the important parish of Pains-
wick, prior to 1812, are comprised in the following six volumes : —
Vol. I contains entries of Weddings for 1547, 1551, 1557-1627;
Vol II, 1653-1705; Vol. Ill, 1710-1754; Vol. IV, 175S-1782; Banns
Book, 1754-1S02; Vol. V, 1782-1798 (printed forms); Vol. VI,
179S-1812 (printed forms).
The earliest register in Painswick thus begins : — "This is the
Register booke that belongethe unto the parrishe of Panswicke,
in the countie of Gloucester, Begyning in the ij yeare of kinge
Edward the sixth, who began his reigne over this K[ingdom] of
England the xxviijth daye of Ianuarie, one thousand five hundred
[forty-seven]. Conteyninge Baptizinges, weddings, and burials."
It may be observed that the chronological order of the entries is
very irregular.
The first entry is: — "Imprimis .... Tayler, the sonne of
John Tayler, baptizd the vj of february."
Under date 1597 is this entry:—" The copie of the Letters testi-
moniall or Certificat of the marryage of Robert Hylman to Ayles
Mayer, wrytten here and Registred by me Roger Garroll, vicar
of Paynsvvicke and the wryter hereof as foil : To all true
Christian people, and to all other the Quenes maiesties Lovinge
subjects as well spirituall as temporall, to whom these Letters
Testimoniall shall appertayne, &c. KNOWE ye that J, Roger
Gardner, clerke mynister of godds holye worde and Sacraments,
have mynistred the solempnization of matrymonie, betwene
Robert Hylman, of the p'ishe of Panswicke within the Countie
and Dioces of Gloucester, and Ayles Mayer, of the same, &c,
the xixth daye of Auguste, beinge Mondaye, in the parish
Churche of Upton Byshoppe within the Countie and Dioces
aforesaide, Anno Domini 1597, et Anno Regni Regine Elizabethae,
thirtie nyne, &c. Jn wytnes whereof J have put to my hand,
the daye and yere above wrytten, &c. By me Roger Gardner,
Clerke and curatu."
Vol. II commences with: "This Register Book conteyneth in it
wedings, Baptizings and Burials in the parish of Painswicke,
Thomas Lygon being Register thereof, the first day of March
1653, according to ye sd Act, and sworne by Jo : Lygon."
On p. 9 is: — "All these p'ties aforesaid were married by Iohn
Gloucester— VIII. b
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1548
Lygon, one of the Justices of the Peace of the County of
Gloucr., who was buried the Tenth day of August 1656."
The transcripts of the Painswick Registers for the following years
are preserved at the Registrar's Office, Gloucester: — 1570-79,
1601, 1607, 1614, 1617, 1620, 1622-25, J629, 1636, 1638-40, 1660-62,
1664, 1666-7, 1669-70, 1672, 1674-75, 1677-82, 1684-97, 1700-03,
1706-20, 1722-25, 1727-29, 1731-34, 1736-62, 1764-1811.
A transcript copy of the Monumental Inscriptions in Painswick
church and churchyard was made in 1879-80, by Mr. Cecil T.
Davis. An * is added to those names in the following list of
marriages which appear in those inscriptions.
By the kind permission of the Revs. H. H. McCrea, M.A., W. S. Guest-
Williams, M.A., and W. H. Seddon, M.A., successively vicars of
Painswick, these registers were copied by the late Mr. Uriah J.
Davis, of The Court House, Painswick, his son Mr. Cecil T. Davis,
of Wandsworth, and Mr. W.St. Clair Baddeley, of Painswick. The
MS. was compared with the original by the Rev. F. de Freville,
of Painswick.
Volume I.
William Bridge & Joane Home
Thomas Twynynge & Elizabeth Pownd
William Cooke & Miles Merryman
Richard Greene & Annyt Browne
William Canton & Fayth Poole
Thomas Gase & Elizabeth Whytinge
Arthur Pownde & Aylet Powell
Thomas A'Dean & Elizabeth Cooper
Richard Spencer & Ayles Browne
Thomas Hamon & Joane Spencer
Thomas Winstone & Elizabeth Nyblat
Robert Mayle & Elizabeth Castell
Richard Adeane & Jayne Hewinge
John Canton & Elizabeth Clissol
Richard Okey & Elizabeth [surname omitted]
John Coptner & Jellyn Fort
John Taylor & Annyes Robyns
Thomas Ducke [blank]
Thomas Apryce [Ap Rys ?] & Ayles Channler
John Davys & Elizabeth Escope
John Andrewes & Maistres Derrike Kingston
John Fletcher & Jyllyan Ellet
1548 "Anno secundo Reg. Edward Sept."
William Courte & Ayles Twynynge . . 1 Dec.
Roger Hyll & Marget [sic] Blysse . . . . 28 Nov.
19 Aug.
16 Oct.
3 Nov.
13 Dec.
10 Sept.
22 Sept.
8 June
22 June
26 July
20 Aug.
22 —
9 Mar.
18 Nov.
10 Nov.
13 Nov.
21 Nov.
19 Nov.
9 Feb.
21 June
28 June
22 [erase
8 Oct.
Painswick Marriages.
1547 "Anno primo Reg. Edward
Nicholas Taylor & Margery his wyfe
Robert Workman & Joane [ ] . .
Willyam Warbroke & Joane [ ]
Thomas Arthur & Elizabeth [ ]
William Posloe & Elizabeth Byckell
John Osbo[r]ne & Margery Garnar
John Osbone & Isbell Newmarke . .
Thomas Nyblate & Julyand Pownde
Robert Poole & Elnor Goss
William Beard & Allys Clissold
Aartur Pownde & Allys Powell
Thomas Adeane & Elsabeth Cooper
Richard Spencer & Allys Browne . .
Thomas Hamon & Joan Spencer
Edward Okey & Margerie Sco[ ]
John Androse & Margerie Browne
Richard Canton & Joane Woode
Thomas Tykell & Isbel Capel
George Thomase & Elizabeth Voss
Ben Allrige & Ellen Heynes
John Horwood & Margaret Allrige
John Jaques & Elsabeth Portener . .
Thomas Amare & Elsabeth Osburn
John Wyllys & Joane Jaques
Thomas Browne & Joane Gabb
John Twynynge & Edes Word
Thomas Wale [? Male] & Katheryn Etheirydry
John Jaques & Joane Beryman
William Collyns & Marget Lymbryke
tRichard Dobes & Marget Poorte . .
fThomas Houlder & Alys Boyse . .
tGeorge Bourne & Elizabeth Gyde
Richard Dobes & Marget Poorte
Thomas Houlder & Alys Boyse
George Bourne & Elizabeth Gyde . .
Walter Porter & Jane More
Thomas Stevens & An Home
\ Sept."
9 Sept.
. . 15 Oct.
27 Oct.
. . 26 Oct.
. . 19 Jan.
. . 19 Jan.
21 Jan.
21 Jan.
21 Jan.
27 Apr.
8 June
22 June
22 July
20 Aug.
. . 12 Oct.
.. 1 8 Nov.
29 Nov.
• • 15 Jan.
22 Jan.
. . 27 Jan.
1 Feb.
• • 23 Jan.
12 June [1559?]
2 Dec.
16 Dec.
5 Dec.
ys 19 Dec.
• • 25 July
10 May
4 Nov.
9 Nov.
. . 28 Nov.
4 Nov.
9 Nov.
. . 28 Nov.
1 Feb.
. . 28 July
t These three entries repeated in the following year.
B 2
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [i 561
John Stone & Elner Allridge
Robert Gifford & Katharin Sewell
William Townsyll & Katheryn Croker
Thomas Slye & Margaret Mower . .
Richard Cooke & Elizabeth Toronesyll
John Knowels & Joane Garnar
William Osmon & Elizabeth Taylor
Richard Garnar & Ales [ ]
William Coley & Elizabeth Wyndo
John Hyggs & Margerye Thorne . .
John Hardynge & Joane Heyward
Richard Mason & Elizabeth Clissol
John Poole & Joane Sharpe
John Lowe & Annyes Chambers
Thomas Slye & Margaret Mower . .
Richard Cooke & Elizabeth Townesyll
John Knowels & Joane Garnar
William Osmon & Elizabeth Tayler
Richard Garnar & Ayles [no name]
William Coley & Elizabeth Wyndo
John Hygges & Margaret [?H]orne
John Hardynge & Joane Heyward
Richard Mason & Elizabeth Clyssol
John Poole & Jone Sharpe
John Lowe & Annys [? Agnes] Chamber
John Hyndye & Elizabeth Rickes
John Alredye & Isbell Kinge [? Emye]
Davye Gryffyn & Elizabeth Chamber
Thomas Webbe & Elizabeth Tyler
Richard Osbone & Elizabeth Freme
John Orgen & An Poole
Richard Osborne & Elizabeth Freme
Richard Porte & Annys [? Agnes] Asbey
Richard Broadley & Margaret Housam
Water Whytinge & Isbel Bancknet
Water Whiting [inserted afterwards]
Thomas Crachley [no wife's name]
John Hayse & Elizabeth Lymbrecke
Thomas Wevinge \no wife's name]
Richard Water & Margeye Nychols
22 Sept.
• • 25 June
• • 13 July
. . 19 Jan.
. . 27 Jan.
22 Jan.
2 May
• • 6 July
■ • 13 Aug.
7 Sept.
12 Nov.
26 Nov.
. . 30 Apr.
22 Nov.
. . 19 Jan.
. . 27 Jan.
. . 27 Jan.
2 May
. . 6 July
• • 13 Aug.
7 Sept.
12 Nov.
26 Nov.
. . 30 Apr.
26 Nov.
.. 15 May
14 June
. . 21 Oct.
8 Nov.
28 Jan.
29 Nov.
. . 24 Jan.
. . 29 Jan.
11 June
•• 3i July
•• 31 July
28 Jan.
10 Apr.
5 Sept.
16 Sept.
Painsivick Marriages.
[? MaryonJ
William Arrowsmith & Katherine Kympe
Alexander Courtys & Jayne Palmer
Walter Forte & Margaret Firme
James Jacques [? Jackes] & Annys [? Agne
John Smyth & Annys [? Agnes J Alrige
John Tycle & Joan Cooke
Thomas Pegler & Jone Garner
John Osborne & Jone Garner
Thomas Myll & Jone West
Thomas Gardner &
John Veb & Jone Porse
John Ellys & Jury an Twenynge
William Aquilliani & Julyan Twenynge
Anthony Jaques & Katherine Lowe
John S}dford [? Selford] & Jone Collyns
John Collyns & An Bancknet
Herrye Denn}rnge & Jone Barne
Christopher Hadnote & Ayle George
Water Gybbens & Margret [no name]
Thomas Wheler & Ayles Jordayne
John Poole & An Tayler
John Gardner & Marge [?]... scope
Thomas Browne & Ayles Gardner
Gyles George & Tomozyn Laud
Richard Adams & Marye Osborne
John Gyde & Ayles [? Gofe]
William Mason & Joane Poole
William Copner & Amy Cooper
Robert Osborne & Margret Wooles
Herry Dennynge & Jone Barne
Water Chapman & Jone Kympe
William Chamber & Margaret Tayl
John Synderbe & Isbell Bancknet
John Walter & Margaret Burrell
John Forte & Jone Tomkyns
Simon Layne & Jone Russell
Richard Gybbons & Elner Poole
Christopher West & Jone Townesyll
29 Sept. 1565
1 Oct.
13 Oct.
30 Oct.
18 Nov.
10 Dec.
13 Oct.
28 Oct.
6 Oct.
18 Oct.
24 Oct.
8 Sept. 1
6 Nov.
8 Nov.
12 Nov.
12 May 1
24 Nov.
8 Jan.
13 Jan.
23 Sept.
19 Oct.
18 Nov.
19 Jan. i
3° Jan.
22 Sept.
3 Oct.
17 Nov.
26 Nov.
24 Nov.
19 Jan. i
24 Jan.
26 Jan.
16 Oct.
9 Nov.
7 Nov.
17 Dec.
26 Feb.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1570
Herrye Clemence & Jane Jordane . .
Thomas Brodford & Jone Hewatt . .
John Merryman & Emye Arthur
Robert Knowels & Annys [? Agnes] Garner
Patricke Tyckle & Elizabeth Garbet
Thomas Sewell, of Gloucester, & Katherine
Ashf[? e or o]ld
Thomas Knowels & Elizabeth Beard
Jane Tomes & Elner [no name]
George Nashe & Ayles Browne
Richard Newman & Margaret Tunley
Roger Okeford & Jone Watkyns
James Osborne & Jyllyan Gardner
Richard Osborne & Jyllyan Kinge . .
John Stackball & Jzarde Drake
Thomas West & Annys Knowels . .
John Jaques (younger) & An Gardner
John Browne & Jyllyan Tayler
Thomas Olyver & An Harrope
Thomas Holland, of Strowde, & Elizabeth
Thomas Knee & Ayles [no name] . .
John Motley & Elizabeth Harrop . .
John Harcourt & Jane Payne
John Thorne & Jyllian Alridge
Harry King & Elner Alridge
Thomas Olyver & An Horrupe
John Kinge & Elner Alridge
Thomas Collyns & Jone Mylls
William Kinge & Elizabeth Smyth
Thomas Watkyns & Marg. [? Mary on] Gase
Edward Kyn & Margaret Bancknet
Richard Gardner & Margaret Cleyveld
William & Margaret Brytle
Walter Fort & Ayles Loveday
John Castell, aliir Cooke, & Joane Ellond
Henry Smythe & Agnes Syfford
William Laurence & Marget Nyblet
John Walter & Joane Rawlynes
William Phelto & Jone a Dene
8 Jan. 1570
22 Aug. 157 1
13 Sept. „
25 Oct. „
29 Nov. „
14 Apr. 1572
22 June
4 Aug.
30 Aug.
11 Sept.
28 Aug. I;
25 May
10 June
26 June
16 July
26 Nov.
26 Nov.
10 Jan. 1574
15 May
20 Sept.
8 Nov.
11 Nov.
22 Nov.
22 Jan.
11 Jan.
22 Jan.
4 Apr.
4 Apr.
20 Apr.
5 May
23 July
24 Oct.
27 Nov.
26 Jan.
23 Jan.
26 Jan.
19 Feb.
Painswick Marriages
Thomas Ducke & Ayles Harwod . .
Richard Merrey & Margaret Gardner
Robert Hyman & An Garner
William March & Marget Kinge
Water Synderbie & Jone Huyt
John Cooke & Jayne Tomkyns
John Kinge & Elizabeth Harrys
Harrye Weauer & Jayne Kinge
John Charles & Julian Harcote
Christopher Hybbard & Joane Cooke
William Addames & Katherine Harrise
Thomas Cleyfeild & Isbell Franckleyne
Phillyp Knowels & Julian Browne . .
George Gybbyns & Agnes Richard
Richard Showen & An Grye
Thomas Houlder & Ayles Lambert
John Phillipe & Jone Hamond
John Castle, aliter Cooke, & Julyan Poole
Thomas Collyns & Margaret Androse
Thomas Duke & Ayles Kinge
James Willyms & Ayles Beard
Thomas Duke & Ayles Smith
Thomas Ta}der & Agnes Tw}mynge
Walter Castle & Ayles Dyer
John Forte & Elizabeth Loveday
Thomas Gyll & Elizabeth a dene
John Pawlinge & Margaret Wynston
John Ussell & Annys Garbet
John Browne & Margaret Gardner
Henry By shop & Margaret Mery
John Tyler & Jone [no name]
John Browne & Margaret Garnar
Henry Corbet & Ayles Tayler
Henry Byshop & Margerye [no name]
John Hywyns & Mary Rydley
John Lewes & An Heth . .
William Barnes & Isbell Synderbie
John Twynynge & Julyan a Meyer
Henry Robyns & Margaret Wyndow
John Garnar & Marye Guyne
3 ' July
6 Feb.
25 Apr.
13 Oct.
2 Nov.
20 Jan.
27 Jan.
31 Jan.
31 Jan.
11 Feb.
21 Apr.
20 Apr.
1 May
30 June
15 July
4 Sept.
24 Nov.
18 Dec.
22 Dec.
2 July
19 Jan.
2 July
28 Sept.
16 Oct.
29 Oct.
2 Nov.
7 Nov.
30 July
28 Jan.
2 May
15 Feb.
28 Jan.
28 Jan.
2 May
7 May
7 May
6 Oct.
13 June
27 July
25 Nov.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1580
John Dower & Agnes Rawlinge
Anthony Phillips & Elsabeth [no name]
Thomas Jones & [?] Ayles Smith . .
Richard Dier & Jone Davis
John Dower & [?] An Rawlinge
Thomas Browne & Margaret Barns
William Vylde & Ayles Poole
John Kyn & Jone Gyll
John Mower & Cecill Moulder
John Towttie & Katherine Hobson . .
Richard Prydie & Margaret Humfrey
William Bancknet & Katherine Gyles
Nicholas Townsyll & Elsabeth Whyting
Thomas Browne & Margaret Barne
Nicholas Townesyll & Elizabeth Whyting
Robert West & Elizabeth Cooke
William Baylye & Mawde Farr
Edmunde Webe & Jone Blisse
Richard Harcote & Jayne Garbet . .
Thomas Wilshire & Ellyn Clyssold
Richard Garnard & Ellyn Jordayne
John Harrys & Julyan Cyford [? Orford]
Richard Abridge & Margaret Synderby
Thomas Cyford [? Orford] & Ayles Tonley
William Myllard & Elizabeth Garner
William Smalridge & Ann Escopp . .
John Phillips & An Cooke
John Twynynge & Elizabeth Poole
John Mayes & Margaret Jourdayne
Richard Tonley & Ayles Bancknet
Henry Ockey & Ayles Twynynge
Robert West & Elizabeth Cook
John West & Ayles Garner
Robert Bankes & Isabel Garner
John Poole, jun., & Margaret West
Thomas Loveday & Ayles Cook
John Cowele & Rebeca Hamyll
William Matson & Elner Hamling
Water Vynard & Julian Poole
Richard Pope & Margaret Tayler
23 Nov.
6 Oct.
7 Nov.
11 June
23 Nov.
10 Aug.
8 Jan.
6 Jan.
22 Apr.
16 May
22 May
19 June
23 Oct.
10 Aug.
23 Oct.
25 Jan.
18 Jan.
20 Sept.
20 Sept.
19 Jan.
12 Feb.
16 Feb.
3 May
25 July
1 Aug.
6 Oct.
21 Oct.
21 Oct.
10 Nov.
13 Nov.
3 Dec.
25 Jan.
10 Feb.
25 Jan.
16 May
2 —
10 Aug.
4 Aug.
5 Oct.
12 Oct.
1 5^9] Painswick Marriages.
William Phillips & Christ11 Hawkins
Christopher Freme [?] & Elner Arthur
Thomas Beard & [?] Dorothy Not . .
Thomas Hunt & Ayles Merse
Thomas a Deane & Margaret Pyt
Thomas Jourdayne, aliter Hammant, & Agnes
William a Deane & Elizabeth Townesyll
Walter Watkyns & Elizabeth Dower
William Adeane & Elizabeth Townesyll
Walter Watkyn & Elizabeth Dower
Robert Twynynge & Marie Meyre
William Colley & Margaret Willims
John Hadnet & An George
Robert & Katherine [?] Graunsonne
John Thomas & Elner Isgar
[?] Poole & Margaret Olyver
Thomas Harbet & An Olyver
George Dyer & Jane Gardiner
William Denton & Maryan Baylye
William Bancknet & Ayles Coppye
Richard Newman & Dorithie Sanford
William Dune & Mary Harrop
[For 1586 and 1587 vide after 1591.]
Robert Sypher & Elner Tomkyns . .
Robert Garner & Dorythe Mayl
James Tunley & Ayles Harcote
John Whythorne & An Osborne
Michael Hardyn & Ayles Knowels . .
John Butler & Margaret Corbet
Nicholas Cooper & Elizabeth Townesell
An Jaques & William Philto
William Cheltnam & Ayles Kinge . .
Walter Rize & Katherine Wyckell . .
Walter Meiet & Elizabeth Fletcher
William Clissoll & An Loveday
[? James] Smart & An Deane
Margaret Scull & Elizabeth | Slye ?]
William S[ ] & Annys [Jaques ?]
William Jsgar & Jone Wallys
17 Oct.
22 Oct.
12 Nov.
16 Nov.
10 Dec.
11 Nov.
7 Jan.
22 Feb.
6 Jan.
22 Feb.
29 July
26 Aug.
5 Sept-
4 Oct.
14 Oct.
1 Nov.
8 Nov.
11 Nov.
15 Nov.
4 Feb.
4 Feb.
14 Feb.
18 Apr.
9 May
3 June
3 June
10 June
23 June
2 Sept.
12 Sept.
18 Nov.
1 8 Nov.
25 Nov.
24 Nov.
[?12 Nov.
[? 7 Nov
[? 12 Dec,
23 Jan.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1589
Thomas Pyt & Margaret Garner
Thomas Baylys & Elizabeth [Claddic ?]
James Lymiet & Katherine Forte . .
Gyles Baldman & Margaret Hilman
John Sysmore & Elner Gybbes
William Vorebye & Jane Bysley
John Longe & Elizabeth Trynte
William Nyblet & Jone Pyt, w.
Thomas Brown & Agnes Holiday . .
Thomas Pounde & Agnes Collyns . .
Robert Harrys & Jone Chalmer
Thomas Cantor & Elizabeth Firme
John Goth & Elizabeth Tayler
Thomas Wyn & Ayles Winchcombe
Philip Knowels & Mabell Clabyll . .
Richard Adeane & Jone West
Gyles Osborne & Isbell Wheler
Richard Garner & Julian Beard
William Evans & [Margaret ?] Goughe
Thomas Garner & Katherine Mownsford
Thomas Williams & Jone Mathew . .
Robert Alridge & Margaret Kinge . .
John Morgan & Margaret Lymbrick
Richard Roberte & Jone West, w. . .
Mychael Hardyn & Elner Hytchinge
John Hilman & Julyan West
John Holder & Jone Bouche
William Wren & Julyan Kinge
William Garner & Margaret Cratchley
Richard Packer & Sybbell Badam . .
John Huntley & Elner Cooke
William Towers & Annys Westrope
William Adams & Jone Myll
Richard Webley & Margaret Rogers
[The last five lines are entered twice
\ ?] Osborne & Jone Why tinge . .
Thomas Nyblet & An Dowers
John Beard & Annys Pyffe
Walter Horwood & Jane Bancknet
Nycholas Williams & Margaret Fathers
30 Jan.
10 Apr.
20 Apr.
27 Apr.
11 May
22 May
15 June
6 July
15 Sept.
15 Sept.
20 Oct.
30 Oct.
10 Nov.
[? 27 Nov.]
10 Nov.
19 Jan.
27 Jan.
2 Mar.
2 Mar.
2 May
2 July
27 July
27 July
23 Aug.
28 Sept.
12 Oct.
19 Oct.
21 Dec.
21 Dec.
15 Feb.
15 Feb.
24 May
7 June
5 July
27 Aug.
28 Sept.
8 Nov.
15 Nov.
28 Nov.
Painsivick Marriages.
1 1
Margaret Westroppe & Margaret Osborne
Edmunde Jaques & Elner Twynyng
William Bancknet & Ayles Coppye
Richard Newman & Dorothy Sandford
William Dune & Marye Harrope . .
John But & Katherine Loveday
William Twynynge & Jone Pyncote
James Appery & Katherine Lymbricke
Richard Pridie & Jane [?] Sym
John Gryffith & Johan Wood
John Aldaye & Margaret Whytinge
Thomas Lymbricke & Jone Organ . .
William Kinge & Margaret Chester
William Dyer & Margaret Whytinge
Thomas Baylye & Ayles Brytle
John Humphrey & Jane Osborne . .
John Lande & Blanche Lawrence . .
Robert Osborne & Margaret Osborne
John Presbury & An Knowels
Richard Cooke & Johan Smyth
Richard Wynckley & Jane Knowels
Gyles Whytinge & Elizabeth Tayler
John Butler & Elizabeth Knowels . .
William Brunsdon & Elizabeth Horwod
Richard Wyndow & Annys [?| Myrrema[n]
John Codde, of Cranham, & Elizabeth Davys
Thomas Smyth, of Avenynge, & Margaret
Lawrence, of Burchley
Thomas Freme & Margaret Dawson
Gyles Turner & Johane Blysse
Anthony Cook, of Stroode, & Marg. Blisse
Harry Wheler & Margaret Webley
Gyles Hilman & Johane Pridie
John Twynynge & Katherine Stratford
Thomas Tyckell & Elner Brooke
William Porter & Johane Grundger
Thomas Sanfeild & Julian Castle
John Osborne & Jane Haynes
Richard Bande & Joane Knowels . .
Gyles Chapman & Marye Osborne
29 Nov.
16 Dec.
4 Feb.
4 Feb.
14 Feb.
5 May
20 June
28 July
17 Sept.
29 Oct.
26 Jan.
20 May
26 June
15 July
18 Sept.
2 Oct.
1 Oct.
9 Oct.
23 Oct.
6 Oct.
13 Nov.
23 Nov.
30 Nov.
30 Nov.
1 1 Jan.
30 May
19 Aug.
4 Sept.
6 Oct.
14 Nov.
14 Nov.
29 Jan.
29 Jan.
4 Feb.
4 Feb.
26 May
24 Sept.
26 Sept.
27 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. L1 593
Edward Palmer & Johan [?] Slooie [?]
William [?] Swane, or Gwane, & Joane Forte
William Farmer, of Bradgworth, & Elizabeth
Smalridge, of Frampton
John Cratchley & An Lugge
William Wyndow & Elizabeth Denton
John Pylson & Johane Turke
John West & Margret Ockey
John Wallkley & An Browne
Thomas Gaskill & Jane Arrowsmith
fThomas Fletcher & Edith Woddam
tThomas Hunte & Jone Tayler
f Gyles Gardner & Margaret Collinge
tThomas Kinge & Elizabeth Mayor
William Osborne & An Rogers
tThomas Fletcher & Edith Woddam
tThomas Hunte & Johane Tayler
tGyles Gardner & Margery Collyns
tThomas Kinge & Elizabeth Mayer
John Venton & Edith Gyll
John Winchcombe Ayles [? alias] Whytinge, &
Isbell Wyndow
William Twynynge & Mabell Newcombe
John Barnes & Margaret West
Humfrey Ven & Johane Butler
John Mylls & Jone Watkyns
John Osborne & Johane Collinge
William Bought & An Knee
William Hollidays & Jane Blisse
John Lovedaye & Jane Jordane
John Wheler & Johane Arrowsmith
Daniel Knowels & Ayles Luddington
Thomas Johanes & Johane Turner
William Davys & Iford Hardinge . .
William Watkyns & Ayles Cast
Addam Guidghill & Ayles [?] Wynston
Richard Bancknet & Jayne Harrope
James Tayler & An Whytinge
i Oct.
2 2 NOV.
21 Dec.
3 Jan.
21 Jan.
21 Jan.
24 Jan.
8 Feb.
18 Apr.
24 Oct.
10 Aug.
28 Nov.
1 Dec.
1 July
24 Oct.
10 Aug.
28 Nov.
1 Dec.
13 Jan.
6 Feb.
4 Mar.
1 May
25 May
2 June
15 June
20 Nov.
22 Jan.
26 Jan.
26 Jan.
29 Apr.
10 May
14 Oct.
31 Oct.
18 Nov.
25 Nov.
25 Nov.
t These entries are given twice over in the Register.
Painswick Marriages.
William Estington & Jone Bancknet
Robert Hylman & Ayles Mayer [at Upton
Arthur Hilman, alitor Chedworth, & Elner
John Smyth & An Bancknet
John Osbore & An Sysmore
William Haselton & Katherine Arthur, w. . .
John Bancknet & Jayne Hylman
Thomas Beard & Katherine Stone
Gyles Arthur & Jone Daunce
William Bancknet & Margaret Nashe
William Barret & Isbell Payne
William Wastfields & Margaret Osborne
Anthony Gardner & Isbell Bancknet
Daniel Gardner & Jone Mayer
William Bagster & Julyan Asmond
Gyles Knowels & An Nashe
John Fryar & An Smythe
Walter Castle, alitor Cooke, & Margaret
Walkley ..
Walter Mason & Susannah Myls
John Cale & Elizabeth Copner
[?] Francis Collins & Elizabeth Rogers
Thomas Spilman & Ales Hamlet
[?] Nicholas Asmond & Anne Hullen
Richard Gardiner & Johane Watkins
Anthony Whiting & Margaret Williames
Thomas Wrenn & Johan Osborne . .
[?] & Anne Lovedaye
Hughe Twyne & Elizabeth Hillman
William Long & Anne Knowles
Thomas Lock & Margaret Pitt
Richard Baldwin & Elizabeth Banckenet
Edmond Kitsone & Alice Gardiner
Charles Stevens & Carie Cheltnam
William Snowe, of Bisley, & Alice Tocknell
William Waite & Elizabeth Russell
Roger Lewis & Elizabeth Gyll [? Gytt]
John Poole & Grace Tocknell
3 Nov. 1596
13 June
20 June
10 Oct.
19 Nov.
16 Jan.
17 Jan.
21 Jan.
23 Jan.
27 Apr.
16 Oct.
27 Nov.
30 Nov.
18 Dec.
23 Dec.
7 Jan.
10 May
4 June
25 June
12 July
16 July
3 Sept.
20 Sept.
19 Nov.
13 Jan.
19 May
29 May
8 June
13 July
21 July
31 July
14 Aug.
18 Sept.
3 Nov.
17 Nov.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1600
Walter Homphreys & Alice Hasletone
[John ?] Tomse & Marie Dune
Anthony Motley & Alice Knoweles
John Russell & Margaret Kynge
John Winstone & [? ] Haynes, of Stroud
Thomas Haynes & Isabell Arthur
Thomas Vaghan & Agnes Kynge
George Wicke & Anne Tyckle
William H [ ?] & Amy Knoweles
Thomas West & Elinor Tyckle
John Loveday & Marie Gardner
Silvester Kems, alms Lewes, & Margaret
John Dudge & Julian Organn
Thomas Castle & Rachaell Vicaridge
[Richard ?] Flatcher & Ails [?] Browne
John Bardell & [Anne ?] Hugginge
Richard Bancknett & Elizabeth Bisley
William Blisse & Elizabeth Berry
Thomas Came & Anne Gardiner
John Plumer & Elinor Eckley
[George ?] Eliots & Syble Sismore
Thomas Castle & Johane Tocknell
James Britle & Anne Sley
Thomas Hill & Marian Organ
[John ?] Ellis & Margaret B[ ]
John Harding & Margaret Dauis
Thomas Jenkins & [Ann ?] Pownd
John Tyckle & Jane Bennett
Jhon Yate & Ann Hibbert
John Higgins & Margaret Knowles
Gyles Carter & Ann Barnes
Thomas Vaughan & Elizabeth Chedworth
Thomas Swayne & Jane Rolms [? Colins]
Thomas Osburne & Joone Whiteinge
Robert Crumpe & Margaret Harris
John Houlder & Julian Gardiner . .
John Wayte & Elizabeth Wise [? Mare]
William Andreues & Elizabeth Wheeler
Thomas Richards & Ann Loueday . .
24 Nov. 1600
24 Nov. ,,
22 Feb. „
23 Feb. „
[?6 May] 1601
1 Oct. „
23 Nov. „
26 Nov. „
9 Jan. „
28 Jan. „
29 Apr. 1602
17 Feb. „
25 Oct. „
8 Nov. „
8 Nov. „
14 Nov. „
13 Jan. „
23 Jan. „
16 May 1603
21 Nov. „
6 Feb. „
25 Feb. „
30 Apr. 1604
30 Apr. „
30 June „
8 Oct. „
3° Jan. „
3° Jan. „
4 Feb. „
8 Apr. 1605
15 Apr. „
20 Apr. „
5 Aug. „
12 Aug. „
17 Sept. „
30 Sept. „
25 Nov. „
25 Nov. „
9 Jan. „
Painswick Marriages.
Thomas Smith & Elner Byshop
John S[ ] & [? Margerie] Gardiner
Thomas S[ ] & Ayles Limbrick
Richard Merrett & Margaret Gardner
Richard Dier & Susanna Prestwar . .
William Werratt & Margaret Bradford
William Hopkins & Julian Baylie . .
William Wise [? Mill] & Dorithie Packer
John Cooke & Jeone Warren
[Ancell ?] Windowe & Margaret Phillipps
Richard Cooke & Margaret Blisse . .
William Gibbins & Elizabeth Humphries
William Guest & Anne Osburne
Edward Gyde & Marie Twinninge . .
Thomas Piffe & Ayls Poole
Thomas Ellice & Eliner Linnette . .
William Acson & Jone Yate
Gyles Beard & Margaret Ockey
Thomas Walker & Ann Collins
Richard Castle, aliter Cooke, & Elizabeth
George Perry & Margaret Rickett . .
Henry Lester & Margaret Osborne
Thomas Goffe & Eliner Gardiner . .
Thomas Byshop & Ayls Broode
Richard Mill & Margaret Ockey
Walter Peirce & Elizabeth Dauis . .
Edward Hall & Oliffe Coulston
Richard Harney & Margaret Organ
John Millard & Julian Poole
Richard Hankocke & [? Catherine] Dower
Roger Stephens & Margaret Mill . .
John Stephens & Anne Tibbs
Thomas Gardner & Marie Watkins
John Gardner & Margaret Twininge
Thomas Walkins & Jone Tyckle
Thomas Phillips & Elizabeth Tyler
Nathaniel Yate & Elizabeth Peirce . .
Richard Collins & [? Jane] Hiemead
William Mayle & Hester |? Byshopp]
27 Jan. 1605
16 Feb. „
[? 23 Feb.] „
3 Mar. „
19 May 1606
[?2i May],,
[? 23 June] „
21 July „
28 Aug. „
[?5 0ct.] „
20 Nov. ,,
13 Apr. 1607
27 Apr. „
7 May „
1 June „
<5 July „
15 Oct. „
2 Nov. ,,
18 Jan. „
21 Jan. ,,
30 Apr. 1608
2 May „
31 May „
3 June „
5 June „
1 Aug. „
28 Sept. „
31 Oct. „
23 Nov. „
26 Nov. ,,
8 May 1609
24 June „
3° July „
31 July „
10 Oct. „
23 Oct. „
18 Dec. „
18 Jan. „
26 Jan. „
Gloucestershire Parish Registers, [1609
John [? Osborne] & Margaret Barber
Thomas Howse & Ayls Higge
Walter Tocknell & Alice Vicke
Henrie Brendle & Joane Tammage
Stephen Browne & Elizabeth Beard
William Baylie & Ann [Wise ?] . .
Richard Pope & Catherine Tocknell
William Wattkins & Jone Gardener
[John ?] Tombs & Jane Dyer
John Hardinge & Dorothy Dower . .
[John ?] Woodfall & Catherine Hobson
Thomas Loueday & Jone Hunte
Thomas Dower & Jone Baylie
[Francis ?] Ban[ ] & Jane Wheler
John Gardner & Elizabeth Rawlings
Daniel Castel & Alice Walklie
Robert West & Edith Wren
William [ ?'| & Joan [T ?]
[Richard ?] Nash & Elizabeth Osburn
James Collins & Marian ....
John Oliver & Margaret Osburne . .
Arthur Tunley & Bridget Verinder
Robert Jonson & Elizabeth West . .
William Smith & Jone Banknet
Richard Gardner & Elizabeth Merret
John Pegler & Sarah Prestwood
Daniel Osborne & Margaret Garbett
John Whiteaker & Margaret Barnes
Leonard Sturmy & Elizabeth Knoweles
Tho. Wight & Elizabeth Knowles . .
George Gibbons & Anne Rickards . .
Daniel Mai[ ] & Martha Stringer
Robert Rodway & Elinor Myll
Moris Newman & Joane Gyll
William [ ?] & [Marie ?] Gough
John Creese & Anne Blisse
William Dudge & [Anne ?] Mylma[n]
Thomas Merret & Anne Coop
Annsell Windowe & Elizabeth Hollane
Mychael Harding & Margaret Pynson
26 Jan.
. . 28 May
27 Aug.
4 Feb.
• • [?i3Apr.]
23 May
23 May
. . 22 July
•• [?5Aug.J„
16 Sept.
23 Sept.
. . 28 Oct.
. . 31 Oct.
19 Feb.
7 May
21 June
9 July
• • 13 July
• • 13 July
• • 23 July
8 Oct.
8 Oct.
20 Oct.
• • 13 Jan.
. . 13 Jan.
. . 15 Jan.
• • 25 Jan.
22 Apr.
14 June
17 June
• • 24 July
. . 3 Oct.
27 Nov.
10 Jan.
. 31 Jan.
• 31 Jan.
3 Feb.
13 Feb.
21 May
Painswick Marriages.
Nycholas Graunsonne & Alice Syford
John Tovvneshill & Bridget [?] Clavild [?]
John Myll & Elizabeth Twining
John Dune & Ann [?] Prince
William Pyfe & Margaret Gardiner
Robert Pearce & Marie Tyckle
[Between May and October a leaf cut
Nathaniel Prestwood & Ann Field . .
Thomas Mazon & Ann Holder
Leonard Sturmy & Alice Arthur
Daniell Yarnton & Isabell Dune
[Richard ?] Pearce & Joane Hobson
Edmond Wynn & Ursula Mower . .
William Heath & Rose White
John Powell & An Hunte
John [F ?J, of Cirencester, & Judith Rice
of Painswick
Walter Powell & Susannah Yate . .
Jacob Taylor & Jane [no name]
James Baylie & Margaret Harcot . .
Thomas Twining & Anne Poole
John Hynton & Johan Osburne
William Baylie & Ann Mause
Gyles Holyday & Ann Fletcher
Daniell Gardiner & Margaret Osburne
George Watkins & Margaret Kyng
William Jayne & Katherine Hancoke
John Hooper & Alice Winckworth . .
Gyles Bishop & Sarah Browne
Richard Canne & Jane Merret
Richard Blisse & Elizabeth Smart . .
William Hol[ ] & Marie Harcot
William Andrewse & Julyan Harris
[ ] & Margerie Harding
[ ] & Katherine Clavild
Mathew Poole & Margaret Humber
Ambrose Webb & Margaret Harrold
Robert Motley & Rose Heath
James Church & Frauncis Dowen . .
Gyles Roberts & An Saddler
Gloucester— VI 1 1 .
27 June
23 July
22 Sept.
3 Oct.
11 May
13 May
14 Jan.
20 Jan.
14 Apr.
1 7 June
5 Aug.
7 Oct.
30 Jan.
15 Feb.
9 May
1 Jan.
2 Jan.
20 Apr.
4 June
6 June
8 June
20 June
1 Oct.
10 Dec.
3 Feb.
4 Apr.
19 Apr.
31 May
14 June
10 July
9 Aug-
7 Jan.
— Jan.
22 June
7 Sept.
26 Nov.
26 Nov.
7 Jan.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [162 1
Thomas Knowles & Mary Beard
William Watkines & Elizabeth Loueday
Thomas Tayler & Margaret [ ]
Edward [ ] & Dorothy [ ] . .
James Crook, or Creek, & Jone Niblet
John Mower & Margaret Wheeler
Thomas Winne & Annie Walkins
Andrew King & Alice Williams
John Web & Isabel Hankes
Henrie [ ] & Judith Loudaye
Edward Wilkins & Marie Castle, aliter Cooke
Richard Freme & Ellenor Warren
William Smith, of [ ] & Joan [Cook ?J
of[ ]
Richard Barnes & Margaret Deane
[ J Hoper & [ ]
[1623, three lines illegible?^
William Gardener & Alee Wheler . .
Anthony Poole & Julian Wren
Egidius English & Marie Litle
Humfridus [? Wathen], armig., & Gratie
John Bower & Hester Mason
Michael [ ] & Anna Gyde
Richard Syped & Dorothy Hodges
Richard Flower & Katherine [no name]
William Stephen & Ales Long
Gyles Canton & Margaret Stebens
John Osborne & Anne Cooke
John Runf & Margaret Barrit
James Sturmy & Johan Downe
Edward White & Marie Sturmy
George Huges & Bridget Twining
Richard Harding & Joan Brunsdon
John Williams & Marie [ ]
Thomas Wheeler & Elizabeth Bancknet
William Prydie & Dorithy Berrima[n]
Edward Kinge & Ales Smyth
John [ ] & Margaret Gardner . .
Richard [ ] & Joan Houlder . .
15 Apr. 1 62 1
30 Apr. „
1 1 Aug. „
1 Nov. ,,
10 Nov. ,,
18 Feb. „
29 Apr. 1622
23 May „
25 May „
— June „
20 June „
4 July „
5 July „
22 July „
28 Oct. „
28 Nov. 1623
19 Jan.
7 July
— Sept.
3 Nov.
10 Nov.
30 Nov.
29 Jan.
30 June
28 Oct.
1 Nov.
11 Nov.
12 Oct.
17 Dec.
30 Dec.
13 Jan.
12 Feb.
13 Feb.
17 Feb.
28 Feb.
28 Feb.
20 June 1625
Painswick Marriages.
Richard Black [ ] & Jsbell Okey
Henry Osburne & Anne Gardner
James Myll & Elizabeth Abraham
John Harding & Joan Tommas
William Aldey & Elizabeth Hunt
John Whiting & Else Gibbins
John Osborne & June Title
Thomas Saunders & Fra Bayley
Walter Winchcomb & Eliza Lovday
Gyles Lovday & Elinor Couldbroue
George Fletcher & Margaret Webb
John Tayler & Ellner King
Thomas Atkins & Ann Roberts
John Hardinge & Margaret Canton
Walter Cowles & Joan Gardner
[End of Book. 1 628-1 653 gap.]
Volume II.
Anthony Hiett, of Minsterworth, & Ann, d. of
Henry Gardner, of Painswick, published
three severall Lords dayes in Painswick
John Winn, of Painswick, yeoman, & Mary
Deacon, of Farringdon, published three
severall Lords dayes in each of their
parish churches
Richard Timbrell, of Painswick, husbandman,
& Ann, d. of [ ] Clarke, of Upton
St. Leonards, published three severall
markett dayes in ye Citty of Gloucester
Nathaniell Hilman, of Musarden, weaver, &
Elizabeth Bauldwin, of the same, pub-
lished three severall Lords dayes in
Musarden Church
Thomas Watkins, of Painswick, husbandman,
& Elizabeth Kinge, of Musarden, pub-
lished three severall Lords dayes in
their severall parishes
George Robins & Sarah, d. of William
Calloway, both of Magensbury (Stow)
16 July 1625
19 Sept. „
7 Nov. „
14 Nov. ,,
21 Nov. „
6 Feb. ,,
6 Apr. 1626
29 Oct. ,,
3° Oct. „
6 Nov. „
21 May 1627
3 June „
6 June „
21 June „
28 June „
2 Mar. 1653
13 Feb. „
3 Mar. „
24 Jan. „
27 Apr. 1654
3 May „
c 2
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1654
William Poole, of Pichcom, & Jane Chapman 26 — 1654
Richard Wood & Katherine, d. of William
Nicholson, both of Quedsley, published
three severall Lords dayes in Quedsley
Church . . . . . . 10 May ,,
Daniell, son of Joseph Watts, of Painswick, &
Rebecca Cowles, of Strowd, published
three Lords days in Painswick and
Stroud Churches .. .. .. 17 May ,,
Henry Gardner, baker, & Ann Cook, widdow,
both of Tything of Pakenhill . . 1 June ,,
William Genner, of Stonehowse, weaver, &
Mary, d. of William Viner, of Brock-
worth, published three severall Lords
days . . . . . . 8 June ,,
John Wildy & Alice Scott, alias Townsend,
both of Painswick, published in Pains-
wick Church . . . . . . 16 Oct. ,,
Thomas Woolnough & Elinor, d. of John
Estcourt, of Rodboro', and married there 16 June ,,
Edward Parker & Ann Ridler, both of
Stroude, published in three severall
markett dayes in ye Citty of Gloucester 25 June ,,
Stephen Dudbridge, clothier, & Jane, d. of Mr.
John Hollyday, both of Woodchester 6 July ,,
John Harding, ye tayler, & [blank] Louday,
of Painswick, published in Painswick
Church . . . . . . 6 July ,,
John Sloper & Jane, d. of Thomas Bliss, of ye
Well, both of Painswick, published
three sevrall market dayes in Tewx-
bury . . . . . . . . — July „
Daniell Jenner, baker, & Dorathy Elliotts, both
ol Stonehowse, published three severall
markett dayes in ye Citty of Gloucester 20 July ,,
Richard Hilman & Elizabeth Heynes, both of
Painswick, published three severall
markett dayes in ye Citty of Gloucester — July ,,
Isaac Dansey, of Bisley, & Joane Watkins, of
Kingstandly . . . . 10 Aug. „
1655] Painswick Marriages. 21
Richard Webb, of Rodborough, clothier, and
Mary Hay ward (nee Hollyday) . . 29 Aug. 1655
John Bennett & Ann Millard, d. of Ursula,
wife of Joseph Whiting, both of Pains-
wick, published three sevrall markett
dayes in ye Citty of Gloucester .. 31 Aug. 1654
Richard Berrow, clothier, & Sarah Bath [ ]
(ne'e Stephens), w., published three
markett dayes in the Citty of
Gloucester . . . . 2 Sept. ,,
Thomas West, of Pilhowse, & Jane, d. of
William Phillipps, both of Painswick,
published three severall Lords dayes in
the parish of Painswick . . . . 7 Sept. „
Thomas Medock, of Taynton, & Joane, d. of
Gyles Knowles, of Painswick . . 11 Sept. ,,
Walter Wood & Alice Merrett, both of Pains-
wick, published three severall markett
dayes in the Citty of Gloucester . . 28 Sept. ,,
Thomas Challinder, the younger, of Harsfield,
cutter, & Hester Robins, of Strowde,
published three severall markett dayes
in the Citty of Gloucester . . 9 Oct. ,,
John Ludlow & Hanna Tomkins, both of
Foxcombe, in parish of Withington,
published three severall Lords dayes in
Withington . . . . . . 14 Oct. ,,
Thomas Harding, clothworker, & Jane Motley,
w., both of Painswick, published three
severall markett dayes in Painswick . . 3 Mar. ,,
John [ ], clothier, & Sarah, d. of
Thomas Winn, both of Painswick, pub-
lished three markett dayes . . about 16 June „
Richard Gayner, of Berkeley, & Rebecca
Browning, of Brockthrop, published
three market days . . . . . . 7 Mar. „
Samuell Prydy & Sarah Beard, both of
Standish . . . . . . . . 2 May 1655
Thomas Prydy & Mary Thick, both of
Standish .. .. .. .. 24 Feb. 1654
22 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1655
Samuell Segrey, of Leonard Standley, &
Elizabeth Jenner, of Harsfield . . 14 May 1655
Richard Tomkins & Joane Royk, both of
Harsfield . . . . . . . . 28 May „
Ismaell Hooper & Mary Lawrence, both of
Brimsfield . . . . . . 28 May „
William Browne, of Upton St. Leonards, &
Kathrine Castle, of Painswick . . 3 June ,,
Nathaniel Shatford, of Standish, & Mary
Hagues, of Stanley St. Leonards . . 14 July ,,
John Smith, of Frampton upon Severne, &
Elizabeth [Wathene ?], of Harescombe 30 July „
Thomas Wood & Sarah Clarke, both of
Painswick . . . . 18 Aug. „
Henry Castle, carpenter, & Joane Webb, both
of Painswick . . . . 3 Sept. „
Robert Webb & Sarah Knight, of King
Stanley .. .. .. .. 16 Sept. „
Thomas Chew & Ann Merret, both of Bisley 24 Sept. „
Richard Burrowes, of Withington, & Ann
Browne, of Cowley . . . . 1 7 Oct. „
Robert Flitcher, of Bisley, clothier, & Alice
Fowler, of Harsfield . . . . 22 Oct. „
William Barnfield & Mary Bennett, both of
Cranham . . . . . . . . 8 Jan. „
Thomas Chew & Ann Merrett, both of Besly 24 Sept. ,,
Robert Flesher, of Besly, & Allice Flowar, of
Luke Enggrom & Ann Hall, w.
Abraham Haines & Mary Smith
Francis Canton, of Stroud, & Elizobett Hard-
ing, of Painswick
Edward King & Mary Sanders, both of Hamp-
John Browning & Mary Bennott, both of
James Canton, of Stroud, & Mary Horwood 21 Jan.
Isaac Woodward & Isabell Gardner, both of
Stroud . . . . . . . . 26 Jan.
John Gardner & Mary Bicke . . . . 31 Jan.
22 Oct.
22 Oct.
8 Nov
16 Jan.
21 Jan.
21 Jan.
5 Feb.
io Feb.
1 8 Feb.
12 Feb.
1 8 Feb.
1656] Painswick Marriages. 23
John Bard & Mary Reeve, both of Hardwick 5 Feb. 1655
Richard Persons & Mary Davis, both of Bisley
Henry Turner, of Witcom, & Jane Browne . .
Daniell Capell & Elizabeth Cambridge, both
of Horsly
John Bond & Hester Watkins, both of Hars-
John Griffin & Anna Webb, both of Stroud, d.
of John Webb .. .. .. 19 Feb. ,,
Thomas Sewell & Elizabeth, d. of Henry
Turner, both of Bisley . 20 Feb. ,,
Henry Wathan & Jane Gardner .. .. 27 Feb. ,,
Jonas Wetmore & Jane Stapell, both of
Woodchester . . . . 6 Mar. ,,
Daniell Houlder, bucher, & Susanna Gardner 17 Mar. „
Thomas Neuill [? Nevill] & Elizabeth Window,
both of Bisley .. .. .. 18 Mar. „
Elias Howell & Mary Okey, both of Bisley . . 23 Mar. „
Richard Lewes & Mary Buckell, both of Hars-
field . . . . . . . . 24 Mar. ,,
John Okey & Joane Harding . . . . 16 July ,,
William Osburne, mason, & Mary Haines . . 19 Oct. „
Thomas Wilkins & Hanna Browning, both of
Woodchester . . . . . . 24 Dec. ,,
Clement Hogg & Kathraken Backon . . 31 Dec. ,,
William Symkins & Sarah West . . . . 3 1 Dec. „
Richard Tayler, mason, of Bisley, & Ann
Clements, w. . . . . 1 Feb. ,,
John Jacmons, of King Stanly, & Elizabeth
Cooke .. .. .. .. 25 Mar. 1656
John [?Tressell]& Ann Rogers, both of Bisley 27 Mar. „
William Backer & Jane Wilkins, both of
Randwick . . . . • • 7 Apr. „
John Hadderly & Margrate Parker . . 7 Apr. „
Samuell Bordley & Mary Boorram, both of
Estington . . . . . . 7 Apr. „
Obadia Cox & Mary Jacway, both of Bisley 14 Apr. ,,
William Brinkworth & Ann Willkins, both of
King Stanly . . . . . . 16 Apr. „
Thomas Wheler & Elizabeth Swayne . . 20 Apr. „
24 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1656
John Woodfall & Margery Averry, both of
Bisley . . . . . . 1 May 1656
John Wats & Elizabeth Leach, both of Stroud 19 May „
Henry Barnes & Ann Castle
Thomas Hobs, mason, & Mary Mason
Stephen Smith & Hester Davis, both of
Thomas Baldwin & Margreate Grining, both
of Hardwick
Robert Gardner & Ann Gardner
John Bayles, of Awre, & Ruth Playdell, of
Thomas Farinden & Joane Pytman, of
William Wiley, of Cyrencester, & Uzelly
[? Molly] Joanes
Nathaniel Willcokes & Judith Stiner, both of
Hugh Deny & Sarah Heston, both of Leonard
Philep Spille, of Kingstanly, & Mary
Thomas Sellwell & Ann Parry, both of
Leonard Stanly
Thomas Milard & Joane Telly, both of King
John Kearls, of Dursly, & Deborah Tee
Daniell Wilkins & Sarah Snow, both of Bisley 10 July „
Morrice Houlder & Sarah Smith, both of
Hampton . . . . . . ..11 July „
Eperaim Joanes, of Standish, & Elizabeth
Kinge [? Binge] . . . . . . 17 July „
Thomas Nicholls & Mary Frigge, both of
Rodborough . . . . 3 Aug. „
Daued Morgan & Jane Bennett . . . . 3 Aug. ,,
Thomas Harkett & Margery [ ], both of
Stroud . . . . . . 6 Aug. ,,
[All these parties aforesaid were married by John Lygon, one
of the justices of the peace of the County of Gloucester, who was
buried the tenth day of August, 1656.]
19 May
26 May
26 May
26 May
28 May
2 June
2 June
14 June
29 June
1 July
4 July
8 July
8 July
8 July
Painswick Marriages.
Robert Motly & Sarah Niblet
John Hilman & Hannah Smith
Thomas Burdocke & Anne Hardinge
John Poole [? Cooke] & Anne Rogers
Robert Buckle & Mary Clarke
James [ — ]unice, of Upton St. Leonards,
Mary Randle
Jeffery Sadler & Elizabeth Whitinge
David [? Daniel] Taylor & [ ] Piffe
Richard Gingil & [blank] Banknet
Edward Orford & Alice Taylor
John Edwards & Margery Blisse . .
John Stomer, of Stroud, & Mary Paines
Robert Rodway & Christian Winne
Henry Rodway, of Great Witcombe, & Hester
John Vzzle & Mary Hardinge
Richard Barnfeild & Sarah Browne
Robert Cooke & Winnefrid Moore
Thomas Zennings & Margaret Rogers
John Clissold & Sarah Swayne
John Nicholls & Elizabeth Clifford
Thomas Twynninge & Rebeka Greene
Stephen Maysee & Hannah Maysee
David Cugly & Mary Osborne
Gyles Taylor & Joane Sisum
William Watkins & Sarah Clayfeild
William Millard & Alice Tyler
Thomas Blisse* & Joane Gardner*
Jeremiah Ockold, of Miserden, & Hannah
Thomas Web & Ursula Harbert
Richard Hadnock, of Upton, & Alice Harding
Henry Wren & Mary Clissold
Robert Fryar & Elizabeth Taylor . .
Edward Wren & Elizabeth Maysee
Henry Wood & Anne Holder
John Gibbins & Elizabeth Osburne
Gyles Ben net & Mary Reeue
Daniell Hardinge & Sarah Short . .
8 Oct.
. 17 Oct.
2 Nov.
29 Feb.
24 Feb.
22 Apr.
• 8 July
23 Oct.
30 Oct.
9 Nov.
20 Dec.
14 Feb.
19 Feb.
• 15 Apr-
5 Sept.
29 Sept.
. 3 Oct.
7 Oct.
• 3° Aug.
27 Nov.
2 Dec.
26 Feb.
27 Apr.
28 June
• 17 Aug.
28 Sept.
. 15 Oct.
8 Dec.
31 Dec.
g 21 Jan.
1 1 Apr.
19 Apr.
9 June
12 June
• 10 July
27 Aug.
1 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1664
Thomas Gill & Hannah Reeue
John Beard & Hannah Hawker
Richard Jssold & Elizabeth Steward
Edmund Clements & Elionor Gardner
Robert White & Elizabeth Barns . .
Thomas Andrews & Elionor Hamond
Henry [?T]amedge & Joane Noxon
Robert Blisse & Mary Poole
Andrew Sole & Margaret Taylor
Thomas Yate, of Arlingham, & Anne Knight
John Kitson & Joane Jennings
James Hilman & Vrsula Harris
Thomas Short & Mary Teekel
Edward Wight & Deborah Downe
Richard Horston & Joane Web
Daniel Clissold & Anne West
Thomas Gregory & Judith Jaquez
William Little & Margaret Blisse
James Beard & Mary Townshill
Daniell Millard & Margaret Longdon
William Pit & Anne Merret
James Winchcombe & Rebekah Dorwood
Shadrach Ginny & Margaret Foster
William Randell & Anne Berrow, both of
Downe Hatherly
Thomas Holliday & Mary Loueday
Henry Wheeler & Mary Dowell
John Walkly & Sarah Berriman
Thomas Winn* & Anne Wicke
John Organ & Hester Prune
John Holder & Joane Townsend
Edward Watkins & Anne Hilman
Edward Okey & Adriana Jones
John Gardner"' & Sarah Dorwood
Daniell Twynninge & Hester Kitson
Henry Brian & Jane Woodward
James Ellis & Mary Lewis
James Blanch & Hester Wheeler . .
Thomas Vaughan, of Glouc, & Mary Church,
of Stroud
4 Oct.
7 Nov.
4 Dec.
26 Jan.
5 Feb.
18 June
5 Nov.
9 Nov.
26 Dec.
4 Jan.
15 Feb.
24 Feb.
16 Apr.
14 May
20 May
20 May
5 June
16 June
30 June
1 July
1 Oct.
18 Oct.
3 Jan.
14 Feb.
7 Sept.
26 Sept.
3 Nov.
3 Nov.
20 Jan.
ii Feb.
23 Mar.
24 Mar.
2 Apr.
30 Apr.
14 May
16 May
14 June
18 Aug. „
Painswick Marriages.
William Maysee & Sarah Boyce
Thomas Knowls & Anne Cofnodon
John Cudd & Anne Charles
Edward Clements & Joane Mason . .
Henry Knight & Susanna Hieron
William Pit & Mary Barnfield
Robert Hillman & Anne Rogers
Robert Lord & Hester Berry
Stephen Wood & Joane Wintle
Richard Collins, of Stroud, & Judith Mayo,
Richard Blakney & Jane Clarke
Gyles Wilts [?] & Hannah Plumer
Henry Fletcher & Mary Gardner
Richard Hilman & Mary Jones
Samuel Wood & Alice Holliday
John Tunly & Margaret Cooke
Henry Brunsen & Anne Gibbins
Samuell Russell & Hester Lord
Richard Cooke & Jane Taylor
William Sheild & Elizabeth Packer
James King & Sarah Packer
William Hillard & Sarah Rodway
John Parke & Mary Beard
John Pawlin* & Sarah Merret
Henry Knowls & Elizabeth Venton
John Niblet & Judith Peace
John Wheeler & Hester Whiting
Daniell Turret & Sarah Maddocks
James Dauis & Hannah Munden
John Rodway & Elionor Hatherel
Thomas Clissold & Joane Munden
George Kinne & Elionor Win
Thomas Cartwright & Deborah Downs
Thomas Loueday & Margery Gibbins
John Smart & Mary Packer
Stephen Townshill & Hannah Wookey
Richard Hilman & Patient Osburne
John Tucke & Mary Maysee
Thomas Win & Mary Boys
1 Oct. 1668
12 Nov. „
4 Apr. 1669
20 May „
29 Aug. „
6 Sept. ,,
4 Oct. ,,
19 Oct. „
1 Nov. „
7 Nov. „
5 Dec. ,,
15 Dec. „
12 Feb. „
5 Oct. 1670
13 Oct. „
28 Nov. „
29 Dec. „
21 Jan. „
27 Feb. „
16 Apr. 167 1
15 May „
13 July „
6 Aug. „
5 Oct. „
13 Oct. „
16 Oct. „
27 Dec. ,,
10 May
27 May
16 June
17 June
1 July
8 July
1 Oct.
12 Oct.
13 Oct.
21 Oct.
9 Dec.
26 Dec.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1672
John Beard & Judith Barns
Daniel Washburne & Mary Castle
William Watkins & Hannah Perry
John Ireland & Anne Niblet
George Philips & Sarah Poole
Thomas Gay & Sarah Wood
Thomas Porter & Alice Browne
Ambrose Hewet & Annah Gilman
John Haines & Anne Palmer
John Peere & Margaret Timbrel
Richard White & Hanah Castle
John Gardner & Elisabeth Tunly
William Wastfeild & Anne Mason
Gyles Wheeler & Mary Sims
John Rodway & Mary Coolis
Henry Winchcomb & Hester Dorwood
Thomas Browninge & Anne Wotten
John Holder & Martha Maundy
Gyles West & Sybilla West
James Chew & Anne ffeild
William Warneford* & Mary Wick
Richard Welsh & Elizabeth Little
Arthur West & Hester Winchcombe
Gyles Jones & Hester Gide
Richard Gardner & Hannah Harris
William Bayley & Mary Budden
John Burdocke & Jane Goffe
Thomas Bayly & Mary Coles
John Mower & Ruth Gide
John Bick & Anne Pent . .
James Loueday & Mary Smith
Stephen West & Elizabeth Castle
Anthony Granzum & Mary Twynninge
John Jinny & Mary Hopkins
Daniel Wilse & Joane Gill
Thomas Jones & Mary Kitson
George Watkins & Sarah Charls
Joseph Baise & Susana Andrews
John Cooke & Anne Daw
Thomas Turbet & Margery Aldridge
26 Dec.
26 Dec.
28 Dec.
31 Mar.
12 June
3° June
10 Aug.
9 Nov.
20 Nov.
24 Nov.
30 Nov.
19 Mar.
30 July
13 Sept.
1 Oct.
3 Dec.
7 Apr.
27 Apr.
1 May
29 May
24 June
29 June
3 Feb.
27 Mar.
4 May
4 May
14 May
16 May
11 June
12 Oct.
26 Dec.
15 Feb.
15 Mar.
5 July
14 July
1 Oct.
16 Oct.
21 Oct.
25 Dec.
1 Jan.
Painswick Marriages.
Joseph Brian & Mary Turret
Stephen Hunt & Sarah Peirce
Richard Win & Margery Hunt
Joseph Wintell & Hester Wood
Daniell Barns & Mary Euans
Charls White & Sarah Knowls
Gyles Whitinge & Sarah Venton
Edmund Cartwright & Sarah Wyman
William Eldridge & Anne Andrews
John Wits & Elionor Brown
Daniell Rolfe & Annah Lawrence . .
Thomas Hower & Mary Cooke
Cutbert Hardinge & Jane Willis
William Averies & Anne Gardner . .
William Hutkins & Sara Hunt
Richard Birt & Elizabeth Win
Edward Pawlin & Grace Gardner . .
Daniel Jenner & Elizabeth Web
John Hammonds & Elizabeth Jelfs
Samuel Birt & Joane Sauage
John Wynford, esquire, & Mrs. Dorothy Fry
William Steele & Mary Browne
John Hobs & Hester Bayly
Thomas Twynninge & Hester Budden
John Allway & Elizabeth Neale
Jacob Mower & Mary Gardner
Walter Merret & Anne Blisse
Richard Lewis & Barbara Venton . .
Josiah Dorwood & Frances Smith . .
John Venton & Francis Bird
Anselme Jenner & Mary Watkins
Thomas West & Hannah Greene
Richard Jones & Elizabeth Tunly
Daniell Knowls & Hester Jeffs
Joseph Wintle & Hester Barnard
Isaac Worfeild & Anne Twyning
John Bowly & Hannah Lewis
Thomas Hulbert & Joane Shot
John Aueries & Mary Taylor
Edward Gardner & Mary Motly
14 Jan.
10 Feb.
17 Mar.
31 Mar.
31 Mar. „
13 June „
9 July „
13 July „
22 Sept. „
27 Sept. „
15 Oct. „
17 Oct. „
29 Oct. ,,
1 Dec. ,,
20 Feb. ,,
24 Feb. „
8 May 1679
19 May „
9 Sept. „
1 1 Sept. „
18 Sept. „
12 Oct. „
31 Dec. „
19 Feb. „
20 Feb.
12 Apr.
26 Apr.
29 Apr.
13 May
30 May
5 Aug.
31 Aug.
29 Sept.
30 Sept.
4 Oct.
17 Oct.
19 Oct.
30 Oct.
5 Nov.
6 Dec.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1680
William Winchcombe & Mary Cugly . . 9 Feb.
John Waite & Margaret Browne . . 4 Apr.
John Powell & Alice Harrison, of Glouc. . . 4 July
Joseph Osburne & Katherine Parseley . . 23 June
Francis Ridler & Elisabeth Hardinge . . 21 Aug.
Charles Stephens & Rebecca Hayward . . 30 Aug.
Thomas Bosly & Margaret Browninge . . 2 Oct.
William Wheeler & Mary Hilman . . 3 Oct.
Thomas Kinge & Anne Gardner . . . . 30 Oct.
John West & Mary Cowly . . . . 6 Nov.
Thomas Browninge & Sarah Watkins . . 26 Dec.
Richard Palmer & Sarah Birt . . . . 2 Feb.
Richard Rogers & Mary Berriman . . 20 Apr.
John Osburne & Elisabeth Smith . . . . 21 May
Hues Vzzell & Jane Chads . . 23 May
Gyles Poole & Sarah Cooke . . . . 4 June
William Gibbins & Dorothy Brooks . . 10 June
Simon Lloyd & Mary Woodward . . . . 22 June
Richard Sollars & Elizabeth Barnwood . . 27 Sept.
Thomas Aueries & Elizabeth Wheeler . . 8 Oct.
Richard Wilson & Martha Loueday . . 17 Oct.
Arthur Gunn & Sarah Harris . . . . 7 Nov.
Joseph Lewis & Hannah Motley . . . . 30 Nov.
Henry Beard & Mary Kinge . . . . 1 Jan.
Henry Wigall & Margery Hardinge . . 7 Jan.
Jame Parker & Sarah Cooke . . ..21 May
James West & Mary Osburne . . 23 May
Nathaniell Holder & Izabell Tunly . . 3 July
James Bissell & Hester Biddell . . . . 6 July
John Turner & Margaret Andrews . . 10 July
John Blackwell & Joane Greening . . 4 Oct.
William Stratford & Sarah Pettit . . 7 Jan.
Edward Gardner, of Paintswick, co. Glouc,
bachr, ab* 21 (with consent of Parents),
& Mary Cake, of Cosse, in sd co., spr,
ab* 2if with consent of her mother
[blank] Cake, alias Fletcher ; alleged by
Thos. Mee, of the city of Gloucester,
gent., at Paintswick or [blank]. Mar.
Alleg. Vic. Gen. Archbp. of Cant. . . 8 Feb. 168J
Painswick Mairrages.
William Osburne & Adriana Jones
John Holdy & Alice Jones
William Uudly & Sarah Gransmore
Thomas Woodard & Sarah Wheeler
Daniell Beard & Hannah Capell
James Gransmore & Elizabeth Harding, w.
Anthony Wynn & Elizabeth Hunt
John Tunley & Abigail Burt
Daniell Vaisey & Anne Barns
John Close & Dorothy Keen
Edward Estcourt & Mary Andrews
William Messenger* & Edith Hillman
Giles Rodway & Anne Symons
Samuell Merret & Ursula Stratford
Stephen Jones & Ester Stratford . .
John Adey [? Oldey], of Dursley, & Ester
Gardner, of this p.
Stephen West & Rebekah Matthews
John Gardner & Anne Herbert
Thomas Bailey & Jane Pinchin
John Twininge & Anne West
Richard Ebsworth & Hannah Wrenn
William Chandler, of Randwick, & Deborah
Browning, of this p.
Ralph Ireland & Hester Williams
Samell Wood & Jane Venton
William Belcher & Alice Wilcocks, of Rand
Samuell Prickley & Mary Tanner . .
Anselm Belcher & Joane Pearce, of Randwick
Thomas English, of Leonard Standley, &
Sarah Nowell
John Davis & Mary Symmons, of Bissley . .
Richard White & Rebekah Wilshear
Richard Selwyn & Hester Baily
Thomas Gabb, of Stroud, & Hannah Watkins
Joseph Guilliam & Dorothy Merriman
John Bates & Ruth Wheeler
John Cook & Mary Smith
Edward Lucas & Deborah Morgan
10 May 1684
18 May „
3 Aug. „
14 Oct. ,,
14 Feb. ,,
6 Dec. 1685
10 Jan. „
4 Apr. „
5 Apr. ,,
5 Apr. „
25 Apr. 1686
30 May „
3 June ,,
11 June „
1 1 June „
13 June „
24 June „
[blank] ,,
2 Jan. „
5 Feb. „
13 Feb. „
12 Apr. „
1 May 1687
1 May „
2 May „
17 May „
4 July „
28 July „
4 Sept. ,,
3 Nov. „
26 Dec. ,,
[blank] ,,
4 Feb. „
19 Feb. ,,
3 Mar. „
13 Feb. 1688
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1688
Moses Powell & Winifrid Weight . .
William Tunley & Elizabeth Burt
Richard Selwood & Margaret Lowe
Thomas Wileley & Judith Harcut
William Wynn & Joane Hillman
Thomas Mollins & Elizabeth Tombs
William King, of Minchin Hampton, & Mary
Samuel Wallis, of Burford,t & Katherine
Charls May, of Tedbury, & Anne Warner, of
Henry Turner & Mary Osborne
John Motley & Mary Loe
William Issold & Ester Holder
Thomas Little & Joan Gardner
Daniel Wrenn & Elizabeth Riddal . .
John Denton & Hannah Gransmore
Richard Holliday & Elizabeth Smith
Thomas Wynn, jun., & Anne Dymrey
John Gill & Elizabeth Loe
Samuel Beard & Mary Stratford
Thomas Wager, of Miserdine, & Elizabeth
Daniel Cratchly & Ester Blanch
John Millard, jun., & Elizabeth Osborne
Edward Wheeler & Sarah Cook
John Cook, tyler, & Ellinor Witts . .
Edward Welch & Ester Miles
Thomas Hessox & Anne Cud
James Miles, of Glouc, & Mary Stephens
John Bates & Elizabeth King
Thomas Wood & Elizabeth Harding
Josiah Clissold & Elizabeth Mayo
William Wynn & Alice Jones
Joseph Baise & Mary Osborne
12 June 168S
28 Oct. „
29 Oct. „
30 Dec. „
11 Feb. „
12 Feb. ,,
16 Feb. „
4 Mar. ..
9 Mar.
31 Mar.
1 Apr.
6 Apr.
8 Aug.
18 Jan.
19 Jan.
16 Nov.
3 Dec.
23 Feb.
18 Oct.
19 Nov.
26 Dec.
20 Jan.
21 Jan.
26 Sept.
2 Oct.
7 Oct.
27 Feb.
27 Feb.
28 Feb.
27 Apr.
3 June
12 Sept.
t 1688/9. Feb. 19. Samuel Wallis, of Burford, co. Oxon, bachr., abt.
24, & Catherine Rogers, of Beesley, co. Glouc, abt. 25, at own disp.; at
Beesley or Painswick, co. Glouc. Mar. Alleg. Vic. Gen. Archbp. of
Painsivick Marriages.
Joseph Wintle & Katherine Webbe
William Randle & Elizabeth Stratford
Richard Wilshear & Sarah Beard
Edward Perkins & Anne Brimsone
Thomas Sadler & Ester Motley
Giles Taylor & Jane Boyce
Richard Gardner,* de Damsels, & Elizabeth
Giles Jones & Hannah Bailey
John White & Susannah Watkins
Edward Gardner & Elizabeth Gardner
George Bailey & Elizabeth Walkley
William Lawrence & Anne Clissold, w.
Stephen Millard & Anne Holder
Nicolas Hodgkins & Mary Holder
Robert Hillman & Jane Holliday
John Clissold & Sarah White
Edward Mills & Elizabeth Skidmore
Edward Clissold, of Cirencester, & Elizabeth
John Cook, weaver, & Sarah Nickols
Daniel King & Margreet Cuggley
William Jaques & Judith Burt
William Frankis & Anne Smith
William Hamlin & Mary Nicholls
Henry Clark & Sarah Driver
John Gardner & Katherine Wells
Henry Harbert & Jane Harding
John King & Anne Driver
Thomas Burt & Anne Hillman
James Hayward & Hannah Martin
Edward Stokes & Hannah Croker
William Wynn & Mary Clark
John Cadell, alias Walle, & Anne Stephens . .
Edward Browne, of Side, & Mary Tunley . .
George Hodges, of Stroud, & Ursala Millard
Sam Wood & Elizabeth Jones
Samuel Arundel, de Stroud, & Elizabeth
Phillips ..
Edmonde Holder & Deborah Bliss
Gloucester— VI 1 1 .
1 Oct. 1693
15 Oct. „
16 Dec. ,,
16 Sept. 1694
30 Sept. „
1 Nov. „
24 Jan. ,,
28 Jan. „
3 Mar. „
22 June 1695
28 Sept. ,,
9 Oct. „
24 Oct. ,,
25 Oct. „
29 Oct. „
13 May 1696
19 May „
2 July „
14 July „
27 July „
1 Oct. ,,
16 Dec. „
20 Dec. „
27 Dec. ,,
28 Feb. „
5 Apr. 1697
26 July „
28 Nov. „
25 Jan. „
11 Feb. „
6 Mar. „
[blank] 1698
[blank] ,,
[blank] ,,
31 June ,,
23 Aug. „
30 Aug. „
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1698
Henry King, of Rodborough, & Rebecca
Roland Wood, gent.,& Mrs. Judith Cartwright
Daniell Harding & Margaret Nicolls
Robert Hornett & [blank] Beard
James Watkyns & Mary Gransmore
Edwarde Harbut & Elizabeth Buckle
John Stephens, of Gyting, & Hanah Lawrence
de Shipton Oliff
Robert Morgan, of Stroud, & Hester Wood
John Basksdale, of Cirencester, & Elizabeth
Warnforde, of Miserdine
John Ellis & Sarah Ireland
Jeremiah Clissold & Hannah Barnfield
Daniell Berry & Anne Ridler
Jerimiah Thomas & Joan Harding . .
William Pauling* & Sarah Pauling*
Thomas Pritchet & Mary Haynes . .
John Smith & Elizabeth Tounsende
Thomas Peyne, of Stroud, & Hester Perry
William Gardiner & Mary Hatton . .
William Packer & Christian Baily . .
Thomas Baily & Hannah Tailor
John Wood & Anne Overbury
John Pool, of Lie, & Margary Wren
James Gransmore, carpenter, & Elizabeth
John Turner, taylor, & Hester Carter
John Apperly, of Stroud, clothworker, & Anne
Nathaniel Beard, weaver, & Beata Wood
John Gardiner, weaver, & Mary Webb, of
John Cadewell, baker, & Abigail" Knowles
William Beard, weaver, & Sarah Shatford
John Gardiner, weaver, & Hester Rodway
Thomas Wren, husbandman, & Hester Dud
Robert Burrows, sergeweaver, & Elizabeth
29 Sept.
1 May
2 Sept.
18 Dec.
2 Apr.
2 May
21 May
3 July
9 July
25 Aug.
3 Oct.
22 Dec.
26 Dec.
17 Feb.
2 Apr.
21 Apr.
7 June
29 June
6 July
28 Sept.
18 Oct.
19 Oct.
2 Nov.
9 Nov.
15 Dec.
25 Dec.
30 Dec.
3 Jan.
9 Feb.
12 Feb. ,,
30 Apr. 1702
1704] Painswick Marriages. 35
James Hilman, weaver, & Sarah Castle .. 4 June 1702
Josiah Gardiner, weaver, & Elizabeth
Wheeler . . . . . . . . 10 Oct. ,,
Daniel Hasleton, weaver, & Hester Cud . . 10 Oct. ,,
Henry Wood, weaver, & Sarah Hasleton . . 10 Oct. „
James Niblet, of Bisley, weaver, & Martha
Sewel . . . . . . ..21 Nov. „
Robert Hilman, husbandman, & Winifred
Nathaniel Hilman, weaver, & Mary Holder . .
Thomas Harris, day-labourer, & Mary Tunly
Stephen Sadler, weaver, & Hester Ireland . .
Edward Selwin, of Rodborow, weaver, &
Susan Motly
John Hilman, weaver, & Alice Berriman
James Coping, labourer, & Ann Watkins
John Bungett, weaver, & Hannah Lewis . . 27 Apr. 1703
Daniell Terret, translator, & Elizabeth Nichols
William Beard, weaver, & Anne Carpenter . .
Stephen Cud, labourer, & Joan Stephens
William Mills, labourer, & Joanna Coles
Henry Brunson, farmer, & Hannah Nichols
Edmund Holder, butcher, & Elizabeth
John Stephens, weaver, & Margaret Pettit . . 30 Mar. 1704
James Beard, tailor, & Sarah Hobbs
Joseph Parker, of Dursley, weaver, & Hannah
James Loveday, farmer, & Hester Harding . .
Daniel Edwards, tucker, & Mary Andrews . .
John Merrel, hatter, Quaker, & Hester Talbott
Robert Browning, husbandman, & Anne Bliss
William Flo}^, labourer, & Mary Bedle
William Ireland, labourer, & Hannah Frier
Henry Restell, weaver, of Stroud, & Elizabeth
William Bailey, weaver, & Elizabeth Cam
John Gyde, weaver, & Elizabeth Holder
Robert Averys, labourer, & Elizabeth Hilman
Gyles Harding, weaver, & Sarah Wood
29 Dec.
1 Jan.
10 Jan.
n Jan.
15 Jan.
9 Feb.
24 Apr.
27 Apr.
1 May
20 May
20 Sept.
29 Sept.
5 Oct.
28 Dec.
30 Mar.
23 Apr.
2 May
18 May
10 Sept.
5 Oct.
12 Oct.
28 May
27 Nov.
19 Dec.
12 Jan.
25 Jan.
30 Jan.
4 Feb.
D 2
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1704
William Wren, baker, & Mary Tucker
Thomas Hawker, of Santers, labourer, &
Sarah Smith
Thomas Cook, weaver, of Miserden, & Anne
Richard Apperley, tucker, of Stroud, &
Hannah Power
James Ellis, weaver, & Elizabeth Eagles
William Turner, weaver, & Sarah Beard
Thomas Rowland, weaver, of Stroud, & Jane
Samuel Cowley, of Estington, weaver, &
Hester Hobbs
William Gardiner, of Stroud, tucker, & Eliza-
beth Hadnock
Anthony Win, of Stroud, weaver, & Mary
William Wastfield, farmer, & Mary Ady
Thomas Smart, clothier, & Hester Oakey
Thomas Newcomb, weaver, & Mary Berry . .
Richard Watkins, yeoman, & Jane Clements
[End of Book.]
Volume III.
Ambros Huett & Hannah Adey
Thomas Stephens & Sarah Watkins
William Harman & Marey Stephens
Richard Cooke & Marey Bayley
William Hall & Ann Trustrom
Thomas Jones & Marey Overbery . .
Richard Cudd & Marey Bishop
Samuel Clisold & Elizabeth Mesenger
William West & Marey Beard
Joseph Webbley & Joan Shipton
Thomas Turnner & Margret Jefett
Morice Hareson & Sarah Prichett . .
John Brown & Marey Holdey
John Long & Marey Powell
Robert Gardner & Martha Gardner
Thomas Gill & Hester West
11 Feb.
11 Feb.
8 Apr.
5 Apr.
15 Apr.
2 May
27 May
27 June
7 Oct.
8 Oct.
1 Nov.
22 Nov.
7 Jan.
15 Feb.
2 Feb.
13 Feb.
1 Nov.
• • 5 Apr.
22 Mar.
2 Apr.
3 Apr.
. . 17 May
23 May
2 Oct.
. . 4 Oct.
9 Oct.
21 Sept.
11 Nov.
25 Nov.
5 Dec.
1 71 1
1 7 14]
Painsivick Man'iages.
John Clapon & Elizabeth Fryer
Samuel Merrett & Ann Cook
Thomas Bird & Sarah Child
Thomas Collins & Sarah Palmor
William Bayly & Francis Holdey . .
William Cooke & Hannah More
Charles Marman & Ruth Blainch . .
William Knowles & Hester Cowley
Charles Cole & Sarah Bayley
Jeremiah Wall & Margret Wegell . .
Antoney Reeve & Marey Castell
Nathaniel Holder & Jane Tunley . .
Richard Jones & Hannah Tunley . .
William Gidd & Sarah Isold
Samuel Wood & Sarah Jones
William Williss & Hester Turner . .
William Bennett & Hester King
Thomas Harriss & Judey Ley married
Daniel Eliss & Beater Dudley
Thomas Bird & Sarah Child
Richard Gardner & Sarah West
John Sollis & Elizabeth Osborn* . .
William Dowell & Elizabeth Sho . .
James Verender & Sarah Bronsend
Thomas Wildey & Joan Whadley . .
John Beard & Margret Stiles
Nicklos Bailey & Elizabeth Biley . .
Daniel Knowls & Mary Poulson
Thomas Gardner & Beater Beard . .
Daniel Escoat & Sarah Hobbs
Richard Earp & Mary Renn
Samuel Twining & Elizabeth Bayley
William Wall & Marey Bayley * . .
Daniel Shatford & Marey Gardner
John Overbury & Hannah Bryan . .
Samuel Cook & Marey Cook
James Smart & Marey Eliss
John Marsey & Dorotey Gibbins . .
William Dudley & Sarah Ockey . .
John Ridwell & Marey Holder
i Jan. 17 1 1
5 Jan. „
[blank] 1 7 1 2
19 May „
8 June „
9 June „
13 July „
7 Oct. „
13 Oct. „
26 Oct. „
19 Nov. „
30 Nov. „
12 Feb. „
14 Feb. ,,
16 Feb. „
Apr. 1714 [? 1713]
6 Apr. „
7 Apr. „
9 Apr. „
21 Apr. ,,
S May „
5 June „
6 June „
iS July „
22 July „
20 Aug. „
23 Aug. „
19 Sept. „
20 Sept. ,f
23 Sept. „
1 Oct. „
10 Oct. „
5 Nov. „
8 Nov. „
12 Nov. „
15 Nov. „
16 Nov. ,,
22 Nov. ,,
12 Dec. „
26 Dec. ,,
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [17
John Hunt & Hannah Wood
James Webb & Elizabeth Watkins . .
[ ] Cothridg & Elizabeth Pouell . .
Henry Crouder & Marey Cromwell
John Hore & Marey Edwards
John Gardner & Hannah Burdock
William Fryer & Dority Daviss
William Winn & Sarah Gardner
Richard Sterrey & Jane Jenkins
Samuel Bower & Sarah Wheeler . .
Robert Hobbs & Ann Hillman
Thomas Hillman & Sarah Hillman
Joseph Welles & Elizabeth Wheeler
Daniel Merrett & Uslah Barnfield
Thomas Dunn & Avriss [blank]
John Land & Sarah Smith
James Niblet & Elizabeth Wheeler
John Bates & Joan Hornet
Daniel Gardner & Hester Lye
Daniel West & Maury Reeve
Charles Ireland & Elizabeth Hodges
John Elots & Elizabeth Huse
William King & Sarah Wastfield
John Taylar & Hannah Harding
James King & Debrah Gardner
Daniel Union & Elizabeth Wooley
Giles Gardner & Sarah Fisher
Daniel King & Mary Jones
William Bishop & Deborah Besley
William Copner & Jane Withen
John Averis & Sarah Knowles
Richard Cook & Mary Hobbs
John Huse & Susannah Turner
Henry Wrenn & Martha Willkins
John Hill & Elizabeth [ ]
Thomas Twining & Jane Clements
Daniell Cooke & Hannah Fisher
Joseph Carter & Hannah Hide
Daniel Merrett & Mary Wicks
Edward Gransmore & Mary Hilman
9 Jan.
17 Jan.
8 May
8 July
12 Aug.
19 Aug.
3 Oct.
3 Oct.
9 Oct.
17 Oct.
18 Oct.
20 Nov.
4 Dec.
30 Dec.
22 Jan.
24 Feb.
27 Feb.
22 Sept.
16 Oct.
24 Oct.
24 Oct.
30 Oct.
1 Feb.
2 Feb.
6 Feb.
4 Mar.
1 Apr.
2 Apr.
20 May
11 June
7 Aug.
30 Sept.
4 Oct.
Mar. 1 717
1 1
Painswick Marriages.
Henry Clark & Mary Hunt
Richard Oliver & Mary Packer
William Keen* & Ann Castle*
Robert Symons & Margarett West
John Matthews & Mary Jones
William Wildy & Jane Lediard
William Wheeler & Elisabeth Flude
William Nickols & Mary Wheeler
William Lediard & Elizabeth Adey
Charles Pullam & Mary Rogers
John Holder & Margaret Perrin
Phillip Wheeler & Ann Castle
Thomas Howel & Mary Merrett
Mr. Littleton Lawrence & Mrs. Hannah
William Hunt & Sarah Jones
William Geale & Elisabeth Ireland
Jaremiah Caudle & Ann Wan ford
Stephen Bail)' & Elisabeth Millard
Anselem Ridler & Elisabeth Bates
Edward Weltch & Mary Gardner
Richard Coules & Mary Clishold
Edward Danford & Mary Harbert
Robert Grimes & Elisabeth Niblett
Thomas Perkings & Sarah Burdock
John Jones & Ursula Gardner
John Fletcher & Mary Blucke
Stephen Cook & Ann Mills
Richard King & Mary Cook
George Bent & Elisabeth Tunly
Giles Whitein & Elisabeth Osborn
John Barnfield & Margaret Hawker
Stephen Townsel & Hester Burnett
John Castel & Elizabeth Sollors
Thomas Averys & Mary Fluid
Ralf Nickols & Hannah Heskett . .
Daniel Packer* & Sarah Purrock*
William Venton & Sarah Humpheris
Richard Baily & Sarah Turner
Samuel Morgon & Jane Barnfield . .
1 June
23 June
1 Aug.
21 Sept.
23 Sept.
21 Oct.
10 Nov.
10 Dec.
29 Jan.
1 Feb.
17 Apr.
4 May
7 May
26 Aug.
27 Sept.
2 Oct.
5 Oct.
6 Oct.
2 Dec.
28 Dec.
7 Feb.
7 Feb.
31 Mar.
5 Apr.
1 1 Apr.
26 Apr.
14 Jan.
26 July
16 Aug.
17 Aug.
13 Sept.
10 Sept.
10 Sept.
10 Nov.
12 Nov.
16 Nov.
14 Feb.
28 Jan.
4 May
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1720
John Goff & Hester Geale
John Worfield & Mary Phillips
Richard Page & Grace Cole
Thomas Harris & Elizabeth Barnfield*
Thomas Geale & Ann Holder
John King & Hannah Woodfield
Mr. John Shureing & Elisabeth Scamell,
p. Tedbuery
Thomas Winn & Hannah Packer
Joseph Feathorn & Mary Wick
William Baily & Mary Palmer
William Browning & Tacey Blackney
Thomas Gardner & Hannah Niblett
John Smith & Sarah Winchcombe
John Beard & Elisabeth Wildey
John Witts & Alice Brimyeard
Henry Field & Abigail George
Richard Merett & Mary Palmer
Ephraim Harper & Elisabeth Basset
William Powell & Elianer Tyler
Allen Turner & Hannah Hambury
Francis Roberson & Elisabeth Baily
Richard Raisher & Ann Orgin
John Wood & Abigail Fryer
John Cook & Elisabeth Ireland
William Kinner & Mary Land
John Stollard & Sarah West
Thomas Smith & Jane Castle
William Issol & Mary Shatford
Thomas Beathell & Sarah Gardner
Daniel Cook & Mary Motley
John Munden & Hannah Lawrance
Robert Edges & Mary Gardner
Richard Browning & Sarah Motley
Henry Hall & Mary Osborn
John Burt & Martha Gardner
Samuel Parslow, of Stroud, & Mary Clayfield,
of Randwick
John Merrydeath, Stroud, & Hester Lawrance,
of Randwick
11 May
18 July
5 Aug-
13 Oct.
27 Nov.
1 Jan.
28 Jan.
1 8 Apr.
20 June
6 Aug.
2 Oct.
28 Nov.
3° Jan.
1 Feb.
25 Mar.
15 Mar.
26 June
15 Oct.
28 Oct.
29 Oct.
29 Dec.
31 Dec.
6 Jan.
5 Feb.
17 Feb.
17 Feb.
19 Feb.
21 Feb.
8 Apr.
14 Apr.
21 Apr.
2 Mar.
20 June
3° June
2 July
14 July
21 July
Painswick Marriages.
John Pinfould & Sarah Cole
William Watkings &. Mary Rowles,of Rand wick
Charles Winchcombe & Hannah Church
John Marie & Sarah Vicke, of Randwick
Samuel Aldridge & Ann Worfield . .
John Standly & Mary Stephens
William Twinning & Jane Reane . .
Joseph Hiscock & Sarah Townsell
Samuel Couldstone & Elizabeth
of Randwick
John Copping & Elizabeth Harris
Giles Whiting & Hester Turner
Daniel Berry & Mary Barnfield
Samuel Elliss & Sarah Ireland
John White, of Standish, & Sarah Beard,
this p.
Thomas Standly & Martha King
Daniel Packer & Margaret S}Tmons
George Newman & Sarah Elliss
William Mayo & Ann Hilman
Samuel Horlick & Hester Cole
William Milie |?] & Elizabeth Cook
Henry Baily & Mary Castle, alias Cook
William Tipping & Elizabeth Buckle
Stephen Wood & Margaret Clarck
John Clarck & Elizabeth Wood
Thomas Earle & Mary Ridler
William Beard & [blank] . .
John Nickols & Ann Hobbs
Daniel Jeacks & Margaret Tailer . .
Nathaniel Day & Sarah Holder
Thomas Dangefield & Hannah Wellings
Daniel Castle & Elizabeth Carter . .
Daniel Bliss & Sarah Jones
Samuel Watkins & Sarah Wick
Benjamin Cook & Sarah Merrett
John Forester & Hannah Wastfield
Daniel Cook & Elizabeth Fisher
James Gransmore & Mary Ridler . .
William Mores & Ann Hains
22 Aug.
ck 4 Sept.
8 Sept.
29 Sept.
. . 21 Oct.
. . 28 Oct.
22 Dec.
10 Jan.
14 Jan.
.. 27 Jan.
6 Apr.
9 Apr.
16 Apr.
4 Aug.
16 Aug.
16 Aug.
22 Aug.
4 Oct.
. . 11 Oct.
. . 25 Oct.
6 Dec.
10 Jan.
19 Apr.
22 Apr.
21 June
• • 24 July
15 Sept.
. . 31 Oct.
13 Nov.
15 Nov.
29 Nov.
6 Jan.
. . 28 Feb.
24 June
4 Aug.
31 Dec.
1 Feb.
5 Feb.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1727
Daniel Edwards & Jone Wildey
John Webb & Mary Cole
John Cook & Elizabeth Gill, of Miserdine
John Sculprater & Hannah Averis
Jarrett Roberts & Joyce Clements
Michael Bridges* & Elizabeth Sparrow*
Richard Gardner & Ann Darke
Robert Long & Catharine Guest, of Tedbury
William Watkins & Sarah Bubb, of Barnwood
William Wilshire & Mary Haynes
John Ockel & Ann Griffets, of Cranham
Thomas Holder & Ann Clarck*
Edward Godding & Elizabeth Harris
Samuel Beard & Elizabeth Wood
John King* & Ann Bliss . .
Thomas Perkins & Jane Shilton
John Wood & Elizabeth Smith
William Willis & Ann Stephens
Walter Castle* & Eleanor Powel*
Capel Stephens & Susanna King
William Stephens & Mary Averis
Stephen Page & Sarah Hobbs
Ralf Howly & Mary Baily
Edward Gransmore & Hester Randle
Stephen Winn & Sarah Sadler
Henry Coscon & Elizabeth Lane
John Gill & Margaret Lewis
Daniel Clarke & Hester Lediard
Henry Wood & Daynty Copner
Jacob Jones & Susannah Stephens
John Wingale & Mary Wood
James Barnfield & Hannah Castle
Abraham Fisher & Barbara Wood
John Gyde & Elizabeth Averis
Stephen Hobbs & Elizabeth Lovett
Robert Hobbs & Alee White
Thomas Hague & Mary Browning
William Beard & Mary Mathews .
Thomas Gardner & \blank\ Davis .
Thomas Pauling & Elizabeth Harris
7 Apr.
12 Apr.
9 May
23 June
5 Oct.
24 Dec.
29 Dec.
6 Apr.
8 Jan.
18 Jan.
27 Feb.
15 Apr.
26 Apr.
9 May
13 Oct.
16 Oct.
16 Oct.
2 Nov.
3 Nov.
4 Jan.
18 Jan.
3 Feb.
3 Feb.
19 Apr.
27 Apr.
11 June
23 June
18 July
23 July
9 Sept.
9 Sept.
17 Sept.
5 Oct.
11 Oct.
11 Oct.
17 Oct.
12 Nov.
13 Nov.
24 Nov.
2 Mar.
Painswick Marriages.
William Pool & Hester Eckett
Thomas Hilman & Elisabeth Clutterbook
Thomas Wathern & Mary Partridge
George Russel & Mary Bowly
Thomas Baily & Mary Ring
John Summers & Rebeccah Harbutt
Thomas Panter & Sarah Clark
Samuel Dart & Mary Hasleton
Thomas Stephens & Cleary Mills . .
William Maisy & Hannah Denton
Thomas Wathern & Mary Motly
Thomas Shipway & Ann Hawker . .
John Browning & Mary Averis
Richard Fryer & Eleanor Winn
Henry Pace & Ann Mills, of Miserdine
Samuel Wood & Martha Aldridge . .
Daniel Perkins & Mary Collins
James Putris & Jane Page
Thomas Hawker & Ann Carter
Richard Hains & Elizabeth Watkins
John Witts & Ann P[? e]ncut
William How & Hester Gardiner . .
Thomas Gyde & Hannah Thomas
Joseph Symons & Ann Smart
Thomas Ridler & Ann Smart
John Rannals & Mary Averis
Henry Gardner* & Sarah Montague*
Robert Mothley & Hester Lawrence
Daniel Selwin & Grace Hobbs
William West & Rachel Wells
Edward Jones & Ann King
John Bailey & Mary Birt, of Morton
Stephen Powel & Modesty Cook
Richard Hornet & Ann Maisey
William Paidris & Sarah Winn
Charles Howel & Ann Fowler
Daniel Darke & Sarah Bailey
Daniel Pegler & Mary Shilton, of Tedbury
John Stephens & Dianah Clutterbuck
Daniel Gardner & Sarah Gardner . .
3 Apr.
19 Apr.
. . 31 Apr.
12 June
4 July
. . 10 July
. . 10 July
29 Aug.
26 Sept.
28 Sept.
29 Sept.
4 Oct.
9 Oct.
.. 18 Oct.
20 Nov.
. . 24 Jan.
22 Apr.
22 Apr.
• • 25 July
20 Aug.
26 Aug.
8 Sept.
18 Sept.
12 Sept.
16 Sept.
. . 15 Oct.
.. 18 Oct.
19 Nov.
28 Jan.
7 Feb.
27 Mar.
14 Apr.
• • 5 May
. . 6 July
. . 28 July
. . 14 Aug.
20 Aug.
17 Sept.
30 Sept.
. . 30 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1733
Thomas Smart & Mary Sollers
John Jeaks & Hannah King
Robert Hawker & Betty Beard
John Clifford & Hannah Bailey
Edward Clifford & Mary Bell
Abraham Pitt & Mary Wood
Samuel Symons, of Bristol, & Elizabeth Buttler
Robert Hawker & Frances Tunley
John Howley & Hannah Mason
John Essix & Margaret Gardner
Robert Wager & Sarah Clishold
Joseph Shipton & Mary Harris
Josiah Gardner & Hannah Woakeley
William Whitthorn & Mary Hayward
Joseph Boyden & Martha Sley
John Cliver & Hannah Brasenton . .
Richard Buttler* & Ann Smith* . .
Joseph Twining & Elizabeth Cook
Edward Rone & Elizabeth Smith . .
Zachariah Horlick* & Hannah Morgan*
William Ireland & Sarah Hopson . .
Henry Panter & Mary Wheeler
John Maisey & Sarah Saunders
Edward Powel & Elizabeth Hammons
John Hunt & Sarah Terret
William Symmons & Jane Pool
John Packer* & Mary Smith*
William Burt & Elizabeth Tayler . .
Daniel Clark & Ann Minett
Samuel Prestwood & Susannah Gransmore
Daniel Hains & Deborah Motley . .
Thomas Pitt & Sarah Merrett
Richard Eliss & Elizabeth Harding
John Haroson & Mary Roberts
William Maisey & Hester Worfield
Thomas Minett & Deborah Clark . .
Henry Kemble & Mary Verender . .
George Roberts & Mary Beard
Robert Hill & Sarah Cox
John Sollers & Mary Wall
1 Oct.
20 Oct.
14 Oct.
20 Oct.
5 Nov.
4 Jan.
6 Feb.
10 Feb.
29 June
16 Sept.
16 Nov.
19 Nov.
28 Dec.
2 Jan.
26 Jan.
31 Jan.
17 Feb.
11 Apr.
26 May
7 July
3 Aug.
29 Aug.
7 Dec.
5 Jan.
8 Feb.
15 Feb.
26 Feb.
23 May
13 July
9 Sept.
5 Oct.
12 Oct.
31 Oct.
13 Nov.
25 Dec.
13 Feb.
26 June
9 Aug.
25 Sept.
9 Oct.
Painsivick Marriages.
Samuell Twinning & Sarah Hoskings
John Beard & Hannah Baily
Daniell King & Mary Ellis
William Gregory & Rebeccah Cook
James Ellis & Ann Rowland
Samuell Merret & Mary Gardiner . .
Samuell Castle & Hannah Ireland . .
William Cordwell & Elisabeth Merret
John Mayo & Margaret Bird
Thomas Peech & Elisabeth Roseblade
Thomas Hunt & Mary Keen
Daniell Trotman & Mary Nichols . .
Richard Baily & Esther Baily
Henry Pace & Ann Wathorn
William Dowell & Elisabeth Viner. .
James Baldwin & Joyce Baily
Henry Bromly & Ann Wood
Samuel Blakeney & Ann Burdock
W7illiam Gyde & Sarah Clark
Thomas Twinning & Martha Hornet
John Ball & Sarah Webb
Henry Winchcombe & Hannah Merrel
Daniell Hilman & Sarah Mills
Richard Gardiner & Mary Winn
William Cook & Ann Lambert
Daniel Gardiner & Elisabeth Webster
Thomas Cox & Ann Sparrow
Thomas Web & Mary Bartlet
George Newland* & Mary Ann Marshal*
James Eagles & Mary Nicholls
Richard Hewet & Sarah Cud
William Hasleton & Ann Gardiner
Thomas Ellis & Hester Nicholls
William Bolton & Mary Stevens
Daniel Dart & Jane Wager
Samuel Wheeler & Ann Millar
Benjamin Wager & Deborah Harris
James Beverstow & Mary Hook
Daniel Parker & Mary Wood
Isaac Booty & Elisabeth Jones
12 Oct.
1 6 Oct.
24 Dec.
25 Dec.
26 Dec.
30 Dec.
2 Feb.
15 Apr.
16 Apr.
iS Apr.
8 June
23 July
30 July
22 Aug.
12 Oct.
28 Oct.
3° Jan.
22 Apr.
4 May
8 May
8 July
19 Aug.
1 1 Sept.
16 Oct.
12 Nov.
6 Jan.
19 Feb.
14 Apr.
17 May
29 May
12 June
6 July
21 July
17 Aug.
25 Sept.
12 Nov.
20 Nov.
25 Dec.
8 Feb.
29 Mar.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1741
John Hasleton & Hester Ireland
William Trotman & Elisabeth Nichols
John Cox* & Mary Meret*
William Selwyn & Hannah Ellis
Joseph Brian & Susannah Lovet
Nathanael King & Ann Shatford
John Carter & Hannah Banks
John Cook* & Mary Gardiner*
John Haines & Esther Stibs
William Sparrow & Ann Wood
Richard Gransmore & Sarah Poitris
Robert Arundel & Sarah Poulson
Samuel Winn & Elisabeth Maisey
Samuel Cook* & Sarah West*
Edward Gardiner & Elisabeth Chew
Thomas Cook & Sarah West
Thomas Web & Jane Verender
Daniel Hoskins & Mary Twinning
Robert Smith & Margaret Beard
Thomas West & Elisabeth Oning
Thomas Gregory & Elisabeth Sadler
Charles Savory & Elisabeth Clements
John Bishop & Elisabeth Chivers
William Jones & Sarah Stephens
John Selwin & Elisabeth Clutterbuck
Giles Millar & Mary Hasleton
Thomas Holder & Sarah Page
Richard Jones & Sarah Verender .
Samuel Knight & Ann Gyde
Benjamin Wager & Ann Packer
Purnel Williams & Mary Biddle .
Robert Sparrow & Ann Bird
Daniell Merret & Mary Freeman
Thomas Bayly & Mary Cook
John Gardener & Hannah Estcourt
William Harmer & Jane Westbury
Nathanael Burdock* & Ann Lovett*
James Verender & Elisabeth Snow
Matthew Light & Ann Cook
Alexander Martin & Ann Maisey .
9 May
31 May
27 Sept.
27 Sept.
13 Oct.
17 Nov.
22 Nov.
14 Feb.
21 Feb.
22 Feb.
28 Feb.
25 Apr.
25 Apr.
7 June
18 July
25 July
3 Aug.
9 Aug-
5 Sept.
12 Sept.
26 Sept.
3 Oct.
3 Oct.
4 Nov.
22 Nov.
25 Dec. „
20 Mar. M
4 Apr. 1 7/
29 May „
5 July „
19 July „
4 Sept. „
Sept. „
Sept. „
Sept. ,,
Oct. „
Oct. „
Oct. „
Oct. „
Oct. „
Painswick Marriages.
John Broad & Joyce Baldwin
Giles Draggot & Elisabeth Heydon
John Palling & Elisabeth Packer
William Simmonds & Sarah Bird
Daniel Averies* & Mary Cam
John Holliday & Joanna Plane
Daniel Hilman & Hannah Simms
Henry Wood & Mary Randal
William Prophet & Hannah Gill
Thomas Mills* & Mary Fisher*
Tbomas Richardson & Elisabeth Jones
William Cole & Elisabeth Sevil
William West & Susannah Clutterbuck
William Birt & Ruth Nash
Edward Winn & Elisabeth Holder
John Millar & Elisabeth Cud
Daniel Estcourt & Elisabeth Halings
William Issold & Jane Baldwin
John Hunt & Sarah Maisy
Daniel Gyde & Alice Saunders
Jonathan Copping & Sarah Hide
Edmund Handy & Mary Robinson
Charles Watts, of Barnwood, & Catherine
Williams, of Wootton, near Gloucester
Joseph Scot & Hannah Carter
William Verender & Hannah Taylor
Robert Averies & Mary Baily
Robert Banks & Mary Castle
William Yerp & Ann Bateman
Thomas King & Ann Gale
George Minot & Mary Westbury
Robert Driver & Sarah Merret
Thomas Cawdle & Hannah Blake
Stephen Jones & Hannah Monday
John Clissold & Mary Beard
Stephen Wood & Hannah Forester
William Niccolls & Mary Taylor
John Grine & Elisabeth Brownsen
Edward Whitehead & Hannah Lediard
James Birt* & Ann Millar*
5 Nov.
13 Nov.
1 Dec.
4 Dec.
18 Dec.
26 Mar.
26 Mar.
26 Mar.
1 Apr.
1 1 Apr.
29 May
13 June
25 June
2 July
14 Aug.
23 Sept.
23 Sept.
23 Sept.
29 Sept.
5 Oct.
8 Oct.
11 Oct.
21 Oct.
28 Oct.
27 Nov.
10 Dec.
27 Dec.
29 Dec.
4 Feb.
18 Feb.
14 Apr.
20 Apr.
3 May
26 May
27 May
16 June
18 June
22 June
1 July
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1745
Thomas Braddice & Sarah Web
Robert Hobbs & Mary Fisher
William Taylor & Sarah Averies
Richard Silby & Hester West
John Baily & Hannah Cook
Thomas Cook & Elisabeth Skinner
Laurence Rodway & Hester Morgan
William Wheeler & Elisabeth Sollers
John Knowles & Susanna Herbert
Robert Hornet & Ann Driver
William Wilkins & Deborah Wilkins
Samuel Gardener & Catherine Mason
Daniel Stiff & Susanna Cook
Abraham Wood & Hannah Gardener
Charls Keen & Joanna Barns
Henry Wren & Ann Copping
Samuel Cook & Mary Herbert
Thomas Rodway & Ann Morgan
Samuel Gardener & Sarah Howel
John Bailis* & Hannah Parker*
Daniel Cook & Ann Lediard
Daniel Verender & Mary Humphreys
Daniel West & Hester Cox
William Barnfield & Elisabeth Wood
William Gardener* & Ann Eldridge*
Thomas Mill and Ann Mareman
John Spear & Eleanor Bendal
William Church & Hester Bub
John Chew & Mary Cowley
William Gill and Hannah Clissold . .
William Skinner & Hannah Barnfield
John Parker & Mary Gardener
Samuel Merret & Susanna Evans . .
Stephen Cud & Hester Sparrow
John Ireland & Mary Stephens, of Glo'ster
John Roper & Beata Tony
William Hornet & Mary Barnfield . .
John Westbury & Ann Gardener . ,
Thomas Gregory & Deborah Gardener
Nathanael Woodfield & Ann Gardener
15 My
16 July
20 July
22 July
27 July
17 Aug.
3 Sept.
23 Sept.
24 Sept.
7 Oct.
20 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
1 1 Nov.
25 Dec.
20 Jan.
9 Feb.
29 May
4 June
26 June
7 Aug.
19 Oct.
23 Dec.
3 Mar.
19 Apr.
20 Apr.
30 Apr.
14 May
8 June
8 June
18 July
19 Oct.
30 Nov.
1 Jan.
1 Feb.
30 May
28 June
5 July
27 July
6 Aug.
Painszvick Marriages.
John Cook & Hester Stratford
John Gardner & Sarah Gardener
Samuel Budden & Mary Williams .
Thomas Verender & Hester Taylor
William Dobbins* & Hester Cook*
William Ady & Jane Smith
Alexander Martin & Edith Maisy
Nathanael Tailor & Hester Averies
John Gale & Mary Chew . .
Robert Clissold & Hester Whiting
Thomas Earl & Elisabeth Hook
John Horsley & Rebecca Rider
Laurence Jacob* & Diana Jones*
Daniel Elland & Ann Osborn
Thomas Wood & Elisabeth Vesey
Edward Niccols & Martha Wood
George Cull & Mary Whitehead
Thomas Wood & Sarah Suff
Samuel Clissold & Susanna West
Thomas Clifford & Hannah Web
Thomas Berry & Sarah Osborn
Thomas Stephens & Mary Fisher
Thomas Wathern & Mary Wilshere
John Greville & Ann Nash
William Friar & Mary King
Stephen Cook & Elisabeth Shermore
Thomas Hasleton & Elisabeth Niblet
Benjamin Twining & Ann Carter . .
Thomas Bethel & Jane Wilks
John Philips & Mary Hunt
Daniel Cox & Hester Brown
John Ellis & Sarah Price
John Haskins & Mary Hill
William Lediard & Susanna Sollers
George Nash & Elisabeth Howel
Richard Knowls & Betty Billey
Thomas Twining and Mary Carter
James Roberts & Mary Twinning . .
Thomas Sollers & Elisabeth Twinning
Thomas Pavey & Ellen Deverell, of Hampton
Gloucester— VI 1 1 .
2 Oct.
9 Oct.
ii Oct.
29 Oct.
5 Nov.
5 Nov.
7 Nov.
21 Nc
2 Feb.
17 Feb.
27 Mar.
4 Apr.
12 Apr.
17 Apr.
12 May
16 May
12 June
3 July
10 Sept.
30 Oct.
18 Nov.
4 Dec.
26 Dec.
1 Jan.
6 Jan.
3 Feb.
26 Feb.
16 Apr. 1
17 Apr.
19 Apr.
26 Apr.
13 May
18 June
22 July
16 Aug.
10 Sept.
25 Sept.
3 Nov.
5 Nov.
7 Nov.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1750
Tilson White & Elisabeth Brown . .
William Jaques & Sarah Sevil
John Keen & Betty Herbert
Obadiah West & Beata Bird
Daniel Gardiner & Elisabeth Cook . .
Samuel Biddle & Hannah Howel . .
John Clark & Mary Leake
Daniel Lusty & Deborah Wilkins . .
Samuel Phips & Sarah Carter
John Holder & Jane Putris
Daniel Cook & Mary Friar
John Worfield & Ursula Stratford . .
William Goscomb* & Elisabeth West*
Robert Grimes & Mary Keen
Thomas Merret & Sarah Purchase . .
Thomas Cook & Elisabeth Edwards
William Baily & Mary Baily
Edward Merret & Elisabeth Willoughby
Thomas Higgins & Sarah West
Thomas Wood & Mary Holey
Abram Gardiner & Sarah Estcourt
Richard Baily & Hester Stevens
Thomas, son of Richard & Ann Gardenert
Thomas Jones & Jane Cook
Robert Hogg & Elizabeth Cook
Jonathan Copping & Sarah Baylis . .
John Castle & Mary Hall
Thomas Brown & Mary Escot
Edward Whiller & Elizabeth Wesbury
William Adey & Susannah Cam
Stephen Driven & Ann Stephens . .
John Wimble & Sarah Hoock
William Gransmore & Elisabeth West
John Box & Sarah Grimes
Daniel Twining & Mary Mayo
William Wood & Sarah Horsley
James Sanders & Elisabeth Chew . .
Jonathan Wood & Mary Niblett . .
10 Dec.
27 Dec.
12 Jan.
2 Feb.
3 Apr.
14 Apr.
27 Aug.
31 Aug.
16 Sept.
17 Sept.
3 Dec.
12 Dec.
22 Dec.
25 Dec.
26 Dec.
4 Jan.
8 Feb. „
8 Feb. „
24 Mar. „
31 Mar. „
2 Apr. „
10 Apr. ,,
26 Apr. „
19 Sept. „
10 Oct. „
12 Oct. ,,
20 Oct. „
26 Dec. „
27 Dec. ,,
31 Dec. „
13 Jan. 1753
24 Jan. „
4 Mar. „
4 June „
15 July M
31 July „
6 Aug. „
8 Sept. „
t Entered in wrong place.
x754] Painswick Marriages. 51
Stephen Humpris & Elisabeth Barns . . 17 Sept. 1753
Robert Clissold & Ann Jakes
Moses Powell & Bettey Howell
Charles Tunley & Sarah Jones
Nathaniel Millwater & Hester Browneng
Cristefor Webb* & Martha Barnett*
Abraham Aldridge & Elisabeth Castle
William Beard & Hester Neems
William Gardinen & Hester Jsold
William Skinner* & Jane Wastfilde* .. 30 Jan. 1754
William Stephens & Mary Skinner
John Watkins & Mary Wilton
Richard Maisey & Sarah Stephens
John Clark & Debrah Adorns
Jacob Robins & Mary Whiller
Samuell Keen & Bettey Hill
John Hains & Hannah Twining
Charles Partridge & Rebecca Maysey, lie. . .
William Howldy & Jane Clark
Rev. John Palmer, of St. Michael's, Gloucester,
clerk, & Mary Webb, lie.
John Wood & Elizabeth Cook
Edward Randell & Rebecca King
Samuel Bliss & Anne Gariner, lie.
John Beard & Mary Brampton
Robert Bridges & Elizabeth Dickenson, lie. . .
John Olden & Modesty Humphris
John Curtis & Hannah Beard
Thomas Cole & Sarah Price
John Gilding & Elizabeth Bliss, lie.
John Denton & Mary Beard
John Price, of the parish of Stroud, & Eliza-
beth Clarke
Thomas Watts, of Barnwood, & Mary Cole, lie.
John Ravenhill, of the parish of Foy in y6
Diocese of Hereford, & Sarah Niblett
John Cook & Sarah Gardner
John White* & Charlotte Partridge, lie.
Samuel Holder & Jane Minnett
Amaziah Bethell* & Mary Twining
e 2
17 Sept.
23 Sept.
14 Oct.
21 Oct.
21 Oct.
28 Oct.
11 Nov.
25 Dec.
26 Dec.
3° Jan.
30 Jan.
2 Feb.
13 Feb.
17 Feb.
21 Feb.
25 Feb.
25 Mar.
5 Apr.
28 Apr.
21 May
9 June
1 July
1 July
14 July
8 Aug.
15 Sept.
15 Sept.
22 Sept.
3 Oct.
20 Oct.
10 Nov.
18 Nov.
24 Nov.
26 Nov.
15 Dec.
16 Dec.
22 Dec.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1755
Anthony Wynne & Christian Spilman, lie. . .
William Chew & Sarah Haynes
Thomas Stanley & Sarah Pritchard, of Stroud,
with consent of Parents, lie.
Thomas Verry, of the parish of Standish, &
Abigail White, with consent of Parents,
Solomon Wheeler & Mary Izold
Thomas Hayward & Sarah Hill
John Wood & Anne Nichols*
William Webb & Sarah Vernon
Daniel Packer* & Mary Packer, lie.
John Birt & Mary Howell
Daniel Vines & Anne Dovey
Edward Whitehead & Martha Parker, lie.
John King & Sarah Bayly
Thomas Hokes & Mary Pritchard . .
James Bethell & Esther Painter
John Gardiner & Sarah Blackwell,* lie.
Thomas Swain & Mary West
Thomas Cook & Elizabeth Whiting
John Payne & Anne Eatkins
Richard Jones & Elizabeth Wight, lie.
Drew Lanner & Susannah Smith . .
Richard Silby & Mary Mills
John Hornby & Sarah Poytris
Thomas Nicholls & Elizabeth Harris
George Minett & Hesther Mace
Samuel Brazington & Hesther Mayo
Jonathan Twining & Elizabeth Millard
Daniel Snow & Hester Pain
Jeremiah Wager & Elizabeth Carter, lie.
William Berry & Mary Harris
Thomas Sterry & Sophia Partridge, lie.
Samuel Browning & Sarah Packer, lie.
James Bethell & Mary Webb
Richard Tunley & Mary Perkins, lie.
Thomas Estcourt & Mary Darke
Giles Whiten & Hannah Tounsell . .
Samuel Winn & Hannah Webb
10 Jan. 1755
19 Jan. „
31 Mar. „
6 Apr. „
13 Apr. „
27 Apr. „
27 Apr. „
4 May „
15 May „
1 June „
15 June „
10 July „
27 July M
17 Aug. „
24 Aug. „
16 Sept. ,,
28 Sept. „
28 Sept. ,,
29 Sept. ,,
16 Oct. „
30 Nov. „
1 Dec. ,,
28 Dec. „
15 Jan. 1756
15 Jan. „
18 Jan. „
1 Feb. „
29 Feb. ,,
14 Mar. „
10 Apr. „
25 Apr. „
7 June „
13 June „
20 Aug. „
9 Sept.
3 Oct.
5 Dec.
Painsivick Marriages.
William Gibbins, of the P'sh of Stonehouse, &
Elizabeth Burroughs [Boroughs], lie. . .
John Barnes, of the P'sh of St. Nicholas, in
the City of Gloster, & Deborah Mayo, lie.
John Organ, of Rodborough & Hannah
Daniel King & Martha Nickolds
William Edwards & Charlotte Wight, lie.
Edmund Probyn, of the Parish of Newland, in
this County, Esqr, a Minor, & Miss
Sophia Dalton, of this Parish, by
Special Licence from the Archbishop of
Canterbury, with consent of Parents, lie.
Robert Shill & Diana Smart
John White & Elizabeth Ashelford
Robert Hornet & Hannah Ireland
William Cook & Ann Bridges, lie.
William Mower & Elizabeth Trotman
Daniel Cook & Sarah Millard
Joseph Beevings & Hester Heskins
Giles Pasty, p. Stroud, & Ann Gardner
Samuel Jordan, p. Barnwood, & Hannah
Richard Green, p. Upton St. Leonards, &
Sarah Beard
John Jones & Ann Twinning
George Legg & Mary Wiltsher
John Frances, p. of Barnwood, & Hannah
Thomas Butler & Hannah Cook
William Gabb* & Martha Holder*
Joseph Organ & Mary Driver
George Winn & Mary Fisher
John Window & Sarah Bishop, lie.
John Gardner* & Hester Haines,* lie.
John Hunt & Martha Cook
James Berriman Tippe tts & Elizabeth Sadler, lie.
William Page & Hester Page
Henry Phipp & Sarah Holder
John Frankling, of Stonehouse, & Sarah Ellis
6 Feb. 1757
10 Apr. „
1 1 Apr. „
17 Apr. „
15 May „
2 June
5 June
24 June
24 Aug.
24 Aug.
6 Oct.
9 Oct.
18 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
6 Nov.
20 Nov.
20 Nov.
27 Nov.
1 Jan.
8 Jan.
15 Feb.
27 Mar.
9 Apr.
12 June
2 July
3 July
10 July
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1758
John Arndell & Sarah Cook
John Close & Hester Watken
Ralph Houldy & Hester Sadler
Jacob Robbins & Mary Horlick
Robert Arriss & Sarah Arndell
Edward Parker* & Mary Palling,* lie.
Jonathan Smith & Betty Perkins . .
James Swain & Elizabeth Ireland . .
John Smith, b.,* & Charlotte Edwards, w.*lic
John Hayward, of Newnham, & Hester Love
day, lie.
William Page & Elizabeth Palling, lie.
James Turner & Hester Clapton, lie.
John Holder & Nancy Brown, of Horseley .
John Osborne & Sarah Jakes
Jeremiah Niblett, of Stroud, & Margaret White
Edward Purchis & Betty Jones
Thomas Webb & Anna Verrety
John Park, of Kings-Stanley, & Elizabeth
Gardiner, lie.
Richard Merret & Beata Selling
William Cook & Mary Cook
Robert Savery & Mary Denton
Joseph Parker & Margaret Ravenell
Samuel Masy & Sarah Stephens
William Keen & Mary Man, lie.
Thomas Chew & Ann Wood
Daniel Gardiner & Sarah Harrison
James Bradley, of St. Mary de load, in ye
city of Glocester, & Anna Maria
William Barnet & Betty Rider, lie,
John Gregory & Sarah Gyde
William Osborne & Mary Webb
William Smith & Elizabeth Chew
James Stanley* & Hannah Horlick,* lie,
George Webb & Hannah Keene
William Cloos & Elizabeth Gardener
John Arkwell & Elizabeth Ockford, lie.
17 Sept. 1758
29 Sept. ,,
29 Sept. ,,
2 Oct. ,,
8 Oct. „
19 Oct. „
29 Oct. ,,
5 Nov. „
19 Nov. „
15 Jan. 1759
22 Jan. „
22 Jan. ,,
17 Feb. „
26 Feb. „
5 Apr. „
16 Apr. „
T3 May „
5 June „
14 June „
3 July „
3 July „
22 July „
13 Aug. „
12 Sept. „
16 Sept. ,,
23 Sept. „
24 Sept.
18 Oct.
22 Oct.
28 Oct.
29 Oct.
5 Nov.
5 Nov.
11 Nov.
20 Nov.
Painswick Marriages.
John Jeens & Mary Symonds
Jacob Robbins & Sarah Cole
Thomas Cook & Anne Stone [?], lie.
Thomas Cooke & Ann [?], lie.
Joseph Andrew & Mary Banks
William Price & Catherine Murcel [?]
William Payton & Mary Hill, lie. . .
William Symonds & Elizabeth Glascodine
Joseph Bishop* & Ann Blanch, lie. . .
James Cooke & Hannah Taylor
John Rubbers & Elizabeth Dicks . .
Nathaniel Jenner, of Standish, & Mary Moor
field, lie.
Thomas Clisold & Hester Fisher . .
Daniel Wood & Hannah Haines
William Hodges & Catherine George
James Townsel & Elizabeth Wager
Daniel Clisold & Margaret Westbury
Edmund Herbert* & Jane Cambridge
Daniel King & Sarah Wheeler
George [ ] & Elizabeth Phillips . .
William Humpris & Mary Winn . .
Joseph Turner & Ann Ta}rlor
John Grime & Elizabeth Gardner . .
Joseph Mallard & Mary Tayler
William Cheese & Elizabeth Stevens
Sam Purnel & Hester Webb, lie.
Henry Solas & Dorcas Wilks
Henry Cook & Jane Fisher
Richard Roper & Rebecca Randel, lie
John Gardner* & Ann Palling,* lie.
Nathaniel King* & Alice Bailis*
Richard Cowdrey & Mary Howell, of Chalfor
Richard Hague, of Bisly, & Martha Marcott, lie.
Job Gardner & Sarah Sims, lie.
Thomas Gill & Ann Townsill
James Daverli & Mary Wathern
Nathaniel Wood & Ann Minett
Thomas Freame & Mary Pegler,* lie.
Thomas Caudle & Mary West
29 Nov.
9 Dec.
16 Dec.
6 Jan.
6 Jan.
19 Feb.
17 Mar.
8 Apr.
17 Apr.
27 Apr.
1 June
6 July
20 July
20 July
19 Nov.
16 Dec.
18 Dec.
22 Dec.
26 Jan.
27 Jan.
22 Mar.
29 Mar.
6 Apr.
13 Apr.
14 Apr.
15 May
31 May
6 June
7 June
25 July
22 Sept.
4 Oct.
13 Oct.
20 Oct.
20 Oct.
26 Oct.
26 Oct.
26 Oct.
28 Oct.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1761
John Hillman & Sarah Ady
Thomas Milton & Hester Martin, lie
Samuel Hawker & Sarah Townsel
William Ellis & Martha Hodges
James Ballinger & Ann Bliss, lie.
John Dodd & Hannah Hillman, lie.
Thomas Wagger & Esther Gill
John Tanner & Mary Walker, lie.
Richard Land & Sarah Tanner, lie.
Nathaniel Woodfield & Mary Ellis
Joseph Pitt & Martha Newman
Silvanus Mayo & Jean Frankin
John Gardiner & Elizabeth West, lie
John Tunly & Mary Bishop
Richard Gibbins & Elizabeth Hyde
Nathaniel Tayler & Susanna Bivens
Robert Hunt & Anne Simmons,* lie.
Samuel Clisold & Hannah Clisold . .
Ichabod Painter & Esther Bailey . .
Daniel Cook & Martha Twinning . .
Daniel Ellis & Ann Clissold, lie.
Joseph Northern* & Ann Burdock*
John Robinson & Ann Neames
Nathaniel Chew & Elizabeth Holford, lie
Abraham Fisher & Sarah Perkins
William Maysey & Elizabeth Watkins
William Gardiner & Mary Turner . .
Richard Scriven & Deborah King . .
Thomas Clift, of Minchin Hampton, & Ann
Daniel Pegler & Carolina Stephens
John Berry & Jane Heming
John Rasher & Mary Curtis
William Hashton & Sarah Lawrence
Nathaniel Prout & Dinah Shill
Thomas Mill & Ann Jones
Richard Eatall & Lydia Gardner
Thomas Niblett & Elizabeth Cooke, lie.
Richard Pulton* & Mary Edwards,* lie
John Dowleel [? sel] & Ann Stevens
8 Nov.
15 Nov.
17 Nov.
3 Dec.
30 Dec.
18 Jan.
4 Feb.
24 Feb.
11 Mar.
15 Apr.
17 May
31 May
12 June
25 June
19 July
12 Sept.
14 Sept.
17 Sept.
27 Sept.
4 Oct.
4 Oct.
16 Oct.
18 Oct.
19 Oct.
24 Oct.
28 Oct.
31 Oct.
16 Nov.
29 Nov.
1 Jan.
5 Jan.
■ >
13 Jan.
8 Feb.
12 Feb.
14 Feb.
14 Feb.
2 Mar.
1 Apr.
18 Apr.
Painszvick Marriages.
Samuel Horlick, the younger, & Betty Smith,
w., lie.
Thomas Cook & Jane Ireland, of Miserden . .
Samuel Gardiner & Mary Crosly
William Holder & Jane Brown
Samuel Wood, of Bisly, & Ann Cam, tic.
Jacob Holder & Sarah Wheeler
Robert Page & Hannah Young, tic.
Joseph Shaw & Elizabeth Bolton
Robert Clissold & Mary Perkins
John Horlick & Hannah Gyde, tic.
William Westbury & Hannah Baily
Richard Chew & Deborah Minett
John Perks, of St. Nicholas, Glocester, &
Elizabeth Lindon, tic.
Henry Wood & Rebecca Knowles
Thomas Chew & Elizabeth Jakes
Daniel Lewis & Sarah Gardiner
William Cratchley, of Westbury, & Prudence
James Hale & Mary Jones
Thomas Westbury & Ann Maisey
William Jones & Ann Ireland
William S}Tmonds & Martha Adey, tic.
Thomas Cox & Ann Purnell
Thomas Steel & Elizabeth Horlick
Henry Stephens & Elizabeth Page
James Morley, w. & Hannah Gardiner, s., tic.
William Baylis & Hester Twining
Richard Castel & Sarah Fisher or Cook
Hopefull Waight & Catharine Heydon, of
Haresfield, tic.
David Hobbes, of Kings Stanley, & Elizabeth
Joseph Britton & Martha Gardiner
James West & Anne Clissold
William Smart & Mary Viner
Joseph Carter & Ann Perkins
Robert Harris & Mary Littleton, tic.
19 Apr.
19 June
30 June
30 June
4 July
1 Aug.
11 Aug.
13 Aug.
5 Sept.
26 Sept.
26 Sept.
26 Sept.
13 Oct.
5 Nov.
21 Nov.
7 Dec.
11 Dec.
6 Jan.
22 Jan.
26 Feb.
4 Mar.
4 Mar.
23 Apr.
7 May
28 May
2S May
3 July „
19 July „
7 Aug. ,,
26 Aug. „
26 Aug. „
2 Sept. „
30 Sept. „
29 Nov. „
58 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1764
Amaziah Bethell, w.,* & Hannah Pinnock, s.
lie. .. .. .. .. 30 Nov. 1764
Joseph Dowill & Hannah Crump . .
Stephen Bartlett & Mary Webb, lie.
John Earl & Hannah Clissold
Thomas Earl & Hannah Gardiner . .
Joseph Twining & Sarah Castle . . . . 1 Jan. 1765
John Thresh & Hannah Smart
Richard White & Sarah Mutlow, lie.
Jonathan Woodfield & Ann Cook
John Pinneger & Jane Mills
Giles Ireland & Sarah Baxter
Walter Showell & Hannah Collier
James Webb & Elizabeth Cole
Samuel Little & Elizabeth Webb, lie.
William Scriven & Mary Smith
William Drake & Elizabeth Selwyn
Henry Tirrett & Elizabeth Twining
Thomas Hammonds & Hannah Wood
William Cole, of Rodborough, & Grace
Dangerfield, lie.
John Watkins & Hannah Pitt
George Newland* & Elizabeth Capel, lie.
Francis Clevely & Molly Wilson, lie.
Phillip Hodges, b., of Ross, co. of Hereford,
& Hester Capel, s., lie.
William Matthews & Persilla Twining
William Mill & Betty Cook, lie.
Phillip Clissold & Anne Watkins
Thomas Horlick* & Betty Humphreys*
Christopher Mansell & Mary Gardiner
Thomas Merrett & Hester Davis
Luke Ellis & Mary Niblett
James Brush, Welsh-fusileers, & Mary Boyce
William Hayfield, of Maysmore, & Ann Bur-
James Wood & Sarah Beard
Daniel King & Elizabeth Taylor
Robert Averis & Nancy Baily
Stephen Wood & Hester Rugg . . . . 19 Jan. 1766
30 Nov.
16 Dec.
27 Dec.
27 Dec.
27 Dec.
1 Jan.
6 Jan.
25 Jan.
25 Jan.
2 Feb.
17 Feb.
8 Apr.
14 Apr.
15 Apr.
21 Apr.
28 Apr.
12 May
27 May
24 June
24 June
23 July
21 Aug.
21 Aug.
6 Oct.
18 Oct.
20 Oct.
22 Oct.
28 Oct.
4 Nov.
10 Nov.
26 Nov.
16 Dec.
25 Dec.
26 Dec.
28 Dec.
1 9 Jan.
Painswick Marriages.
Thomas Selvvyn & Elizabeth Humphrys
William Ederidge, of Stroud, & Mary Joannes
George Ward & Anne Bliss, lie.
William Holder & Elizabeth Jordan
Caleb Lovel, of Chepstow, Monmouth, & Mary
Watts, lie.
Henry White & Elizabeth Woodfield
John Hatten & Mary Dangerfield . .
Joseph Hanks & Mary Burdock
Thomas Baily & Martha Ellis
Thomas Twining & Sarah Clissold
Thomas Horsly & Martha Jennings, of Upto
St. Leonards
John Limbrick & Elizabeth Cloos . .
James Verender & Elizabeth Cook
Robert Hobbs & Ann King
Richard Brampton & Edith Watkins
Thomas Sanders & Mary Turtle
Richard Gardner & Hester Nicholls
James Birt* & Sarah Coppin
William Berry & Martha Harding
James Selwyn & Mary Horlick
John Simms & Sarah Wakefield, lie.
John Savory & Elizabeth Harris, lie.
John Prophet & Hannah Harding
John Wathen & Sarah Cole, lie.
Daniel Gyde & Jane Millard
William Hogg & Mary Hogg, lie. . .
Jonathan Gay, of Stroud, & Rebecca Fryer, lie.
William Cook & Mary Silvey
Joseph Bishop & Betty Minett
Samuel Colborne, of Holy Trinity, Gloucester
& Sarah Webb, lie.
John Birch & Sarah Chew
Thomas Brampton & Betty Pitt, lie.
John Pitt, of Standish, & Mary White, lie
William Land & Peggy Falkner, lie.
Samuel Pitt & Sarah Pace, of Stroud, lie.
William Wastefield & Hester Pritchard
Richard Glover, of Stroud, & Mary Hogg, lie.
26 Jan.
2 Feb.
4 Feb.
5 Feb.
6 Feb.
9 Feb.
11 Feb.
26 Feb.
1 Apr.
1 Apr.
5 Apr.
25 Apr.
1 June
5 Aug.
7 Aug.
7 Sept.
14 Sept.
16 Dec.
26 Dec.
26 Dec.
27 Dec.
1 Jan.
4 Jan.
6 Jan.
12 Apr.
26 Apr.
3° Apr.
3 May
2 Aug.
15 Oct.
18 Nov.
24 Nov
24 Nov.
8 Dec.
14 Dec.
21 Dec.
27 Dec.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers.
Stephen Winn & Margaret Herbert . . 28 Dec. 1767
John Ball & Mary Haines . . . . 2 Feb. 1768
William Mill & (? Sarah) Ann Cook, lie. . . 7 Feb. „
Sampson Browning & Mary Viner . . 7 Feb. „
Giles Chamberlain & Hannah Painter . . 6 Mar. „
William Winn & Phebe Ellis . . 5 Apr. „
George Haines, of Horseley, & Elizabeth
Stanly, lie. . . . . . . 12 Apr. ,,
John Hinton & Hester Hill, lie. . . . . 21 Apr. ,,
Thomas Manning, of Moreton Valence, &
Sarah Hobbs . . . . 8 June ,,
Edward Haines & Ann Cook . . . . 15 June „
Thomas Birt* & Martha Chew . . 24 July ,,
William West & Hester Ireland . . . - 5 Aug. „
John Parrish, of Minchinhampton, & Hannah
Pitt, lie. . . . . 9 Oct. ,,
Samuel Birt & Sarah Winn . . . . 13 Nov. ,,
William Whitehead & Mary Turfery, lie. . . 10 Dec. „
William Leech & Anne Holder . . . . 18 Dec. „
John Farmiloe & Hester Gardner . . . . 27 Dec. „
John Webb, of Brockthrop, & Betty Verinder,
lie. . . . . . . 10 Jan. 1769
Samuel Banks & Honour Perkins . . . . 15 Jan. „
Thomas Haines & Mary Birt . . 15 Jan. ,,
Edward Palling & Ann Cox, lie. . . 29 Jan. ,,
Samuel Ireland & Deborah Harrison . . 20 Mar. „
William Winn & Ann Birt . . . . 27 Mar. „
William Taylor & Anne Twining . . . . 14 May ,,
Daniel Chew & Elizabeth Birt . . . . 11 June ,,
Thomas Verinder & Hester Jones . . 9 July ,,
Thomas Baxter, of Rodborough, & Sarah
Birt, lie. . . . . 11 July ,,
Richard Merrett & Hannah Dowdeswell, of
Harscomb, lie. . . . . • • 3 Aug. „
Joseph Pike & Sarah Wood, lie. . . . . 9 Aug. „
James Cook & Ester Nichos . . . . 9 Aug. ,,
James Noakes, of Brimpsfield, & Elizabeth
Baldwin, lie. . . . . • • 3° Aug. „
James Miller, of 15th Regiment, & Elizabeth
Hicks . . . . . . 22 Oct. „
Painswick Marriages.
George Sumner & Jane Trueman . .
Thomas Sheppard & Hannah Whitehead, lie
Nathaniel Beard & Jane Maisey
John Stephens & Mary Howe, of Harsfield
Samuel Wynne (? Winn) & Mary Trapp, lie
William Tunly & Mary Estcott
Benjamin Twining & Betty Saunders
William Barnard & Mary Duck, lie.
John Boyce & Mary King
William Nichols & Mary Beard
Jonathan Ellis & Ann Ellis
Solomon Wheeler & Elianor Maisey
Giles Blackwell & Mary Dowell
Thomas Loveday & Anne Bryan, lie.
Thomas Burdock & Sarah Coles
Abraham Rudhall, of St. Michael's, Gloster,
Sarah Packer, lie.
Isaac Holder & Mary Mower
Joseph Elbrow & Hannah Portlock
John Broad & Jane Cook
Henry Dowell & Mary Ellis
John Holder & Mary Ashmead
John Baker & Sarah Driver
Thomas Harris & Phebe Stanley, lie.
Stephen Page* & Elizabeth Moseley,* lie.
William Selwyn & Sarah Averis
Samuel Twining & Hannah Wager
John Minett & Mary Holder
William Gardiner & Betty Parker . .
William Authil,ofRodborough,& Elizabeth Ellis
John Purnell & Rachael Turner
John Beard & Sarah Cook
John Jones & Mary Saunders*
William Page& Susannah Lewis, of Stroud, lie
John Salcombe, of Haresfield, & Deborah
Scriven, lie.
Thomas Edwards & Hannah Minett
John Gyde* & Sarah Hogg, lie.
John Bryan, of St. Mary de Crypt, & Mary
Bryan, lie. .
. 5 Nov.
14 Dec.
24 Dec.
26 Dec.
14 Jan.
• [4?] Jar
11 Feb.
. 18 Feb.
. 18 Feb.
25 Feb.
9 Apr.
• 15 Apr.
. 16 Apr.
24 Apr.
. 13 May
2 June
4 June
14 June
17 June
11 Aug.
12 Aug.
1 Sept.
. 11 Oct.
11 Nov.
11 Nov.
16 Dec.
. 18 Dec.
21 Dec.
s 25 Dec.
. 28 Dec.
30 Dec.
30 Dec.
c. 1 Jan.
• 25 Jan.
3 Feb.
. 31 Mar.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. Q1771
John Cook, of Miserden, & Sarah Adey, lie. . .
George Smith, of Upton St. Leonards, &
Sarah Savory, lie.
Howell Davis & Mary Gardiner, lie.
Richard Edwards, of Cranham, w., &
Elizabeth Dicks, s., lie.
John Edwards & Sarah Osborne, lie.
William Caruthers* & Grace White, of Stroud,
Daniel Hoskins & Elizabeth Aldridge
John Walkley & Hester Winn, lie.
William West & Priscilla Dower, lie.
William Cook & Betty Watkins, lie.
Abraham Autill, of Stroud, & Rachel Ellis . .
Robert Hornell [? Horlick] & Elizabeth
Jacob Holder & Sarah Sinderby, lie.
Henry King* & Anne Culls*
John Bowley & Hannah Harrison, lie.
Samuel Sparrow & Rachael Coppin
William West & Hannah Frances
Jenkin Miles & Hester Robins
Samuel Lawrence & Hannah Birt
William Osbourn & Hester Bodey
John Lediard, of Bisly, & Elizabeth Budding
John Adams, of Poulton, Diocese of Salisbury,
& Mary Goodrich, lie.
Daniel Pegler, of King Stanley, & Martha
James Wood & Ann Church
Samuel Clissold & Margaret Witts
Thos. Wood, of Birmingham, co. Warwick, &
Mary Horlick, lie.
Thomas Ellis & Ann Jakes
John King & Catherine Adey, lie.
Samuel Lambrick, of Harscomb, & Sarah
Gard[i]ner, lie.
William Horlick & Elizabeth Clark
John Jones & Sarah Jakes
George Winn & Sarah Haskins
2 Apr.
4 Apr.
1 May
14 May
28 May
29 May
23 June
25 June
3 July
8 July
8 July
15 July
1 Aug.
8 Sept.
12 Sept.
15 Sept.
11 Oct.
5 Nov.
24 Nov.
24 Nov.
2 Dec.
14 Dec.
26 Dec.
28 Dec.
2 Jan.
19 Jan.
5 July
15 July
23 July
23 Aug.
13 Sept.
18 Oct.
Painswick Marriages.
Henry Cole & Sarah Saunders
Nathaniel Woodfield & Hester Gardner
Robert Page & Mary Gardner, lie. . .
Samuel Woodfield & Sarah Worfield
Thomas Beard, of Upton St. Leonards, & Ann
Jordan, lie.
Henry White & Hannah Whiting . .
John Hughes* & Sarah Pagett [(?) Pagget]
John Barter, of Stroud, & Mary Restall
William King & Anne Restall
Thomas Spring* & Sarah Burrows*
William Sims, of Stroud, & Elizabeth White
Samuel Scott* & Anne Sollis,* lie.
Stephen Cook & Hesther Jones
Joseph Chandler & Betty Holder
William Jones & Hannah Ellis
Daniel Bloxsome, of Stroud, & Sarah Morley
Benjamin Evans & Caroline Restall
Samuel Harmer, of Stroud, & Mary Gardner, lie
Thomas Watson & Mary Barnfield
John Jefferies & Elizabeth George
John Ellis & Martha Birt
William Hamlett & Hannah Walker
Joseph Millard & Martha Lawrence
Richard Warpman & Sarah Davis
Richard Stephens & Alice Maysey
Daniel West & Mary Yerp
Matthew Merrett & Sarah Gyde, lie.
William Gardner & Mary West
Richard James & Phebe Winn, lie. . .
William Gyde & Sarah Budding
Thomas Little, of Stroud, & Ann Butler,* lie.
James Clissold & Elizabeth Holder
Thomas Wollams & Mary Averis . .
Daniel Knight & Hannah Maisey . .
William Burdock & Hannah Gay . .
Daniel Shewell & Hannah Gale
Thomas Archer & Hesther Drake
8 Nov. 1772
9 Nov.
13 Nov.
20 Dec.
24 Dec.
31 Dec.
19 Feb.
10 Apr.
12 Apr.
12 Apr.
13 Apr.
14 Apr.
29 Apr.
29 May
29 May
[6 Aug.
19 Aug.
24 Aug.
23 Sept.
24 Oct.
23 Nov.
28 Nov.
7 Dec.
15 Dec.
25 Dec.
30 Jan.
14 May
17 May
17 May
6 July
14 July
29 July
1 Aug.
3 Aug.
9 Aug-
2 Sept.
6 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1774
William Warner & Margaret Chambers
William Gregory & Elizabeth Merrett
Thomas Buckle & Sarah Hooper, lie.
John Baylis, of Sandhurst, & Ann Cowpe
[? Cooper], lie.
Thomas Brown & Mary Mace
Edward Baker & Betty Webb, lie. . .
John Holder & Sarah Holiday
William Cook & Martha Organ
Nathaniel Tyndall, of Cranham, & Emmy
Thomas Browning & Hannah Horlick
Thomas Baylis & Sarah Ridler
Hopefull Waight & Hesther Barnfield
Thomas Verender* & Hannah Hawkins*
John Wood & Mary Clifford
William Symms & Mary Meredith
William Ball & Sarah Wood
John Cook & Sarah Cook
James Birt & Mary Tunly*
Thomas Wilson & Elizabeth Ellis
Thomas Escott & Mary Bailis
William Niblett & Elizabeth Ellis
Richard Birt & Sarah Bailey
Thomas Birt & Betty Drake, lie.
Richard Webb & Betty Gale
Drew Lauder & Sarah Church
William Horsley* & Ann Browning,* lie.
William Wood & Betty Townsend
Samuel Wager & Mary Wager
James White & Margaret Tropp
Thomas Butler, of Tibberton, & Betty Raven
hill, lie.
Abraham Wood & Mary Berry
Daniel Gardner & Ellen Taylor
John Hamlett & Hannah Maysie . .
Robert Bennett & Sarah Tunly
Thomas Ireland & Ann Marchant . .
James Gyde* & Elizabeth Walker,* lie.
Samuel Twining & Hesther Niblett
9 Oct.
10 Oct.
19 Dec.
26 Dec.
2 Jan.
23 Jan.
5 Feb.
28 Feb.
27 Mar.
6 June
17 Aug.
20 Aug.
10 Sept.
13 Sept.
17 Sept.
9 Oct.
28 Oct.
30 Nov.
4 Dec.
11 Dec.
26 Dec.
26 Dec.
3 Jan.
13 Feb.
1 Mar.
7 Mar.
18 Mar.
22 Mar.
7 Apr.
14 Apr.
15 Apr.
18 Apr.
23 Apr.
27 May
27 May
12 June
2 July
Pamsivick Marriages.
John Franklin & Hannah Mills
Samuel Gardiner & Mary Beard, lie.
John Pulton & Ann Lauder, lie.
John Shipway & Fanny Day
John Caruthers & Ann White, of Stroud, lie.
Daniel Close & Elizabeth Broad
Joseph Clissold & Mary Gill
John Joynes & Sarah Ftyde
William Knight & Mary Humphries
James Johnson, of Hempstead, & Mary Mill
Thomas Harris & Hannah Stanley, lie.
Samuel Symons & Hesther Scott
Robert Wager & Mary Davis
Samuel Holder & Betty Smith
Richard Brampton & Sarah Hale
Thomas Sowl & Martha Hegue
John Twining & Rachael Niblett
Capel Stephen Hogg & Sarah Phipps, lie.
Daniel Merrett & Elizabeth Hains
Samuel Herbert & Hesther Beard
Isaac Booty & Hester Herbert, lie.
Thomas Scott & Sarah Taylor
William Thomas & Mary Phipps . .
Richard Gardner & Elizabeth Bingham
William Hogg & Bridget Baker, lie.
Richard Arundell & Keziah Sim[m]s, lie.
John Spring & Ann Fryer
William Loveday* & Jane Baylis*, lie.
John Clissel & Elizabeth Horlick . .
William Gardner & Sarah Winn, lie.
William Cook* & Sarah Bliss*
Thomas Birt & Betty Powell
Daniel Chandler & Anne Close
Thomas Hale & Ann Fisher
James Brown, of Cirencester, & Mary Osborn
Samuel Huse & Sarah Cole
Charles Ward, of Woolaston, & Sarah Wood
John Cook & Sarah Workman
Gloucester— VIII.
3 July 1776
23 July „
29 July „
3° July „
31 July „
11 Aug. ,,
1 Sept. ,,
2 Sept. „
15 Oct. „
15 Oct. „
6 Nov. „
14 Nov. ,,
20 Dec. ,,
29 Dec. ,,
20 Jan. 1777
27 Feb. „
24 Mar. ,,
25 Mar. „
30 Mar. „
1 Apr. „
7 May „
19 May „
15 Aug. „
21 Aug. „
27 Aug. „
31 Aug. ,,
1 Sept. „
25 Sept. „
14 Oct. „
16 Oct. ,,
19 Oct. „
2 Nov. „
4 Nov. „
6 Dec. „
26 Dec. ,,
11 Jan. 1778
5 Feb. „
13 Feb. „
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. \_1778
John Dowell* & Mary Parker, lie.
Thomas Pool, of Pitchcombe, & Elizabeth
Dowdeswell, lie.
John Bridges, of London, & Ann Frankis, lie.
John Carter & Mary Cook
Joseph Wager & Sarah Winn
William Ireland & Mary Silvy
William Webb* & Mary Truman*, lie.
Solomon Lawrence & Elizabeth Hale
Daniel Scott* & Mary Holder*
Jasper Neale, of Minchinhampton, & Jane
White, lie.
James Skerrett* & Elizabeth Clifford, of King'
Stanley, lie.
William Beard & Mary Wheeler, lie.
Daniel Selwyn & Betty Smith
Jacob Holder & Hannah Saunders
Robert Page & Mary Hort [? Fort]
William Burdock* & Betty Horsley*, lie.
Daniel Webb & Jane Gyde
Samuel Pegler & Mary Gibbons
John Gardner & Ann Gregory*
James Shavering & Hannah Barnard, lie.
William Wager & Jane Wager
Thomas Niblett, of Miserden, & Mary Cook, lie.
Samuel Atkins, of Brockworth, & Jemima
Smith, lie.
David Davis & Sarah Beard
Thomas Parslo, of Stroud, & Esther Holder
Thomas Cook & Sarah Motley
Zacharias Horlick & Mary Stanley, lie.
William Verrinder & Hannah Keene, lie.
Samuel Winn & Martha Showell . .
Paul Sparrow, of Brookthrop, & Sarah Hughes
Samuel Browning & Hannah Bethell, lie.
John Powell & Betty Artchet
Daniel Haselton, of Stroud, & Sarah Hawkes
Thomas Clissold* & Mary Cooke*
Samuel Browning & Joanna Arundell
19 Feb. 1778
12 May „
1 June „
9 June „
9 June 11
11 June „
28 June „
5 July „
5 July „
12 July „
16 July
26 July
19 Aug.
20 Aug.
6 Sept.
17 Sept.
21 Sept.
1 Oct.
29 Oct.
3 Nov.
10 Nov.
29 Nov.
21 Dec.
3l Jan.
15 Feb.
9 Mar.
20 Apr.
21 Apr.
29 Apr.
29 Apr.
1 May
6 May
10 May
6 June
18 July
Painswick Marriages.
Thomas Cook & Sarah Ireland, lie.
Samuel Grime & Hannah Harris, lie.
John Wood & Catherine Edwards, lie.
Daniel Smith & Hannah Clissold . .
John Jones & Jane Hinton, lie.
John Clissold & Betty Clissold
John Millard & Betty Cudd
Henry Trott & Mary Cudd
Joseph Brown & Catherine Webb . .
Thomas Bethell & Brittannia Jones
Nathaniel Holder & Mary Cook
William Caudwell & Ann Lander, lie.
John Stephens & Sarah Redman, lie.
John Pitt & Mary Geal
William Monk* & Mary Whitcomb* lie.
William Simms & Mary Hale, lie. . .
Thomas Green & Mary Price
Miles Mitchell, of Randwick, & Elizabeth
Hogg, lie.
Thomas Sollers & Mary Worfield . .
Thomas Geal & Hannah Ellis
John Wiggle & Sarah Geale
William Hopkins & Elizabeth Haynes
James Smith & Sarah Horlick
John Kilmister, of King Stanley, & Elizabeth
William Ravenill & Mary Burt
William Horlick & Elizabeth Smith
Joseph Lewis, of Stroud, & Mar}' Gardiner
Michael Norris & Mary Clissold
Robert Soul & Jane Cox
John Cook & Martha Ridler
Edmund Hunt, of Bisly, & Mary Driver, lie,
Jonathan Phipps* & Mary Parker . .
William Jones & Elizabeth Hawkes
James Cook* & Esther Driver*
James Woodfield & Sarah Silvy
Thomas Blake & Elizabeth Sollers . .
Samuel Cresswell & Anne Wood . .
James Stanley & Mary Beard
Richard Ireland, of Bisly, & Elizabeth Twining
1 Aug.
5 Aug-
5 Aug.
1 Sept.
5 Sept.
7 Sept.
21 Sept.
13 Oct.
28 Oct.
? Oct.
12 Dec.
17 Dec.
9 Jan.
15 Feb.
3 Apr.
11 Apr.
18 Apr.
17 May
18 May
17 July
29 July
12 Oct.
21 Oct.
26 Oct.
14 Nov.
28 Nov.
24 Dec.
21 Jan.
22 Jan.
11 Feb.
26 Feb.
20 Apr.
14 May
19 May
1 June
3 June
24 July
18 Aug.
24 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [i 781
John Cook & Mary Taylor
William Pride & Sarah Viner
Thomas Perrott & Eleanor Bryan, lie.
James Grime, of Stroud, & Mary King, lie.
Richard James & Mary Budding, lie.
John Ricketts & Ann Clissold, of Pitchcomb
Thomas Fawks & Sarah Wright
Christopher Webb* & Elizabeth Hill*, lie.
Brice Smith & Susannah Holder
Thomas Winn & Hannah Verinder
Samuel Gardner & Mary Knight, lie.
Daniel Ellis Horlick & Mary Selwyn
Daniel Birt & Anne Birt
Nathaniel Winchcombe, of Rodborough,
Mary Packer, lie. (witness Abraham
Rudhall) ..
Samuel Jacob & Charlotte Webb, lie.
Robert Foote, Clerk, A.M., Rector of Boughton
Malherb, Kent, & Ann Yate, lie.
James D [ ] Wisdom & Mary Chew
John Weekes & Sarah Hale
John Powell & Esther Jellyman
Richard Belcher & Mary Brown, lie.
John Browning & Hannah Cooke . .
George Minett & Susannah Taylor
John Mustay & Elizabeth Phipps . .
John Holder & Mary Higgs
John Hinton* & Mary Bethell*
James Wood & Rebecca Gooding . .
Joseph Belcher & Mary Sparrow . .
James Horlick & Sarah Gibbons
Daniel Chew & Hannah Browning
Richd Cratchley & Ann Huett
John Dangerfield & Sarah Bayliss
Robert Hawks & Esther Estcourt . .
John Leman & Mary Phipps
Nathaniel Dewton & Ann Faulkner
Robert Parker & Sarah Ball
Robert Gardiner & Susannah Beard
James Verinder & Martha Harris, lie.
6 Sept.
11 Oct.
21 Oct.
23 Oct.
18 Nov.
> 13 Dec.
24 Dec.
25 Dec.
4 Feb.
. 8 Feb.
2 Apr.
11 Apr.
9 May
. . 28 May
11 Aug.
• 13 Aug.
17 Aug.
24 Sept.
3 Oct.
15 Oct.
10 Nov.
28 Nov.
2 Feb.
23 Feb.
23 Feb.
25 Feb.
2 Mar.
14 Apr.
20 Apr.
21 Apr.
1 June
15 June
30 June
6 July
6 July
17 July
24 July
Painsivick Marriages.
Samuel Beard & Elizabeth Saunders
Samuel Cleeveley & Esther Merrett
James Roberts & Anne Gill
Samuel Banks & Mary Sollis
Richard White & Sarah Hogg
Thomas Clissold & Mary Cook
John Carwardine & Charlotte Hale
Charles Edward Conyers & Susannah Scott
Job Sollars & Betty Bishop
John Edwards, of Ludlow, in the County of
Salop, & Hannah Smith, lie.
Thomas Barnes & Mary Purchis
William Maysey & Mary Snow
Daniel Beard & Sarah Ireland
Samuel Twining & Deborah Arundell, lie.
William Bethell & Betty Savory . .
Robert Hasseldine & Mary Hillman, lie.
James Hunt & Mary Richards
Thomas Hawks & Mary Witts
John Caudwell & Susanna Butler, lie.
Samuel Walker & Jane Curtis, he.
Thomas Blake & Elizabeth Dowman
Jonathan Estcourt, of Pitchcombe, & Sarah
Farmer, lie.
Richard Smith & Hannah Cook
William Twining & Sarah Eliot
William Ireland & Esther Ireland . .
Thomas Cook & Mary Griffin
Thomas Woodfield & Sarah Birt . .
Daniel Scott* & Betty Grove*, lie. . .
William Turner, of Mitchel Dean, & Mary
Richard Face [? Face] & Mary Smith
William Clissold & Mary Knight . .
William Sil[b]ey & Anne Powell . .
James White, of Stroud, & Hesther Cooke, lie
Ebenezer Clark & Elizabeth Wilson
John Brown & Esther Phipps
Thomas Durrell [?] & Martha Mason
24 Aug. 1783
17 Sept. „
12 Oct. ,,
13 Oct. „
20 Oct. ,,
30 Oct. „
7 Dec. „
27 Dec. ,,
1 Jan. 1784
13 Jan. „
15 Feb. „
19 Feb. ,,
24 Feb. ,,
29 Feb. ,,
12 Apr. „
18 Apr. „
31 May „
12 June „
17 June „
23 June „
27 June ,,
24 July „
14 Aug. „
15 Aug. „
18 Sept. ,,
27 Sept. „
26 Oct. „
28 Oct. „
1 Nov. „
1 Nov. „
2 Nov. „
2 Nov. ,,
18 Dec. ,,
24 Dec. ,,
27 Dec. „
10 Jan. 1785
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1785
Daniel West & Sarah Cook
William Hamlett & Elizabeth Brown
William Farr & Elizabeth Pritchett
Richard Faulkner & Sarah Maysey, w., lie
Benjamin Wager & Mary Beavins . .
Daniel Powell & Sarah Holder
Nathaniel Burdock & Sarah Stephens, lie.
Daniel Hoskins & Mary Berry, lie.
Thomas Jones & Mary Holder
Nathaniel Woodfield & Elizabeth Grey
Stephen Bliss & Martha Symonds
John Holiday & Hannah Maysey
John King & Esther Smith
Robert Clissold & Elizabeth West
John Wager & Charlotte Gill
Thomas Clissold & Barbara Cook
Samuel Hunt & Elizabeth Wood
Leonard Pegler, of Rodborough & Elizabeth
Horwood*, lie.
Thomas Cook & Sarah Wood
James King & Elizabeth Bishop, lie.
Thomas Hughes & Sarah Thomas, lie.
Joseph Partridge & Sarah Beavins
John Bayliss & Mary Whitehead, lie.
Richard Hinton* & Sarah Holder*
James Edwards & Modesty Humphries
Daniel Ellis & Sarah Jones, lie.
Robert Hobbs & Sarah Hazeldine*
Edmund Gardner & Susannah Caudwell, w
James Cook & Mary Grimes
John Close & Hannah Birt
John Cook & Mary Cole . .
George Purnell & Deborah Wicks
William Winn & Jemima Parker
Thomas Tunly & Elizabeth Birt
John Wiggell & Martha Cox
Richard Gardiner & Mary Nash
William Wood & Elizabeth Raisher
Robert Powell & Mary Bethell
10 Jan. 1785
16 Jan. „
4 Apr. ,,
21 Apr. „
3 May „
8 May „
7 June „
1 1 Aug. „
25 Aug. „
4 Sept. „
15 Sept. „
15 Sept. „
5 Dec- »
15 Dec. „
26 Dec. ,,
26 Dec. ,,
6 Feb.
20 Mar.
28 Mar.
18 Apr.
20 Apr.
2 May
22 May
29 May
5 June
23 July
27 July
10 Aug.
3 Sept.
10 Oct.
12 Oct.
15 Oct.
31 Oct.
30 Nov.
8 Dec.
31 Dec.
1 5 Jan.
21 Jan.
Painswick Marriages.
Joseph Dickinson & Elizabeth Clissold
Joseph Rowcills & Priscilla Pegler
Charles Tucker & Mary Browning
William Griffiths & Sarah Willis, he.
John Hale & Sarah Mills, lie.
Benjamin Wood & Nancy Harrison
William Page, of Standish, in the County of
Gloucester, & Barbara Mills, lie.
James Swain & Martha Pegler
Thomas Deverill [?] & Jane Payne, lie.
Thomas Adey & Deborah Clarke
William Gyde & Lydia King
William Cook & Susannah Gardner
Edward Wright* & Sarah White*, lie.
John Osborne & Betty Ridler, lie.
Samuell Sollors & Mary Owen
James Pratt & Barbara Fisher
Richard Jones & Hannah Sollers
Titus Chew & Hannah West
Joseph Organ & Mary Twyning
John Smith* & Hannah Fort*, lie.
Joseph Balderstone Shaw & Leah Merrell 2-
Charles Street, of Burford, in the County of
Oxford, & Mary Patten
John Oakey & Mary Hill
Samuel Wynn, w., & Sarah Walter
Abraham Fisher & Sarah Escott
Samuel Gardner & Esther Cook
Joseph Jones & Hannah Carter
Jerimiah Wager & Mary Carter
Thomas Wager & Sarah Gill
Thomas Verender & Ruth Beard
Richard Barnfield,of Cranham, & Mary Tunley
John Stephens, of Moreton Valence, &
Hannah Hogg, lie. . .
Richard King & Mary Tunly
William Smith & Esther Wood
John Garrett & Sophia Webb, lie
Thomas Phipps & Mary Adams, lie
Francis Phipps & Sarah Harris
5 Feb-
7 Feb.
20 Feb.
11 Apr.
14 Apr.
20 Apr.
28 May
28 May
12 July
10 Aug.
17 Sept.
20 Sept.
20 Oct.
20 Oct.
27 Oct.
6 Nov.
22 Nov.
[? 27] Nov
• jf
1 Dec.
8 Feb.
-[? 24] Feb
• >>
8 Mar.
18 Mar.
24 Mar.
3 Apr.
3 May
5 May
13 May
14 May
4 June
15 June
13 July
27 July
12 Aug.
24 Aug.
9 Sept.
9 Sept.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1788
Thomas Damsell & Sarah Leonard
Robert Powell & Sarah Pitt
Onesiphorus Stanley & Winifred Adey, lie
Daniel Churches & Susannah Wright
William Jakey [?] & Mary Ellis . .
John F[ ? Face] & Elizabeth Steele, lie.
James Cook & Mary Minett
William Hobbs & Elizabeth Clissold
Thomas Harding & Elizabeth Clissold
William Gardner & Elizabeth D[ ]
George Winn & Mary Harksman [?]
George Lawrence & Ann Skinner
Samuel Organ & Mary Parker, lie.
James Thomason & Anne Hills
Daniel Browning & Mary Price
John Adey & Sarah Stanley, lie.
James Swain & Esther Wood
William Knight* & Hesther Phillips* lie.
George Witts & Sarah Worgen
Paul Mills* & Mary Gingell* lie. . .
John Jacob* & Namiria Jones*, lie.
John Joynes & Anne Veal
Thomas Allen & Susannah Roper, lie.
William Butcher & Betty Gardiner
Edward Smart & Betty Mallard
Moses Mors & Elizabeth Edwards
Thomas Ellis & Mary Jones
Richard Wainwright, of St. Helen's, in the
City of Worcester, & Betty Ashton, lie.
William Bayley* & Mary Webb*, of the
Parish of Brookthorp, lie.
Abraham Fisher* & Susannah Butler*
Thomas Organ & Ann Coopey, both of Brock
worth, he.
Samuel Woodfield & Ann Knight . .
Thomas Mayor [? Mayo] & Elizabeth Face
Samuel Birt & Nancy Dowell
Job Gardner & Elizabeth Prout, lie.
William Escott & Sarah Humphries, of
18 Sept. 1788
21 Sept. ,,
24 Oct. ,,
10 Nov. „
15 Nov. „
17 Dec. „
22 Dec. ,,
5 Jan. 1789
5 Jan. „
19 Feb. ,,
11 May „
17 May „
20 May „
21 May „
2 June „
3 June „
4 June „
14 July „
1 Aug. „
21 Aug. „
15 Sept. „
21 Sept. ,,
24 Sept. ,,
24 Sept. ,,
12 Oct. „
14 Oct. „
17 Oct. ,,
18 Oct. „
27 Oct. ,,
10 Nov. ,,
17 Nov. „
24 Dec. ,,
25 Dec. „
26 Dec. „
27 Dec. ,,
5 Jan. 1790
Painszvick Marriages.
Robert Hogg & Hannah Prophet . .
John Chew & Mary Turner
Josiah Jordan, of St. Nicholas in the City of
Glocester, & Ann Gardner, lie.
John Cook & Ann Cook
Thomas Wood & Sarah Leech
John White & Harriet Browning, lie.
John Cook & Jane Cook
Thomas Clissold* & Sarah Pitt*
John Perring, of St. Philip & Paul in co
Gloucester, & Esther Gardner, lie.
Thomas Face & Sarah Chandler
John Hazeldine* & Sarah Skinner*, lie.
William Hayward & Sarah Wager
William Piffe, of St. Mary [? de] Crypt, &
Sarah Hanks, lie.
Moses Smith, of St. Nicholas in Glocester
& Jane Hale
Richard Hale & Elizabeth Maysey
Charles Davies & Anne Maysey
William Mill & Deborah Webb, lie.
William Chapman & Jane Purchis
Daniel Niblet & Elizabeth Harmer
William Mann Willis & Hester Beard, lie.
William Keen & Hannah Willis, lie.
Nathaniel King & Susannah Lander
William Birt & Sarah Hulbert
Josias Gardner* & Sarah Webb*, lie.
Nathaniel Wood & Anne Tiler
John Scott & Ann Ravenell
James Harris & Susannah Hammett
Thomas Collett & Sarah Merret
Joseph Causon, of Cranham, & Ann Swain
James Cook & Unice Selw}ai
Richard Cleevely & Elizabeth Saunders
Thomas Twining & Martha Wood . .
Thomas Powell & Mary West
Joseph Clarke, of Temple Guiting, & Mary
Osborn, of this parish
Peter Cook & Rebecca Clissold
6 Jan. 1790
16 Jan. „
24 Jan. „
7 Feb. „
8 Feb. „
16 Feb. ,,
— Feb. „
2 May „
15 June M
16 June „
22 June ,,
28 June ,,
4 July „
19 July
25 July
6 Aug.
24 Aug.
29 Sept.
11 Oct.
14 Oct.
14 Oct.
20 Oct.
18 Nov.
30 Nov.
1 Dec.
25 Jan.
14 Feb.
21 Feb.
24 Feb.
28 Feb.
6 Mar.
7 Mar.
8 Mar.
5 Mar.
3 Apr.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1791
Matthew Wood & Rachael Wood . .
Thomas Richins & Ann Wilkins, lie.
Thomas Handy, of Upton St. Leonards, &
Susannah West, lie.
William Clutterbuck & Mary Willis, lie.
Thomas Cox & Ann Pear
Thomas Chew & Sarah [? Collis] . .
Edward Pool & Sarah Gransmore . .
Malcolm Farlan, of Churcham, & Catharine
Adey, lie.
Daniel Gainey & Elizabeth Capel, lie.
Joseph Harris, of Brockthorp, & Martha
Ezekiel Clissold & Hannah Pain
William Church & Mary Clissold
John Roffe [Rofft ?] & Rebecca [Gainer ?]
Peter Clissold & Hannah Selwyn
Joseph Woodfield & Leah Horlick
Samuel Selwyn & Martha Cook
Richard Beard & Sarah Burdock . .
John Keen & Susannah Knowles . .
Stephen Scott & Hannah Clissold . .
John Cook, of Pitchcomb, & Hannah Maria
Merrett, lie.
William Saunders & Sealy Gardner
John Carter & Elianor Winn
James Price & Hannah Clifford
Samuel Wood & Betty Powell
Nathaniel Manning & Sarah Clift . .
James Coates & Martha Niblet
Daniel Coates & Mary Voyce
Richard Workman & Hannah Banks
Henry Richings & Sarah Haynes . .
Thomas Fowler, of Stroud, & Elizabeth
King .. .. .. [30
Thomas Bennett, of Newland, in the co. of
Worcester, & Catherine Jordan, lie. . .
Samuel Woodfield & Mary Clissold
George Roberts & Mary Cuff
Thomas Roffe & Hannah Meadows
25 Apr. 1791
9 May „
10 May
27 May
9 June
13 June
14 June
14 July
19 July
29 Aug.
1 Sept.
1 Sept.
5 Sept.
20 Sept.
20 Sept.
26 Sept.
26 Sept.
27 Sept.
8 Nov.
14 Nov.
28 Nov.
19 Dec.
26 Dec.
31 Dec.
13 Feb.
19 Mar.
27 Mar.
10 Apr.
10 Apr.
?] Apr.
1 May
31 May
26 June
28 June
Painszvick Marriages.
William Cooke, of Studley, in the co. of War-
wick, & Elizabeth Adcock, lie.
Robert Clissold & Hannah Walkley
Thomas Richards & Elizabeth Ireland
Daniel Gardner & Elizabeth Haskins
William Willis & Elizabeth Skinner, lie.
James Swain & Martha Cooke
William Cook & Hannah Haskins
James Organ & Ann Bird
William Cuff & Mary Phelps
John Niblett & Mary Knowles, lie.
Paul King & Mary Cook*
Thomas Trigg & Sarah Wood
John Tunly* & Mary Gardner*
Robert Driver & Elizabeth Park
John Roff & Elizabeth Hillman, lie.
William Dowell & Sarah Hooper
John Hughes & Mary Clark, lie.
William Pain & Mary Hobbs
Thomas Twining & Anne [? Jeremiah]
Thomas Roberts & Mary Cook
Richard Perrott & Elizabeth Woodfield, lie.
William \Vyce & Sarah Bevan
William Beard & Sarah Gardner
Richard Saunders & Martha Probert
Richard Gardner & Charlotte Jones, lie.
Thomas [? Hancks] & Mary Ireland
Joseph Chandler & Hannah | ?]
Leonard Pegler* & Elizabeth Bayley*, lie. . .
Samuel Twyning & Betty Webb
Robert Clissold & Ann Robins
William Wright & Hannah Gardner
Walter Price, of St. Michael, Barton Street,
Gloster, & Catharine King, lie.
William Guy & Charlotta Cook
William Gardner & Dinah Gill
John Partridge*, of Miserdine, & Ann Gregory*
John Hardy & Mary Jacob
Joseph Dowell & Sarah Wathern . .
2 Aug.
12 Aug.
14 Aug.
15 Aug.
20 Sept.
24 Sept.
28 Sept.
2 Oct.
12 Oct.
14 Oct.
22 Oct.
22 Oct.
27 Oct.
27 Oct.
22 Nov.
29 Nov.
2 Dec.
2 Dec.
6 Dec.
6 Dec.
16 Dec.
1 Jan.
2 Feb.
21 Feb.
11 Mar.
1 1 Mar.
24 Mar.
10 Apr.
18 Apr.
29 Apr.
12 May
14 May
5 June
11 June
23 June
1 July
14 July
Gloucester shire Parish Registers. [1793
James Birt & Mary Ellis
Benjamin Musty & Hannah Gill
Daniel Cooke & Mary Twining
Thomas Minett & Esther Cooke
Edward Birt & Mary Chew
John Bethell & Alice Wheeler
William King & Mary White
Joseph Wall & Elizabeth King
Samuel Wood & Sarah Musty
William [? Mercy] & Sarah Clissold
William Golden & Deborah Chandler
Richard George & Martha King, lie.
William Cooke & Sarah Wathern
Thomas Hillman & Elizabeth Workman
William Baylis* & Ann Acquith*, lie.
John Hale & Sarah King
John Ashenford & Elizabeth Phillips
William Whitting & Priscilla Stanley
Charles Gill & Elizabeth Ricketts
William Webb* & Charlotte Wynn*, lie. . .
William Warner & Jane Webb, lie.
Thomas Haines & Rachel Gardner
James Johnson & Elizabeth Webb, lie
Joseph Twyning & Mary Merchant
Zacharias Powell & Elizabeth Webb*, lie. . .
William Carter & Hannah Bayliss
William Toghill*, of Minchinhampton, & Mary
Pulton*, lie.
Charles Swain & Leah King
John Cook & Mary Woodfield
Richard Heyden, of Cranham, & Sarah
John Driver & Sarah West
Nathaniel Holder & Mary Pegler
John Jones & Mary Lidett
John Bingle, of Rodborough, & Mary Hiron
John Howell & Sophia Lidett
Thomas Hitchins & Hannah Hale
George Wyett & Ann Frier
18 July
25 July
3° July
25 Aug.
25 Aug.
27 Aug.
19 Sept.
19 Sept.
26 Sept.
6 Oct.
6 Oct.
19 Oct.
31 Oct.
26 Nov.
26 Nov.
7 Dec.
20 Dec.
22 Dec.
26 Dec.
21 Jan.
20 Feb.
2 Mar.
4 Apr.
12 Apr.
15 Apr.
22 Apr.
27 May
9 June
29 June
r3 July
21 July
27 July
1 1 Aug.
22 Aug.
25 Aug.
6 Sept.
14 Sept.
Painswick Marriages.
John Shewell & Allice Stephens
Richard Creed, of Stroud, & Elizabeth Halli-
James Humphreys & Jane Copner
Daniel Gyde & Hester Twining
Samuel Wood & Deborah Cox, lie.
Samuel Gardner & Mary Haynes . .
Abraham Berrey & Ann Hamond . .
Benjamin Clissold & Susanna Englestoff
William Jones & Mary Tarret
Samuel Hatten & Sarah Seymour . .
Thomas Musty* & Nancy Bliss
John Sollars & Elizabeth Meddows
William Barnes & Ann Cooke
William Price, of Barnwood, & Sarah Harris
Thomas Birt & Mary Lewis
William Gardiner & Loes Horlock . .
Samuel Beard & Ann Purnel
James Verrinder & Ann Hill
James Birt & Esther [Hesther] Purchess
Samuel Flower Button* & Mary Ann
Loveday*, lie.
John Pitt Gilding & Charlotte Anne Creese
Charles Hooper & Ann Niblett
Thomas Mills & Rebecca Horlick . .
William Page & Mary Wood
William Blake, Clerk, of Brampton, in the co
of Devon, w., & Ann Carruthers, lie.
Josiah Harris & Elizabeth Bailey, lie.
William Jerram, of St. Peter, in ye city of
London, & Elizabeth Holder, lie.
Daniel Knight & Esther Niblett . .
Charles Right & Mary Steel
Thomas Heague* & Mary King* . .
Richard Silvey & Hester Hazeldine, lie.
William Fowles & Elizabeth Adey
The Rev. Thomas Thomas, of Llandighwydd
in the co. of Cardigan, & Ann Little, lie
Benjamin Barker & Martha Estcote
Edward Grivell & Sarah Hains
22 Sept. 1794
1 Oct.
19 Oct.
30 Nov.
1 Jan.
6 Jan.
8 Feb.
24 Feb.
3 Mar.
5 Apr.
3 May
3 May
25 May
9 June
14 June
14 June
17 June
21 June
26 July
22 Oct. „
29 Nov. ,,
16 Dec. ,,
26 Dec. „
17 Jan. 1796
24 Jan. „
1 Feb. ,,
4 Feb. „
1 Mar. „
10 May ,,
15 May „
19 June „
21 July „
4 Sept. „
2 Oct. „
9 Oct. „
Gloucestershire Parish Registers.
Charles Harris & Elizabeth Wright
William Blackwell & Hester Gingell, lie.
Nathaniel Wiles, of Stroud, & Mary Horlick
Joseph Wright & Elizabeth Affield
Thomas Frankis, of Upton St. Leonards,
Sarah West, lie.
Joseph Rowles & Ann Saunders
John Savory & Mary Woodfield
John Holder* & Ann King, lie.
Henry White & Sarah Drake
John Pool & Esther Escott
Thomas Wathern & Mary Knight
Richard Thresh & Martha Ireland
Francis Wheeler & Mary Roberts, lie,
Richard Dowell & Sarah Niblett . .
Luke Ellis & Sarah Bishop
John Preston & Hannah Acock
John West & Mary Jordan
James West & Esther Snow
William Holtein [? Holkin or Hothen] &
Hannah Gill
Samuel Twining & Elizabeth Clissold
Thomas Gill & Elizabeth Winn
William Green & Charlotte Bayliss
John Herbert & Ann West
Thomas King & Sarah Birt
William Gill & Sarah Hamans
Benjamin Cooke & Sarah Hazeldine*
Thomas Price & Ann Keen, lie.
Thomas Shipway & Mary Fords . .
James Hazle & Rebecca Sollars
Robert Hobbs* & Sarah Hyett* . .
Thomas Skerret*t & Sarah Gyde*, lie.
William Orpin, of Kingstanley, & Elizabeth
Grey [? Guy]
Robert Wigall & Sarah Winn
William Organ & Sarah Bailey, widow, lie.
Samuel Gyde & Susannah Cooke, lie.
George Lawrence & Sarah Hill, lie.
18 Oct.
23 Oct.
11 Nov.
14 Nov.
22 Nov.
23 Nov.
27 Nov.
29 Nov.
30 Nov.
14 Dec.
21 Dec.
29 Jan.
26 Feb.
26 Feb.
26 Feb.
27 Feb.
27 Feb.
28 Feb.
14 May
14 May
21 May
23 May
4 June
3° July
13 Aug.
15 Aug.
28 Aug.
25 Sept.
1 Oct.
8 Oct.
6 Nov.
9 Nov.
27 Nov.
3 Dec.
19 Dec.
26 Dec.
Painswick Marriages.
Jasper Chandler & Elizabeth Ockford .. 31 Dec. 1797
Nathaniel Dimock [w.], of Stonehouse, & Ann
Blake [w.], lie. . . . . 10 Dec. ,,
"No. 391. This is to certify that there is a mistake made by
me in the insertion of Mr. N. Dimock's & Mrs. A. Blake's
marriage, which took place Jan. 10th, 1798, John Dimock,
This entry in this Register was made June 7th, 1801, in the
presence of James Pitt, Official Minister, Nathaniel Dimock,
one of the Parties, Thomas White, one of the subscribing
John Page, of Standish, & Mary Chandler, lie. 6 Feb. 1798
John Tunley & Ann Smith . . • • 9 Apr. „
Thomas Gregory, of Upton St. Leonards, &
Ann Jenkins, of Prinknash Park, an
extra parochial place and adjoining
Painswick, lie. . . . . 13 Apr. „
William Turner & Ann Lyne Davis, lie. . . 6 May ,,
William Bliss & Anna Maria Estcourt . . 29 May „
Thomas Birch & Rachel Webb . . 24 June ,,
Thomas Adey & Ann Clifford, lie. . . . . 27 June ,,
Joseph Collett, of Standish, & Elizabeth
George Nash & Hester Cook
ye city &
Edmund Byne, of Holy Trinity, in
Diocese of Gloucester, &
Roberts, lie.
Robert Keen & Hannah Hobbs
Robert Hodges, w., & Mary Essington, lie.
Giles Merrett, b., & Mary Selwin, s., lie.
Richard Sollars, b., & Sarah Baldwing
Thomas Caner & Rebecca Cole
George Winn & Sarah Lander
George Bethell* & Mary Lawrence*
Daniel Haselton, of the Precincts of
College, in ye city & Diocese
Glocester, & Sarah Hazeldine, lie.
George Jones & Sarah Wiltshire . .
Thomas Cole & Mary Saunders, lie.
Charles Driver, of Stroud, & Jane Colwell
22 June
9 Sept.
13 Sept.
7 Oct.
9 Oct.
9 Oct.
9 Oct.
18 Oct.
5 Nov.
5 Nov.
7 Nov.
25 Dec.
30 Dec.
8 Jan.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1799
William Birt & Sarah Cox, w. of Miserdine, lie
John Hughes & Ann Thomas
Daniel Gyde* & Elizabeth Ravenhill*, lie.
James Organ & Sarah Purnell
Joseph Williams* & Ruth Baylis* . .
Caleb Cook & Prudence Stanley, lie.
Richard Combs & Sarah George . .
John Burrage & Martha Bray
Joseph Chandler & Elizabeth Selwyn
Samuel Meredith & Sarah Chew . .
John Birt & Sarah Woodward
Richard Cox & Mary Brown, lie.
Nathaniel Morse & Sarah Saunders
Caleb Holder & Hannah Parker, lie.
John Brawn & Ann Townshend
William Hamlett, of Pitchcombe, & Jemima
William Wood & Sarah Cox, lie. . .
James Pegler & Susanna Gardiner, of Bisley
William Thomas & Sarah Bivins . .
John Organ & Ann Cook
Charles Hill* & Sarah Hale*
James Clark & Elizabeth Hodges . .
John Pegler, of Stroud, & Sarah Barrow, lie
William Leech & Hannah Howell . .
John Rushmer & Sarah Bray
Edmund Townsend & Sarah Walkley
John West, b., & Anne Carter, s. . .
Thomas Gyde*, b., & Martha Savory* s., lie
John Banks & Betty Wager
William Savory, b., & Charlotte Bethell,
John Skerrett & Mary Hogg
Joseph Dowell & Susannah Aldridge
Joseph Gough & Hester Estcourt . .
Richard Chandler & Ann Browning
Thomas Gregory & Hannah Field . .
John King & Elizabeth Bethell
Thomas Glover & Ann Sparrow* . .
William Organ & Sarah Chandler . .
22 Jan. 1799
25 Jan. „
5 Feb. „
27 Feb. „
5 Mar. „
14 Mar. „
24 Mar. ,,
25 Mar. ,,
25 Mar. „
28 Mar. „
1 Apr. „
8 Apr. „
8 Apr. „
23 Apr. „
6 May „
12 May „
22 May „
8 June „
17 June „
18 June „
20 June ,,
24 June „
14 July „
14 July „
23 July „
18 Aug. „
20 Aug. „
9 Sept. „
1 Oct. „
3 Oct. „
15 Oct. „
20 Oct. ,,
13 Nov. „
19 Nov. „
3 Dec. „
9 Dec. „
10 Dec. ,,
17 Dec. ,,
i8oi] Painswick Marriages. 81
William Webb & Sarah Maisey . . 25 Dec. 1799
William Hogg & Hester Stephens, lie. . . 31 Dec. „
William Smith & Elizabeth Birt . . . . 6 Jan. 1800
John Horlick & Hannah Ellis . . 20 Jan. „
Richard Hains & Sarah Merrett . . 20 Feb. ,,
Robert Wilks & Mary Harris . . . . 28 Feb. „
James Deane, of Bisley, b., & Elizabeth
Stanley, s., lie. . . . . 10 Mar. „
Thomas Cook & Sarah Twining . . . . 16 Mar. ,,
John Birt & Hester Ellis . . . . 22 May ,,
William Rudder, of Birmingham, in ye co. of
Warwick, & Sarah Partridge, lie. . . 9 June „
Richard Ireland & Elizabeth Cook . . 3 Aug. „
William Cole & Sarah Cook . . 4 Aug. „
William Jones & Mary Bethell . . . . 28 Aug. „
John Mollinex & Ann Stephens, lie. . . 2 Sept. ,,
Thomas Miller, of Miserdine, & Ann Black-
well . . . . . . 7 Sept. „
William Wager & Catharine Hancock . . 1 1 Sept. „
Thomas Wood, b., & Hester Hatchett, s., lie. 13 Sept. „
Benjamin Wood, b., & Lydia Jones, s., lie. . . 13 Sept. „
John Leman & Mary Bliss . . . . 14 Sept. „
John Hewett, b., & Mary George, s., lie. . . 18 Sept. „
William Mills, b., & Martha Lawrence, s. . . 20 Sept. „
Henry Smith & Mary Harding . . . . 28 Sept. ,,
Thomas Hayes & Ann Pike . . . . 27 Oct. „
Thomas Hobbs & Barbara Atkins . . . . 10 Nov. „
William Drew, w., & Martha Playne, s., of the
Parish of Stroud, lie. . . . . 16 Dec. „
Jasper Hewer, w., of Baunton, & Mary
Hopton, s., lie. . . . . . . 20 Sept. „
William Burdock, w., & Mary Beard, w. . . 21 Dec. ,,
Charles Holder & Elizabeth Selwyn . . 25 Dec. ,,
Jonathan Turner & Sarah Holder^ . . . 25 Dec. ,,
Edward Lane & Mary Rickets . . 27 Dec. ,,
Isaac White & Margaret Rees . . . . 30 Dec. „
Jonathan Charlesworth & Elizabeth Sadler, lie. 8 Jan. 1801
Richard Powell & Elizabeth Shewell . . 15 Jan. ,,
William Howell, of Horsley, & Mary Cheave,
He. .. .. .. . . 19 Jan. „
Glouc— VIII. G
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1801
Richard Shewell & Ann Adey, lie.
James Dickenson, of St. Botolph, Aldersgate
St., London, & Hester Knight, lie.
James Nott & Alice Godwin
Thomas Holder & Mary Stanley, lie.
Isaac Moon & Mary Twining
Edward Baker & Hannah Wager
John Spring & Elizabeth Merrett
Thomas Warner & Martha Steel
Henry Talbot, of Kiderminster, in the County
of Worcester, & Rosa Broom, lie.
Benjamin Wager & Priscilla Cook . .
John Darke, of St. Nicholas, in the City of
Glocester, & Sarah Caruthers,* lie.
William Gardiner, w., & Ann Gardiner
William Winn & Sarah Scott*
John Dangerfield, w., & Esther Silvey, w.
William Sage Harvey & Ann Wilkins
Robert Tayloe & Sarah Organ, w., lie.
George Harris, of Stroud, & Sophia Vick, lie
Joseph Wall, w., & Elizabeth Smith
Thomas Williams & Mary Williams
Thomas Closs & Rachel Cole
Philip Pritchard & Helen Pixton . .
George Blanch & Philippa Ashford, w., [
Thomas Merrett & Mary Beard
William Preston & Ann Preston
Thomas Barnard, of Stonehouse, & Ann Vick
Samuel Selwin, w., & Sarah White
Sampson Cook & Ann Cook
James Heskins & Ann Clissold
Thomas Twining w., & Hannah Leech
William Verinder & Ann Gardiner
Thomas Fords & Mary Chandler . .
Benjamin Leech & Lydia Merrett . .
Nathaniel Churches, w., & Mary Wright
William Beard & Mary Clissold
John Price & Sarah Rider, lie.
William Dowell* & Ann Parker,* lie.
22 Jan. 1801
28 Jan.
31 Jan.
7 Feb.
8 Feb.
12 Feb.
23 Feb.
12 Mar.
13 Mar.
30 Mar.
13 Apr.
26 May
8 June
23 June
23 June
5 Aug.
27 Oct.
9 Nov.
10 Nov.
10 Nov.
19 Nov.
21 Nov.
22 Nov.
7 Dec.
10 Dec.
2i Dec.
27 Dec.
27 Dec.
19 Jan.
21 Jan.
25 Jan.
25 Jan.
27 Feb.
16 Mar.
23 Mar.
29 Mar.
Painswick Marriages.
William Niblett* & Ann Winn
Stephen Millard & Hester Scott
Thomas Parker & Sarah Fox
Michael Griffin, resident, & Ann Parker
William Wall & Ann Peart
Richard King, resident, & Mary Haynes
Josiah Burdock & Sarah Lawrence
Samuel Holder & Hannah Wood . .
William Wathers, resident, & Elizabeth
Samuel Birt & Sarah Wilkins
Charles Soul & Elizabeth Damsel . .
John Carter & Ann West
Thomas Mann, resident, & Mary Goreon
William Brown, resident, & Susannah Hooper
Richard Weston* & Martha Cook*
William Fitter, resident, & Mary Creswell
Edward Face & Mary Smith
Daniel Cook & Mary Organ
Nathaniel Cook & Mary Long*
William Ireland & Ann Holder
William Haines & Sarah Snow
James Wood & Mary Perkins
Joel Higginbottom & Sarah Blake, both
William Neale & Sarah Mason, both resident
Robert Lord & Mary Phillips, both resident
Samuel Winn & Ann Davies
William Ellis & Mary Woodfield . .
Henry Loveday* & Hester Loveday*, lie
Samuel Birt* & Martha Davis*
John Cook & Sarah Dodwell
John Cook* & Mary Minett*
Robert Wight* & Hester Knight,* w., he.
Giles Mills & Sarah Bridges, lie. . .
Thomas Leonard, of Woodchester, w., & Jane
Browne, lie.
John Fowler, resident, & Sarah Trigg, w
Henry Partridge & Mary Wall, lie.
5 Apr. 1802
5 Apr.
18 Apr.
18 Apr.
26 Apr.
23 May
9 June
14 June
17 June
12 July
16 July
20 July
25 July
2 Aug.
7 Aug.
11 Aug.
22 Sept.
25 Sept.
27 Sept.
27 Sept.
28 Sept.
30 Sept.
2 Oct.
12 Oct.
13 Oct.
20 Oct.
1 Nov.
12 Nov.
13 Nov.
14 Nov.
24 Nov.
16 Dec.
30 Dec.
2 Feb. 1803
8 Feb. „
9 Feb. „
G 2
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1803
Thomas Mills, w., & Mary Ravenhill, w.
Francis Cleevely & Sarah Wilson
William John Hart, & Ann Chew, both
John Beard & Mary Parker, lie.
Samuel King & Elizabeth Birt
Daniel Birt & Hannah Ireland
James Selwin & Sarah Holder
Thomas Stratford & Sarah Ravenhill, lie.
John Cook & Martha Browning
Joseph Gough, resident, & Mary Juggins
Nathaniel Burdock, w., & Elizabeth Winn, lie.
[Witness Cornelius Winter]
Richard Winn & Martha Harrison
John Hook & Hannah Scott
John Moody, & Sarah Brown, both resident
Thomas Smith & Elizabeth Bassett, both resi-
dent in the same parish
John Morse & Sarah Hale
Robert Banks* & Elizabeth Gardner*
Benjamin Wood, w., & Hester Merchant, w.
James Savory & Ann Webb*
Joseph Hale, resident, & Priscilla Lodge
Richard Potter, of Winchcombe, & Hester
Gardner, lie.
Richard Harris & Mary Westbury.
John Twining & Ann Birt
James Lodge & Jane Verinder
Samuel Terrett & Mary Farmiloe .
Edward Willey & Mary Heskins, lie.
John Gardner & Prudence Cook, w.
Thomas Wicks, of Stanford, in the County of
Berks, & Sarah Hewett, lie.
Joseph Wathen, of Woodchester, & Catharine
Caruthers, lie.
Richard Blackwell, w., & Elizabeth Stephens,
w., lie.
Thomas Gingell & Mary Green, lie.
Anthony Butler & Mary Wyatt
William Stokes, resident, & Hannah Sparrow
17 Feb.
21 Feb.
10 Mar.
17 Mar.
29 Mar.
4 May
5 May
6 May
1 May
15 May
19 May
30 May
17 July
19 July
25 July
26 July
4 Aug.
14 Aug.
22 Aug.
22 Aug.
25 Oct.
18 Nov.
5 Dec.
6 Dec.
22 Dec.
26 Dec.
26 Dec.
29 Dec.
29 Dec.
31 Dec.
9 Jan.
23 Jan.
30 Jan.
Painswick Marriages.
John Stephens & Mary Pitt
James Ward & Hannah White
Thomas Barnard, of Frampton, & Sophia Love
day, lie.
James Kevell & Sarah Moody, both resident
Richard Merchant & Mary Launder
Joseph Savory & Dinah Harris, lie.
Richard Wager & Sarah Selwin
Jeremiah Stanley,* of Standish, w., & Mary
Viner, lie.
James Deer & Mary Green
Isaac Taylor & Mary Holiday
John Ireland & Elizabeth Holder . .
Samuel Davis, resident, & Ann Twining
William West, resident, & Hester Farmiloe
Richard Heskins & Mary Dickenson
James Hyett, of Rodborough, & Priscilla
Morgan, he.
Joseph Davis & Mary Holder, lie. . .
Joseph Pike, & Charlotte Saw, both resident
Joseph Birt & Mary Hayward
Charles Tunley & Mary Simmonds
Joseph Merrett & Elizabeth Williams, lie.
Charles Ravenhill & Ann Wood
George Saw* & Ann Adams,* both resident
Samuel Twinning & Ann Degg, resident
William Woodward & Susannah Butt, both
Thomas White & Sarah James, both resident
Henry Ward, of Faringdon, w., & Jane Bed-
well, lie.
Daniel Poole & Mary Reynolds, both resident
James Watkins & Nancy Pitt, both resident
John Hackley & Anne Selwin, both resident
William Lawrence* & Ann Spring,* lie.
John Whatley & Elizabeth Birt, w., lie.
John Felling, resident, & Hannah Law-
James Holder, w., & Hester Maisey
John Cox & Elizabeth Hogg, he. . .
1 Feb.
9 Feb.
9 Feb.
13 Feb.
10 Apr.
28 May
19 July
23 July
13 Aug.
19 Aug.
26 Aug.
4 Sept.
13 Sept.
16 Sept.
30 Sept.
10 Oct.
14 Oct.
12 Nov.
19 Nov.
22 Nov.
26 Nov.
10 Dec.
26 Dec.
24 Dec.
25 Dec.
25 Dec.
27 Jan.
7 Feb.
11 Feb.
19 Feb.
1 Apr.
2 Apr.
14 Apr.
17 Apr.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1805
Nathaniel Perkins (junr.), of Eastington, &
Maria Atkins, lie.
William Tanner, of Uley, & Anne Monk, lie.
Thomas Beard, of St. Mildred's, London, &
Elizabeth Hogg, lie. [mar. by Thos. J.
William Beard & Ann Window, resident
John Gardener,* w., & Elizabeth Bradley,* w.
William Barnard, of Frampton, & Elizabeth
Loveday, lie.
William Cook & Sarah Motley, lie.
William Cook, resident, & Sarah Harrisson
William Wager, w.f & Hannah Whiting
Silas Whatley, resident, & Zealy Estcourt
Thomas Grimes & Sarah Hook, both resident
Charles Bridgeman & Elizabeth Stone, both
Daniel Hayward, of St. Matthew, Friday St.,
London, & Harriet Loveday, lie.
William Bromage, resident, & Elizabeth
Henry Grimes & Sarah Neale, both resident
Daniel Archer & Ann Wathers
John Burdock & Jane Turner, resident
William Belcher & Mary Marmont
Charles Harris & Susanna Birt
John Davis, resident, & Martha Ellis
John Merrett & Hester Apperley
Robert Arundell & Sarah Aldham, of Bisley
Joseph Savory, w., & Mary Watkins, lie.
John Hamlett & Edith Tippen
Henry Arundell & Elizabeth Millard
James Harris & Bethia Parker
Edward Harbert, of Cirencester, & Alice
Wiles, lie.
John Hillman, resident, & Susanna Wood . .
George Fletcher & Rachel Horlick
Richard Blackwell, w., & Hannah Savory, w.,
William West & Ann Webb
11 Apr. 1805
5 May „
1 1 July
25 July
31 July
13 Aug.
9 Sept.
23 Sept.
24 Sept.
7 Oct.
13 Oct.
22 Oct.
24 Oct.
30 Oct.
17 Nov.
28 Nov.
25 Dec.
30 Dec.
30 Dec.
27 Jan.
4 Feb.
23 Mar.
26 Mar.
30 Mar.
10 Apr.
21 Apr.
29 Apr.
5 May
20 May
21 May
22 May
Painswick Marriages.
Samuel Harve}-,of Averring, & Harriet Crew, lie.
Thomas Horlick & Mary Millard
Henry Musty* & Prudence Barnett,* resi-
Edward Parker & Mary Bliss, resident
Sampson Gardener, w., & Elizabeth Niblett . .
Henry Dowell, w., & Hannah Webb
Joseph Escott, & Jane Grimes
Thomas Perrott, w., & Mary Cook, w., lie. . .
Thomas Hazeldine & Hannah Birt
Thomas Smith & Elizabeth Gyde, lie.
William Millard & Hannah Whiting, both
William Woodward, of Heyton, in the county
of Wilts, & Ann Jordan, lie.
William Gardener, resident, & Rachel Bailey
John Williams, B.A., of Stroud, clerk, & Eliza-
beth Cooke, lie.
Thomas Bassett, soldier, late of Chatham Bar
racks, & Mary Ward, lie.
Thomas Spring, w., & Maria Ireland, w.
Seth Kitchen, resident, & Sarah Cook
William Davis & Ann Bennett, resident
Daniel Birt & Jane Arundell
Enos Smith & Sarah Tanner, lie.
John Cripps & Sarah Hudd
Charles Gyde* & Carolina Georgina Mason,*
William Cook & Hannah Catall
William Creed, of Stonehouse, & Hannah
Cooke, lie.
Samuel Stockwell & Sophia Grimes, lie.
Thomas Bridges & Mary Curtis, lie.
Robert Beard & Elizabeth Closs
Harry Blackwell, of Miserdine, & Elizabeth
Thomas Harding & Mary Tuckwell
Charles Jones & Elizabeth Hughes, resident
Thomas Geal & Susanna Churches
22 May
9 June
17 June
3 July
8 July
4 Aug.
10 Aug.
29 Sept.
3 Oct.
13 Oct.
13 Oct. „
27 Nov. ,,
27 Nov. „
2 Dec. ,,
8 Jan. 1807
27 Jan.
29 Jan.
9 Mar.
17 Mar.
27 Apr.
2 May
5 May
31 May
1 July
13 July
29 July
4 Aug.
4 Oct.
15 Oct.
19 Oct.
10 Nov.
88 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1807
Mark Archer, w., & Mary Gardner,* of St.
Mary Woolchurch Haw, Middlesex . . 23 Dec. 1807
William Taylor & Elizabeth Tocknell, both
Thomas Neale & Mary Allen
William Saunders & Harriett Oakey .. 12 Jan. 1808
George Randle & Elizabeth Whitmore, lie. . .
Thomas Blake & Elizabeth Gyde, lie.
Charles Wager & Hannah West, lie.
William Greathead, w., of Minster, Kent, &
Mary Hodges, lie.
James Sheppard & Elizabeth Horlick, lie.
Jacob Chamberlain & Mary Mason, w., lie. . .
William Steel, resident, & Hannah Marmant
Henry Hook, resident, & Mary Neale
Joseph Wells, of Saint Mary le Bone, co.
Middlesex, & Sarah Bingham Cooke, lie.
John Ricketts & Sarah Davis, resident
Thomas Brown* & Ann Williams*
Samuel Beard, w., & Mary Ireland
Robert Mogeridge, resident, & Sarah Baker . .
Benjamin Lane & Ann Apperly
William Gardner, w., & Lucy Jenkins, lie.
Daniel Selwin & Sarah Horlick
Daniel Anthill, of Stroud, & Hannah Hogg . .
Charles Freeman, of Duntesbourn Abbots, &
Sarah Merrett
Matthew Wood & Mary Lane
Samuel Browning & Ann Sims
William Pratt, of Miserdine, & Lucey Adey . . 14 Feb. 1809
John Mosley, of Stonehouse, w., & Priscilla
Cooke, lie.
Thomas Hurt Earle & Phobe Cooke
Thomas Merrett & Mary Hale
William Harris & Hester Limbrick
William Telling, resident, & Sarah Sollars . .
Thomas Wright, resident, & Ann Woodfield
Samuel White, resident, & Mary Wager
William Kidman Harris & Elizabeth Weaver,
both resident . . . . 23 May
28 Dec.
31 Dec.
12 Jan.
25 Jan.
28 Jan.
5 Feb.
19 Feb.
7 Mar.
29 Mar.
1 1 Apr.
26 June
28 June
6 July
21 July
28 July
8 Aug.
21 Aug.
23 Aug.
26 Aug.
25 Sept.
24 Oct.
14 Dec.
31 Dec.
14 Feb.
26 Feb.
14 Mar.
10 Apr.
27 Apr.
17 May
22 May
22 May
Painswick Marriages.
Thomas Cook & Susannah Keen
William Andrews, of St. Mary de Load,
Glocester, & Elizth Beard, lie.
William Mills & Mary Sims
Charles Leech & Martha Mansfield
Thomas Turner & Sarah Phipps, lie.
John Merrett & Mary Barndard [sic]
Nathaniel Rudder, of Dursley, & Hannah
William Dowell, of Brockworth, & Sarah
Sampson Gardener, w., & Ann Clissold, w. .
Paul Sparrow & Susanna Bliss
John Long, resident, & Sarah Wood
Walter Watkins, of Stroud, w., & Jane Hay
ward, lie. . .
Isaac Wiggle & Elizabeth Grimes . .
Thomas Hilman, resident, & Hester Wood .
Thomas Chew, resident, & Hester Ricketts .
William Coxhead, resident, & Elizabeth Clark
Charles Hanks & Sarah Hewlett, lie.
Thomas Jones & Mary Ann Howell
William Webb & Hester Webb
Samuel Clissold, of Miserdine, & Martha Tyler
William Wells & Sarah Savory
Henry Hook & Margaret Webb
Joseph Shear & Ann Fletcher, both resident
Samuel Wood & Maria Leech
William Hanks & Elizabeth Cook . .
William Webb, of Upton S'. Leonards, &
Sarah Gyde
George Harding, resident, & Mary Ann Birt
John Carr, resident, & Priscilla Purnell
Thomas Rudge & Mary Clap, resident
Samuel Maisey & Hannah Cook
William Winn & Betty Herbert
William Wager & Malinda Tidmash
William Gardener & Elizabeth Cook
Samuel Neale & Ann Clissold, both resident
19 June 1809
3° July „
21 Aug. „
3 Sept. „
5 Sept. „
8 Sept. „
11 Sept. ,,
2 Oct. „
3 Oct. „
12 Oct. ,,
3 Dec. „
15 Dec.
31 Dec.
9 Jan.
13 Feb.
27 Feb.
9 Apr.
23 Apr.
1 May
3 May
15 May
3 Jan.
10 June
17 June
22 June
1 July
10 July
15 Sept.
16 Sept.
16 Sept.
7 Oct.
14 Oct.
6 Nov.
6 Nov.
90 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1810
Robert Goodall & Grace Cook . . . . 16 Dec. 1810
Samuel Butt, resident, & Ann Smith
John Neale & Elizabeth Neale
William Bidmead & Elizabeth Jones, lie.
Thomas Cox, of Rendcombe, & Ann Cox, lie.
James Thomas & Elizabeth Pegler, lie.
Joshua Mills & Ann Close
William Owen, of Stroud, & Mary Fawkes . .
John Baldwin, of Rodborough, & Mary
Samuel Baxter, of Randwick & Mary Essex
Timothy Wood & Rebecca Organ
William Shewell & Betty King
William Cook & Ann Browning, both resident
Thomas Trye & Priscilla Hughes .. .. 13 Jan. 18 12
William Cross, of King Stanley, & Sarah Cope
Charles Payton & Martha Deverell, both resi-
Charles Lyon Herbert, of St. James, West-
minster, & Anne Jefferys, lie.
[Witn. Humy Jeffreys, Father of the s. Anne and Honble
Ann Forsyth. J
Samuel Goddard & Elizabeth Norris, lie. .. 3 May 1S12
Thomas Hollister Short* & Sarah Loveday*. .
John Smith, resident, & Mary Maisey
William Lewis & Hester Lees, both resident
Thomas Wyatt & Sarah Neale, both resident
Samuel Farrant, of Walcot, Bath, & Maria
Blackwell, lie.
Samuel Meredith & Hester Bliss
George Gardner, of Marsfield, & Ann Black-
well, lie.
William Carter & Maria Beard
Daniel Beard* & Joanna Randell*
Henry Cox, of Deerhurst, & Mary Scott, lie.
James Carter & Mary Millington, of ye p. of
Alderton, lie.
James Woodfield & Martha Gardener
John Trueman, of Kingstanley, & Sarah
Hodges . . . . . . 18 Oct.
16 Dec.
25 Dec.
30 Dec.
3 Jan.
3° Jan.
26 Mar.
21 May
23 May
17 June
16 Aug.
21 Aug.
24 Oct.
15 Dec.
13 Jan.
9 Apr.
19 Apr.
23 Apr.
2 and H<
3 May
14 May
17 May
18 May
7 June
10 July
13 July
29 July
8 Aug.
10 Sept.
18 Sept.
4 Oct.
15 Oct.
1629-38] Painswick Marriages.
Thomas Dobbins, of Aston Ingham, co. Here-
ford, & Elizabeth Hughes
William Wyatt & Susanna Saysome
Abraham Fisher & Patience Ralph
Richard Cole & Mary Woodfield
22 Oct. 181 2
15 Nov. „
17 Dec. ,,
31 Dec. „
The Marriage Registers at Painswick for the following years,
among others {see prefatory note), are missing : — 1629, 1630,
1638, 1639, 1640, 1706, 1706-7, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, T755,
1 756, 1757. Transcripts, however, exist in the Bishop's Tran-
scripts at Gloucester for these years, and from them are
extracted the following entries of weddings : —
James Niblett & Joane Flambert .. .. 25 July 1629
Charles Rogers, gent., & Elizabeth Seaman
Richard Robins & Anne Dober
Richard Loueday & Alee Merrett
William Watkins & Sarey Wheler
Thomas Blisse & Anne Hillman
Richard Harrys & Marye Wood
Richard Wicke & Joane Harrys
Richard Ffootes [?] & Elizabeth Ricketts
Thomas Osborne & Elizabeth Wheler
Jessie Jones & Sarey Watkins
Thomas Whyte [?] & Wynifred Kingscote
William Cookse [?\ & Jane Asmeade
James Castle & Anne [ ] yre . . . . 26 May 1630
Henry Jones & [ ] Osbourne
Gyles Carter & Joane Geerye
Samuell Ocford & Jane Crump
Gyles Wattkins & Elizabeth [ ]
William Fletcher & Susanna Cooke
Thomas Jones & Alice [ ]
William Watkins & Elizabeth Taylor
Giles Roberts, of Wootton, & Tabitha Fleminge 2 Aug. 1638
Thomas Crackett, of Tainton, & Mary Hobson
of same
Peter Croome, of Littleton, & Margarett Sands,
of Brockworth
25 July
3° July
1 Aug.
20 Aug.
25 Aug.
1 Nov.
2 Nov.
9 Nov.
9 Nov.
28 Nov.
28 Nov.
3 Dec.
13 Jan.
26 May
26 May
27 June
4 Aug.
14 Aug.
15 Aug.
17 Nov.
11 Feb.
2 Aug.
2 Aug.
4 Aug.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1638
John Gill, of Slymbridge, & Joane Jeffe, of
John Awood, of Cam, & Margery Smyth, of
Guy Andres & Ursurly Freeman, of Beckford
John Mill & Mary Broadgate
William Hegldy & Ursuly Wayte
John Corbett & Anne Bryan
John Gardner & Elizabeth Fletcher
Tho. Beard & Marie Harper
Samuel Atkins & Anne Land
John Nash & Katherine Clements
Robert Beard & Anne Clissold
William Gardiner & Hanna Hopton
William Wood & Sarah [ ]
Henry Briant & Christian Marner [?]
Henry Lewes & Hanna Cliff
John Castle & Elizabeth [blank]
Arthure Long & Alice Gnashe, w.
John Wrenn & Hester Blisse
Francie Harris & Mary Ridler
Henry Terrett & Alice Osborne
Richard Bridges, gent., & Elinor Lawrence, of
Henry Knowles & Margarett Rodway
John Gibbins & Margarett Perkins
George Raynolds & Joane Morgan, of
Robert Edmonde & Joane Greeneway
Thomas Cook, of Miserden, & Anne Hewett
Richard Apperley, of Stroud, tucker, &
Hannah Powel
James Ellis, Weaver, & Elizabeth Eagle
William Turner, Weaver, & Sarah Beard . .
Thomas Rowland, of Stroud, weaver, & Jane
Samuel Cawley, of Eston, weaver, & Hester
William Gardiner, of Stroud, & Elizabeth
11 Aug. 1638
27 Aug. „
6 Sept. „
1 Oct. ,,
11 Oct. „
26 Nov. ,,
5 May 1639
6 May „
24 June „
10 June „
6 July „
1 1 July „
26 Oct. „
28 Oct. „
2 Nov. ,,
30 Nov. „
11 May 1640
11 May „
8 June „
28 June „
20 Aug. „
23 Aug. ,,
4 Oct. „
19 Nov. „
22 Nov. ,,
8 Apr. 1706
8 Apr. „
15 Apr. „
2 May „
27 May „
27 June „
7 Oct. „
Painsivick Marriages.
Anthony Win, of Stroud, weaver, & Mary
William Wastfield, husbandman, & Mary Ady
Thomas Smart, clothier, & Hester Oakey
Thomas Newcomb, weaver, & Mary Berry
Richard Watkins & Jane Clements
[The following nine entries are on a parchment strip headed
and endorsed — " 1706-7 " C.T.D.].
James Averis & Sarah Wesbury
Giles Pitt & Jane Cherrington
Hen. Browning, of Titbury, & Elizabeth
Tomkins, of Quedgley
Robert Hogg & Hannah Blanch
Thomas Barnett & Martha Cudd
Richard Showell & Eliz. Ockell
Francis Wadds & Joanna Bradley
Jasper Little & Ann Hawker
Sam1 Prestwood & Amy Artus
Ralph Ireland & Alice Shewell
Jonath. Twining & Mary Bryan
William Dudly & Susan Cowles
Josiah Hillman & Ann Holder
Joseph Knowles & Mary Bick
William Winn & Mary Bayly
Peter Humphris & Elisabeth Smart
Richard Carter & Elisabeth Moss
Jonathan Copping & Sarah Read
Richard Ebsworth, of Cirencester, mercer, &
Eliz. Cooke .. .. .. 1 Apr. 1708
William Bartlett, labourer, & Mary Smart . . 22 July „
Thomas Davis, of Stroud, & Eliz. Clutterbucke 13 Sept. „
Henry Averys, mason, & Elizabeth Fryer . . 15 Sept. ,,
Jacob Harding, weaver, & Hannah Grans-
mere . . . . . . 17 Oct. „
John Bayly, weaver, & Ann Millard . . 18 Oct. „
Richard Cudd, carrier, & Ann Felton . . 8 Dec.
Ambrose Hewett, tucker, & Hannah Adey . . 2 Feb.
William Horman & Mary Stevens . . 1 Nov.
Richard Cooke & Mary Bailey . . 5 Feb.
William Hall & Ann Trustrom . . . . 22 Mar.
8 Oct.
1 Nov.
22 Nov.
7 Jan.
5 Feb.
15 May 1706-
20 May „
5 June
21 July
26 Aug.
4 Sept.
3 Dec.
8 Dec.
26 Dec.
24 Apr.
24 Apr.
16 June
12 July
12 Sept.
13 Sept.
2 Jan.
8 Jan.
18 Jan.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1755
Anthony Winn & Christian Spilman
William Chew & Sarah Haines
Thomas Stanley & Sarah Pritchard
Thomas Verrey & Abigail White . .
Solomon Whiller & Mary Isold
Thomas Hayward & Sarah Hill
John Wood & Ann Nickols
William Webb & Sarah Vernon
Daniell Packer & Mary Packer
John Birt & Mary Howell
Daniell Vines & Ann Dovey
Edward Whitehead & Martha Parcker
John King & Sarah Bayley
Thomas Hokes & Mary Pritchard . .
James Bethell & Esther Painter
John Gardiner & Sarah Blackwell
Thomas Swain & Mary West
Thomas Cook & Elizabeth Whiting
John Payne & Ann Eatkins
Richard Jones & Elizabeth Wight . .
Drew Larner & Susannah Smith
Richard Silby & Mary Mills
John Hornsby & Sarah Poytris
Thomas Nickolls & Elizabeth Harriss
George Minett & Hester Mase
Samuell Brazington & Hester Mayo
Jonathan Twining & Elizabeth Millerd
Daniell Snow & Hester Poinn
Jeremiah Wager & Elizabeth Carter
William Berry & Mary Harriss
Thomas Sterry & Sophia Partridg
Samuell Browning & Sarah Packer
James Bethell & Mary Webb
Richard Turly & Mary Perkins
Thomas Esticot & Mary Darke
Giles Whiten & Hannah Townsill . .
Samuell Winn & Hannah Webb
John Orgen & Hannah Nibblett
Daniell King & Martha Nickolds . .
William Edwards & Charlotte Wight
10 Jan. 1755
19 Jan. „
31 Mar. „
6 Apr. „
13 Apr. „
27 Apr. „
24 Apr. „
4 May „
15 May „
1 June „
15 June „
10 July „
27 July „
20 Aug. „
24 Aug. „
16 Sept. „
28 Sept. „
28 Sept. „
29 Sept. „
16 Oct. „
3° Nov. „
21 Dec. „
28 Dec. „
15 Jan. 1756
15 Jan. „
18 Jan. ,,
n Feb. ,,
29 Feb. M
14 Mar. „
10 Apr. „
25 Apr. „
7 June „
10 June „
20 Aug. „
5 SePt- M
3 Oct. „
5 Dec. „
11 Apr. 1757
1 7 Apr. „
15 May „
Painszvick Marriages.
Edward Probin & Sophia Dolton
Robert Shill & Diana Smart
John White & Elizabeth Ashenford
Robert Hornett & Hannah Irland . .
William Cook & Ann Bridges
William Mower & Elizabeth Trotman
Daniell Cook & Sarah Millard
Joseph Beevings & Hester Heskins
Giles Pasley & Ann Gardiner
Samuell Jordan & Hannah Edwards
Richard Green & Sarah Beard
John Jones & Ann Twining
George Legg & Mary Willsher
John Frances & Hannah Nash
Thomas Buttler & Hannah Cook . .
William Gabb & Martha Holder . .
2 June
5 June
24 June
24 June
24 Aug.
6 Oct.
9 Oct.
18 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
23 Oct.
17 Nov.
20 Nov.
20 Nov.
27 Nov.
Marriages at Kingscote,
1652 to 1812.
Note. — The entries of Marriages in the Kingscote Register commence
in the year 1652. They are contained, up to the year 1800, in three
separate volumes. Volume I contains all the Marriage entries
from 1652 to 1753 m Tne space ot two folios, which are folios 13
and 14 of the Register (pp. 23-26). Volume II is stated on the
cover to contain all the Marriage entries from 1754 to 1782; but
the earliest entry in it is dated 1757. This is a separate Register
for Marriages, and occupies 23 paper pages. Volume III is
divided into three parts for Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials.
The Marriage entries commence on page 15 and end on page 26.
None of the volumes now extant appear to contain any entries of
Marriages for the years 1801 to 1812.
The entries transcribed below have been extracted by the Rev. W.
Symonds, M.A., Vicar of Sherston, Wilts, and are printed by
permission of the Rev. Selwyn E. Rudge, Rector of Kingscote.
Volume I.
Abraham Hallis & Elinor Purnell, both of
Dursley* . . . . 28 Mar. 1652
John Hathway, of Binley, & Joane Buckeland,
of Charlton, Wilts . . 29 Dec. 1653
John Roach, of Newton Bagpath, & Hannah
Putley . . . . . . 25 Dec. 1654
William Wight & Hannah Hooper, of Dufton,
Tetbury .. .. .. .. 15 May 1654
John Spencer (son of J. S., of Hardwicke), &
Rebecca Wellstead . . 23 July 1655
John Leonard & Rebecca Cotterill . . 30 July „
Henry Stickeland, of Stanton Drew, co. Som.,
& Hannah Luton . . . . . . 16 Aug. ,,
Mr. William Terret, of St. Bennet's, Paule's
Wharfe, in London, & Mrs. Joane
Kingscote, of Kingscote .. .. 10 July 1656
* "Were married here the twenty-eight day of March 1652, in the
absence or vacancy of a minister there."
Glos.— Vol. VIII. H
98 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1657
Richard Goby, of Stonehouse, & Elizabeth
Luton .. .. .. "the thirhtth" 1657
[No marriages 1658.]
James Croft, of Arlingam, & Hester Luton . . 26 Dec. 1659
John Spencer & Elizabeth Hutchins . . 30 Jan. ,,
Walter Chambers & Joke Harris . . 4 May 1660
Master Nathaniel Cambridge & Mistresse
Mary Kingscot . . . . 15 Nov. „
[No marriages 1661, 1662, and 1663.]
Giles Halle, of Beverstone, & Mary Isgar . . 31 May 1664
Daniell Wellsteed & Elizabeth Hickes . . [blank\ „
Mr. Giles Nash, of Woodchester, & Mrs.
Ester Kingscote . . . . . . 22 Sept. „
\No marriages 1665, 1666, and 1667.]
John Minet, of Cowly, & Rebecka Luton ["at
Beverston "J .. .. .. 19 Nov. 1668
[No marriages 1669.]
John Hill, of Cam, gent., & Mrs. Elizabeth
Greene . . . . . . 27 Aug. 1670
Samuell Clift, of Horsely, & Abigalle Wit-
combe .. .. .. .. 24 Apr. 1671
[No marriages 1672 and 1673.]
Steven Harris & Sara Luton . . 11 Aug. 1674
John Bennet & Hanna Hopkins . . 3 Jan. 1675
[No marriages 1676 and 1677.]
Samuell Denne, of Tetbury, & Elizabeth
Holbrow .. .. .. .. 17 Oct. 1678
Samuell Locker,* of Horsly, & Mary Hath-
away . . . . . . 27 Jan. ,,
[No marriages 1679 and 1680.]
Richard Clotterbucke, of Estenton, gent., &
Mrs. Hannah Naish, of Stonhous . . 8 Dec. 1681
Richard Brown & Jane Heaven, of Newnton
Bagpath . . . . . . . . 26 Dec. 1682
John Sheksbury, of " Aldrey " [? Alderley], &
Aales Hathaway . . . . . . 19 Feb. „
[No marriages 1683, 1684, and 1685.]
*Lokier, in the Bapt. Reg. 1679.
1735] Kings cote Marriages. 99
Nathaniell Ridler, of Bisley, gent., & Mrs.
Elizabeth Kingscote, of Kingscote .. 9 Dec. 1686
Georg Small, of Uley, gent., & Mrs. Ann
Halle, of Hillesly, in Hauksbury . . 14 Apr. 1687
[No marriages 1688 and 1689.]
John [? Grind or Gune], gent, of Clanefild,
& Mrs. Ann Kingscote, of Kingscote . . 8 May 1690*
[No more marriages till i6gg.]
James Woodrofe, of Horsley, & Elizabeth
Wits . . . . . . . . 28 Oct. 1699
[No marriages 1700, 1701, 1702, 1703, and 1704.]
Nicholas Drew, of Beverston, & Annah Millard,
of Tetbury .. .. .. 25 June 1705
[No marriages 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, \i\o,and 171 1.]
Thomas Burfoot, of Nimsfild, & Mary Weight 8 June 17 12
John Blick & Jane Shepway, at Beverston . . [blank] ,,
[No marriages 1 7 1 3 and 1 7 1 4. J
Valentine Price & Mary Eyles .. .. [blank] 17 15
[No marriages till 1724.]
John Harding & Catharin Dorny . . 29 June 1724
Richard Stibbs & Hester Wood .. .. 27 June 1725
Thomas Barnfield & Mary Hinton, both of
Avening . .. ..21 Aug. 1726
Jeramiah Hopkins & Susana Punter . . 3 May 1727
[No marriages 1728.]
Pall Teeckell, of Horsly, & Elizabeth Hillier 7 Dec. 1729
[No marriages 1730.]
Thomas Beard, of Lenord Stanley, & Sarah
Harris .. .. :. .. 16 Jan. 173 1/2
Henrey Coob, of Youly, & Ann Hilor . . 26 Sept. 1732
[No marriages 1733 and 1734.]
Martin Loyd, of Badmington, & Elizabeth
Pope, of Beverstone .. .. 26 May 1735
John Golding, of Kemble, Dioc. of Sarum, &
Ann Bath, ol Cherington . . . . 3 Oct. „
Thomas Emly, of Tedbury, & Elizabeth Jones,
of Beverstone .. .. .. 19 Dec. ,,
* This page is attested by " Andrew Needham, Rector."
H 2
ioo Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1735
John Smith, of Horsley, & Hannah Jones . . 22 Dec. 1735
Philip Sheapard, of Hampton, & Ann Roules 2 May 1736
James Taylor & Elizabeth Perry, both of N.
Nibley . . . . . . . . 10 June „
Robert Hathway, of Wotton-under-Edge, &
Elizabeth Harris . . . . 6 Feb. „
Oliver Langley, of Brinkworth, Wilts, & Mary
Faux .. .. .. .. 21 Apr. 1737
John Dicks, of Nimphsfield, & Sarah Close . . 9 Apr. 1738
John Walkley, & Jane Williams, of Beverstone 4 Oct. ,,
Nathanael Ball & Hannah Palmer . . . . 25 Dec. 1739
Philip Strong, of Cherington, & Elizabeth Cull 30 Oct. 1740
[No more marriages till 1 751.]
Henry Foords, of Olpen, & Bety Lin . . 26 Mar. 1751
[No marriages 175 2. J
Thomas Weight & Ann Buttler .. .. 28 May 1753
[End of the Marriages in Vol. I.]
Volume II.
[No marriages entered for 1754, 1755, an
*Samuel Cainton, of Horsely, & Mary Addis
*Richard Blackwell, oi Horsely, & Joanna
King, lie.
John Niblett & Elizabeth Day
Robert Collier & Mary Howell
Thomas Ram & Mary Brooks, lie. . .
Wallis Brooks & Deborah Brooks, lie.
Samuel Tainton & Sarah Smith, of Uley, lie.
William Robbins & Esther Eldridge, lie.
William Kemp & Mary Chambers, of Horsley,
[No marriages 1765.]
Daniel Dangerfield, of Cowly, & Anne Hop-
kins, lie.
William Ball & Mary Wight
Jacob Pike & Hannah Wight
William Perrin & Elizabeth Howell, lie.
a? 1756.]
11 Apr.
7 Sept.
22 Oct.
12 Nov.
20 Jan.
21 June
6 Feb.
30 July
23 Apr. 1764
16 Jan.
8 Dec.
13 Dec.
1 June
* These 2 entries are out oi place on page 21.
1 781] King scot 'e Marriages. 101
William Griffin, of Malmsbury, & Catherine
Creed, lie. .. .. .. .. 18 June 1767
Walter Jones, of Dursley, & Elizabeth Smith 12 Oct. „
William Hopkins & Margaret Andrews, of
Berkeley, lie. . . . . . . 6 Aug. 1 768
Thomas Andrews, of Berkeley, & Naomi
Hopkins, lie. . . . . 10 Oct. ,,
John Wallis, of Horsley, & Deborah Brooks,
wid., lie. .. .. .. .. 13 Apr. 1769
Thomas Stephens, of Avening, & Mary
Shrivve, lie.
William Howell & Mary Shipton, of Tedbury
Samuel Hinton, of Bagpath, & Hester Wallis,
William Pain, of Crudwell, & Betty Wight, lie.
[No marriages 1771.]
Henry Brooks & Martha Brooks, lie.
Samuel Williams & Betty Norton
Charles Tanner, of Dauncy, Wilts, & Anne
Robert Williams & Elizabeth Cook
Thomas Newman & Sarah Sparks
Daniel Neale & Mary Turner
[No marriages 1775.]
James Heaven & Mary Herbert
John Creed & Hester Morse, lie.
James Comely & Sarah Townsend
Henry Pritchett & Mary Wilkins
Richard Taylor & Rebecca Bushell
William Hathaway & Sarah White, of Tetbury,
Thomas Hathaway & Margaret Morse, lie. . .
William Shipway & Susannah Heaven, lie. . .
*William Longford & Elizabeth Carter, of
tWilliam Wight & Elizabeth Powell
Thomas Longford & Mary French
* Page 22 out of its proper order. t Out of its order on page 22.
26 May
19 June
30 May
18 June
6 Feb.
7 Aug.
4 Sept.
29 Nov.
13 Oct.
6 Dec.
29 Aug.
27 Oct.
11 Oct.
20 Oct.
27 Oct.
10 May
10 May
18 May
6 July
12 Oct.
19 Apr.
102 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1781
James Webb & Margaret Lydiard .. .. 5 Nov. 1781
John Adams & Jean Butler . . 2 Nov. 1782
Thomas Hopkins, w., & Mary Habgood, lie. 14 Feb. „
[End of Vol. II. Note. — A few Baptisms from the old
Register are copied into this volume on page 26, 1768 — 1773.]
Volume III, p. 15.
Samuel Baker & Dinah Strange . . . . 2 Nov. 1783
[No marriages 1784.]
John Woodlands & Mary Moor .. .. 18 Jan. 1785
Richard Brooks & Catharine Millwaters .. 31 Oct. „
Mark Hampton & Mary Longford . . . . 8 May 1786
Jonathan Creed & Betty Shipway . . 6 Nov. „
Richard Taylor and Betty Woodward . . 24 Oct. 1787
Edward Jenner, of Berkeley, & Catharine
Kingscote, lie. .. .. .. 6 Mar. 1788
Benjamin Sparks & Ruth Ware, lie. . . 12 Jan. 1789
Thomas Creed, of Horseley, & Mary Perrin 2 Nov. ,,
Richard Corke & Betty Davis .. .. 30 Jan. 1790
George Bateman & Betty Organ . . . . 11 Oct. ,,
John Alder & Hannah Craddock . . • • 5 Oct.- 1791
Thomas Brooks & Sarah Wildon, lie. . . 16 Oct. „
Daniel Pride & Anne Creed . . . . 12 Dec. ,,
William Hill & Sarah Morse, lie. . . . . 16 Jan. 1792
John Ponsford & Jane Creed . . 14 May ,,
Daniel Harchard Hayse & Hannah Heaven 23 Oct. ,,
[No marriages 1793 and 1794.]
William Hatherell, of Crudwell, Wilts, &
Mary Poole, lie. . . . . 3 Feb. 1795
William Ball & Hannah Leonard . . . . 14 May „
Richard Heaven & Jane Risby . . . . 31 Dec. ,,
[No marriages 1796.]
Thomas Avery & Sarah Brooks . . . . 17 Aug. 1797
Daniel Heaven & Mary Compton .. .. 17 Aug. ,,
Edward Poole & Mary Butler . . . . 29 Nov. 1798
John Sparks & Jane Munday, lie. . . 3 June 1799
George Evans & Elizabeth Stevens . . 19 Aug. „
Daniel Holliday, of Bagpath,&ElizabethNiblett 21 July 1800
Charles Lowe, of Minchinhampton, & Ann
Sparks, lie. . . . . . . 16 Oct. „
1811] Kingscote Marriages. 103
Reuben Howell & Hannah Howell, lie. . . 19 Apr. 1801
Barnaby Pendley, of p. of Nympsfield, & Ann
Hathaway, lie.
Edward Etheredge & Sarah Neal
Charles Hunt, of p. of Winston, Glos.,
& Sophia Williams, lie.
Nathaniel Pritchard & Elizabeth Evans, lie. . .
John Frankcomb & Sarah Creed
Henry Perrin & Hannah Heaven
Edmond Racey, of Chedgelow, Wilts, & Dinah
Allchin, lie.
Peter Heaven & Hannah Hiscocks
Thomas Creed, of Boxwell, & Sarah Webb . .
The Reverend John Haggitt, clerk, of Fen-
ditton, Cambs, & Frances Peyton, lie. . . 30 Oct. ,,
John Morse, of Leighterton, & Sarah Kirby,
lie. . . . . . . 25 Feb. 181 1
Richard Creed & Mary Hay ward . . . . 28 Oct. ,,
28 Jan.
28 Nov.
18 Oct.
24 Dec.
27 Dec.
21 Feb.
2 Mar.
13 Aug.
10 Sept.
Marriages at Cam,
I569 tO l8l 2.
Note. — Pages 1 to 68 of the first Register are occupied with " Christen-
ings"; pages 69 to 92 with "Weddings"; pages 93 to 96 are
wanting, and pages 97 to 156 (end) are occupied with " Burialls."
The pages, 93-96, which are wanting, do not mean that any entries
of Weddings are missing, for (1) there is a clear blank space of six
inches in depth after the last entry of a Wedding (Joseph Perkins
and Jane Bendell), on May 24, 1708 ; and (2) the last five Weddings
entered at the end of the first Register-book are entered also at
the beginning of the second Register-book, which dates from
April 4, 1708.
The first Register-book, dating from 156910 1708, is all of parch-
ment, with parchment cover, and each page measures 14! inches
long, by 6 inches wide.
On page 69 of the Register is written the following as the heading
to the Marriage Registers. The lines speak for themselves:—
Nil melius muliere bona, nil est mala peucs ;
Omnibics ista bonis praestat, et ilia mails.
The second Register has parchment leaves and a brown leather
cover, measuring 13^ inches long, by 8 inches wide. The first
page is inscribed :— " The Register Book of the Parish of Cam.
Bought in the year 1708." The pages of this Register are not
numbered. It contains entries of Baptisms, Marriages, and
Burials from April 2, 1708, to December 26, 1806, but the original
entries of Marriages from April 6, 1754, are in other Registers.
and have been transcribed from them into this volume. This
volume is, accordingly, followed up to April 1754, but after that
date the entries are verified from the original Registers. In this
Register, Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials are entered promiscu-
ously, but chronologically, in each year : the first ten entries,
given beneath, are an exact sample of the arrangement followed
throughout the volume.
From this point the Register, hitherto followed, is only a Transcript
of the Register of Marriages, dating from April 6, 1754. This
original Register, which is followed henceforth, contains the
signatures or marks of the parties married and of their witnesses,
and the signature of the Officiating Clergyman, after the modern
form. This Register, bound in brown sheepskin, and measuring
14I inches long by 9! inches broad, contains Marriages from
April 6, 1754, to June 6, 1800. The first half of the book, com-
pletely filled, consists of entries of Marriages ; the second half,
io6 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1569
having only 53 pages (out of 80) filled up, is the Register of
Banns, dating from April 14, 1754, to May 27, 1792.
These extracts have been made by the Rev. E. T. Griffiths, Vicar of
Cam, who has also collated the proof with the original Register.
They are now printed by his permission.
Volume I.
Laurence Somers & Anne Pegler . .
John Turnor & Katherine his wife
John Packer & Ezabell his wife
William Hedges & Elizabeth his wife
Totall weddings, 4. Ricard Smith,
Thomas Trotman & Anne Tyndall
Rowland Williams & Joane Baker
Rowland Brooke & Joane his wife
[No marriages 157 1.]
Roger Aldridge & Mary Woolright
John Browne & Izard Voabes
John Bayly & Elizabeth Morgan
William Bayly & Anne his wife
Thomas Bradshawe & Margaret Browne
John Taylor & Edith Walkley
Richard Paine & Anne his wife
Edward Cob & Amy Meede
Richard Burford & Margaret Cooke
Robert Powell & Elizabeth Stevens
Thomas Poolle & Joane his wife
Thomas Warne, of Snowshill, & Edith Trot
Lodwicke Trotman & Mary Trotman
William Browne & Alice Manninge
William Kimber & Anne Aly
William Parker & Denice Bicke
Christopher Rude & Anne Woodward
James Macy & Alice Nibblets
John Warren & Jane Woodward . .
Richard Hyet & Alice Parker
7 Feb.
3 Nov.
21 Nov.
26 Nov.
13 Apr.
25 Apr.
18 May
8 Jan.
28 Mar.
9 Apr.
22 Oct.
31 Dec.
31 Dec.
28 Jan.
1 Feb.
23 Jan.
16 Apr.
20 June
17 Oct.
3 Mar.
3° June
18 Oct.
27 Apr.
17 June
27 June
15 Aug.
2 Nov.
* At the end of each year the Vicar enters a total of the Marriages
solemnized in each year. These notes, which continue to 1680, are
omitted in the transcript, except there occurs any discrepancy.
Cam Ala7'riages.
Edmond James & Margery Dawby
Gyles Woollright & Joane Baker
Griffith Trotman & Catherine Trotman
Thomas Hyet &. Anne his wife
John Sadler & Margret Phillips
Richard Sellwin & Edith Trotman
William Fords & Elizabeth Walkley
Thomas Walkley & Catherine Davies
William Dyrriot & Alice Oswell
James Tyler & Joane Harris
Thomas Morse & Margret Bower . .
Nicholas Symsons & Margery Dodeswell
John Matthewes & Thomaseen Woodward
John Packer & Joane Carter
Edward Bayly, of Hill, & Alice Everets
James Deacons & Anne his wife
William Fords & Joane Woodward
John Bendall & Mary Pegler
Robert Dawe & Tibalde Parker
John Purnell & Anne Harding
Richard Cicicke & Elizabeth Pegler
John Taylor & Alice Hughes
William Browne & Margret Eaton
Austine Cliffe & Margret Turnor [sic]
John King & Thomaseen Aly
Richard Perkes & Jane Prosser
George Cam & Joane Hoare
John Woodward & Mary Sebron, a/s. Plom[er
Henry Mayle & Joane Dawcy
Richard Parker & Katherine Perrat
George Paradice & Joane Walkley
John Andras & Alice Selman
Richard Woodin & Alice Hytchyngs
John Hoborow & Elinor Machin
William Vaughan & Agnes Hurd . .
Edmond Joanes & Joane Bower
Thomas Richards & Elizabeth Ploomer
Thomas Turnor & Mary Cooke
John Williams, a/s. Jenkens, & Agnes Oswell
John Fisher & Katherine Elcocks . .
7 Nov.
30 Nov.
10 May
20 Nov.
23 Dec.
26 Oct.
26 Nov.
21 Jan.
16 Feb.
21 July
8 Aug.
10 Oct.
17 Oct.
14 Nov.
3 Dec.
9 Oct.
16 Oct.
16 Nov.
14 May
6 Aug. „
14 Oct. „
19 Nov. ,,
29 Nov. „
2 May 1583
2 May „
7 Oct.
26 June
10 Aug.
27 Aug.
10 Sept.
21 Sept.
24 Sept.
12 Oct.
21 Oct.
26 Oct.
14 Jan.
5 June
7 June
12 June
24 July
io8 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1585
Edward Parker & Alice Bower
Austine Pegler & Susan [blank]
Edward Ithell & Margret Bower
Richard Joanes & Jane Fowler
John Turner & Jane Hytchings
Nicholas Simsons & Alice Burges
Brice Francum & Elizabeth Dawe
Thomas Tyler & Agnes Davies
Thomas Smith & Joane Turnor
Thomas Fowler & Cicily Rogers
Garret Cooke & Agnes Knee
Hugh Binner & Katherine Stevens
John Woodward & Cicily Ellis, als. Woodward
Walter Rogers & Joane Eeales
Zachary Browne & Margret Woodward
Thomas Pegler & Izard Woodward
John Hurd & Agnes Dyriot
William Hytchings & Tibbald Aly
John Bayly & Elizabeth Meade
Humphrey Laurence & Margret Stevens
Thomas Minton & Joane Perrat
James King & Florence Carter
Henry Saunders & Christian Stich
John Turnor & Edith Richards
Humphrey Owen & Agnes Cary
John Baker & Joane Selman
Anthony Hurd & Edith Phinimore
Edward Lewis, als. Davies, & Elizabeth Cadle
John Sebron, als. Plomer, & Alice Trotman
Jeffery Lyppiat & Dorothy Trotman
Richard Austen & Catherine Turner
John Allen, als. Lyppiat, & Edith Aly
Gyles Hytchings & Alice Trotman
John Green & Mary Sebron, als. Plomer
Richard Bicke & Joane Millard
John Knight & Agnes Turnor
William Austen & Joane Cooke
Alexander Berton & Margret Parker
Edward Wilkins & Edith Packer . .
Thomas Pullen & Phillip [sic] Thorner
30 Sept.
30 Jan.
15 Feb.
17 Dec.
16 Oct.
15 Jan.
19 Feb.
30 May
6 June
25 July
1 Aug.
19 Aug.
30 Sept.
7 Oct.
7 Oct.
14 Oct.
21 Oct.
30 Nov.
25 Jan.
13 Oct.
12 Nov.
30 Dec.
2 Mar.
26 Apr.
28 June
10 Sept.
21 Sept.
9 Nov.
14 May
8 July
16 Sept.
20 Dec.
12 May
26 June
30 Sept.
5 Oct.
28 Oct.
27 Feb.
28 May
12 June
Henry Watts & Joane Fowler
William Clarke and Marrian King . .
Thomas Dorway [sic] & Agnes Erworth
Richard Hathway & Katherine Somers
Thomas Buttler & Mary Putley
Thomas Wintle & Edith Parker
Phillip Coling & Elinor Beedle
Thomas More & Agnes Manninge . .
William Hickes & Agnes Lucy
Richard King & Margret Gynney . .
John Packer & Margret Somers
John Rowland & Margret Nat
Richard Haines & Catherine Trottman
William Carter & Margret Tomlins,
Alexander Floyde & Margret Chambers
Thomas Gardiner & Winifride Sebron,
Nicholas Fleming & Elinor Joanes . .
John Bendall & Joane Bicke
Edmond Stevens & Elinor Stevens
Thomas Hytchings & Phillip Dauncy
Thomas Kibble & Elizabeth Somers
Richard Voyce & Alice Dangerfeilde
John Haines & Catherine Harrowe
Robert Jones & Joane Clarke
Thomas Seneger & Alice Gibs
William Turnor & Ursilla Woodall
Frances Watts & Alice Ludby
Maurice Woodward & Joane Loveday
John Phinimore & Jane Lacy
William Phelps & Mary Shepherd
John Allen & Dorothy Cooper
John Browning & Alice Cadle
Thomas Berry & Elizabeth Bower . .
John Phinimore & Mary Carbet
Thomas Leg & Mary Aly
Thomas Walter & Judith Flower . .
Thomas Nelme & Mary Goodwin . .
Thomas Dangerfeilde & Jane Nelme
20 Sept.
4 Oct.
4 Oct.
5 Nov.
17 Jan.
25 July
17 Sept.
21 Oct.
2 1 Oct.
12 Nov.
22 May
24 May
9 June
7 July
1 5 July
21 Aug.
4 Sept.
4 Oct.
13 Oct.
20 Oct.
2 Nov.
19 Nov.
22 Nov.
30 Dec.
25 Jan.
5 Feb.
24 Feb.
17 Apr.
26 Apr.
8 July
9 July
25 July
8 Oct.
11 Oct.
14 Oct.
29 Nov.
8 Dec.
8 Dec.
no Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1596
Richard Browne & Margret Bucke
Thomas Birriat & Agnes Rouch
Maurice Butcher & Mary Dauncy . .
John Morrice & Joane Oswell
Samuel Gerington to Margery Selman
John Tyler & Mary Woodward
John Moody & Edith Bicke
Richard Nelme & Joane Macy
John Brace & Alice Collins
Richard Bendall & Ezabell Vicke . .
Henry Cob & Joane Hill
Richard Fords & Margret Kerle
Arthur Gifford & Elizabeth Morse . .
John Atwood & Agnes Nelme
John Saunders & Agnes Tomlins, als. Minor
Maurice Nelme & Mary Dyriot
Richard Harding & Margret Trotman
Edward Tyndall & Margret Dyrriot
Thomas Poowell & Elizabeth Somers
William Bendall & Margery Read
John Adley & Agnes Predy
Henry Mallet & Katherine Fords . .
James Pritchet & Jone Browne
Gyles Horwood & Elizabeth Fowller
Richard Box & Alice Woodward . .
Peter Garret & Alice Taylor
Thomas Hathaway & Margery Aly
John Frape & Anne Pritchet
John Hytchings & Jane Sharpe
James West & Joane Oswell
Walter Woodward & Catherine Somers
Thomas Hale & Alice Hosier
Henry Aly & Agnes Woodward
Roger Estington & Elizabeth Macy
George Pegler & Joice King
Maurice Bendall & Elinor Vicke
Thomas Voabes & Joane Guillam . .
John Somers & Ursilla Trotman
William Williams & Jane Woodward
Anthony Harvy & Catherine Oswell
30 Jan.
5 July
12 Sept.
14 Nov.
23 Apr.
20 Feb.
21 May
25 May
31 July
21 Oct.
31 Dec.
18 Aug.
4 Oct.
29 Oct.
10 Nov.
18 Nov.
28 Nov.
14 May
23 May
24 July
10 Sept.
31 Oct.
2 Nov.
3 Jan.
26 Jan.
15 Feb.
15 Feb.
15 Feb.
3 May
3 July
1 2 July
9 Aug-
30 Sept.
23 May
25 July
1 Sept.
19 Sept.
26 Sept.
14 Dec.
3 Feb.
Cam Marriages.
i ii
Thomas Idoles & Ursilla Oswell
James Evans, als. Taylor, & Jane Tumour . .
John Wellstead & Joane Bower
Walter Woodward & Margret Hale
Richard Chamberlaine & Margret Elery, from
John Taylor & Joane Woodward
Thomas Dorney & Joane Trotman
John Phrape & Christian Bendall .
John Dorre & Edith Wintle
Christopher Beedle & Christian King
George Hill & Mary Bendall
William Bendall & Edith Vicke
Isaack Turnor & Joane Maile
Rowland Bradshawe & Elizabeth Phinimore
Griffith Turnor & Agnes Hale
John Morse & Agnes Budding
Henry Harper & Lucy Harvy
Michael Hill & Briget Wormewood
Edward Stevens & Margret Holliday
Michael Wood & Joane Pegler
Daniel Harding & Elinor Trotman
William Hale & Catherine Thomas
Maurice Stevens & Margret Bayly
Richard Palmer & Alice Box
Richard King & Joane Gibbins
Griffith Cliffe & Mary Partridge
Thomas Aldridge & Catherine Cowley
William Sellman & Jone Hoker
Frances Hytchings & Joane Woodward
William Haines & Catherine Turke
William Birch & Elizabeth Hytchings
Griffith Bendall & Elizabeth Jobbins
William Trotman & Agnes Trotman
William Carter & Catherine Reade
John Dyrriot & Margery Woodward
John Poape & Elizabeth Butterum
Edward Prince & Catherine Minor
Maurice Trotman & Mary Trotman
Fraunces Fords & Mary Phinimore
25 June 1604
2 July „
23 July »
28 July „
29 Aug.
10 Nov.
17 Dec.
22 June
23 Sept.
21 Oct.
20 Jan.
3 Feb.
1 May,
16 June
10 July
13 Oct.
25 Oct.
13 Apr. 1607
4 May
27 June
1 1 Aug.
17 Oct.
31 Oct.
1 Feb.
1 Feb.
4 Feb.
7 Apr.
26 May
27 June
8 Oct.
27 Feb.
27 July
12 Sept.
2 Sept.
18 Oct.
22 Oct.
8 Apr.
27 Apr.
4 July
ii2 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [ 1 6 1 1
John Deane & Joane Parker
William Turnor & Margery Cadwallader
Laurence Somers, senior, & Catherine Trot-
man, w.
John Cleifeild & Amy Wise
Thomas Tedman & Margery Harmer
Thomas Powell & Thomasan Curnocke
Edward Corney & Joane Bendall
John Harburne & Susan Harding
Henry Cob & Margret French
John Hollister & Alice Trotman
Edward Thomas & Alice Williams
William Parker & Christian Hytchings
Edward Paine & Alice Woodward, w.
Fraunces Webbe & Mary Parker
James Dodeswell & Alice Bowles
John Noble & Mary Fords, w.
Hugh Parker & Agnes Bradshawe
Richard Evans & Jane Bridges
Thomas Ward & Margery Tedman, w.
Alexander Perrat & Jane Warner
Jasper Clotterbooke & Mary Harding
Nicholas Harvey & Anne Trotman
William Tyndall & Ursilla Macy
Thomas Mills & Joane Merrit
John Chapman & Margret Lyppiat
Thomas Hampton & Elizabeth Tyndall
Griffith Bendall & Maude Clifford
Edward Wetmore & Susanna Daniel
Thomas Nash & Elizabeth Freeme, from
Robert Macy & Margret Greene
William Jones, als. Phillips, & Mary Alcot . .
Fraunces Curtes & Sarah Parker
John King & Margret Stevens
Richard Doleman & Margery Hallier
Fraunces Webbe & Mary Wimball
Thomas Berton & Judith Awood
Samuel Hampton & Ezabell Stibbins
William Symons & Elizabeth Pegler
27 Jan.
13 Apr.
11 June
1 Aug.
3 Aug.
25 Jan.
27 Mar.
18 Sept.
18 Nov.
23 Aug.
20 June
14 July
22 Aug.
17 Oct.
25 Nov.
4 July
26 Aug.
14 Oct.
17 Oct.
11 Nov.
14 Aug.
30 Nov.
20 July
10 Apr.
5 June
3 July
8 July
11 Oct.
28 Nov.
13 Jan.
15 Jan.
15 May
30 Sept.
5 Oct.
12 Oct.
15 Feb.
24 Mar.
28 May
Cam Marriages.
John Harding & Catherine Cratchley
Richard Cole & Catherine Tyndall
Toby Tyndall & Elizabeth Waighte
John Watkins, of Barkley, & Elizabeth Denny
of Stinchcombe
Jeremy Nelme & Edith Pooly
Edward Davies & Elinor Harwood
Edward Bendall & Maude Streete
John Phinimore & Joane Nelme
George Davies & Joane Hurd
Thomas French & Mary Estington
Thomas Peirce & Elinor Wathen . .
Edmond Bower & Anne Howlet
John Hill & Joane Coffan
Roger Rother & Margret Nelme
Thomas Hinton & Dorothy Woolright
John Spillman & Cicily Pegler
John Parslowe & Martha Estington
John Hickes to Xtian Woodward . .
Robert Perrot & Joane Nicholas
Thomas Dauncy & Mary Woolright
John Bower & Alice Mayle
Thomes Shell, als. Paine, & Elinor Webbe
John Harris & Catherine Greene . .
Richard Bendall & Mary Taylor
Robert Stiffe & Alice Gardiner
William Brow[n]ing & Alice Phinimore
Mr. Isaac Bromwich & Mrs. Anne Trottman
George Browning & Elizabeth Owen
Robert Trottman & Hester Watkins
Hugh Clyffe & Sarah Hytchings
John Wood & Hannah Merrey
John Bendall & Anne Dangerfeild . .
Edward Knight & Elizabeth Hamans
James Younge & Catherine Turner,
Robert Clyfford & Elizabeth Haines
John Fords & Anne Spencer
John Peggler & Anne Bathan
Richard Bendall & Elizabeth Reeve
Glouc— VIII.
• 13 Aug-
. 15 Oct.
. 22 Oct.
• 14 Jan.
. 19 Jan.
1 Aug.
7 Oct.
9 Jan.
14 June
21 Aug.
25 Nov.
30 Nov.
26 Jan.
31 May
26 Sept.
. 18 Oct.
• 15 Jan.
17 Feb.
10 Feb.
27 Apr.
2 May
12 May
■ »
. 23 Oct.
5 Nov.
16 Jan.
2 Feb.
n 1 June
5 June
18 Sept.
. 24 Oct.
6 Nov.
. 31 Mar.
4 June
• 5 July
• 23 July
. 25 Oct.
. 25 Oct.
29 Nov.
H4 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1627
Thomas Fleming & Elizabeth Raymond
Edward Bendall & Jane Williams . .
Alexander Packer & Agnes King . .
Josias Edmonds & Margret Phinimore
Nicholas Munday & Elinor Harvey
Thomas Dodeswell & Alice Mallet
John Freeme & Sarah Harrise
William Lewis & Agnes Selliman . .
Thomas Parker & Agnes Browne . .
Richard Tylor & Ann Champnyce
Daniel Hichings & Katharin Seaburne
Edwarde Bendal & Susanna Williams
William Mallett & Elinor Bradford
John Tomlins, alias Minor, & Elinor Seburne
alias Plummer
Morrice Fords & Sisly Nie
Henry Hathway & Mary Hitchins
William Evens & Elizabeth Bedles
Francis Hitchins & Mary Butcher
George Paine & Joane Dawsewell
Thomas Atkins & Elizabeth Summers
Charles Bendall & Catherine Turner
Thomas Brookes & Elizabeth Arthur
Alexander Hurd & Anne Paine
John Parslow & Sarah Hathway
Robert Sparks & Margery Hill
Richard Woodward & Elizabeth Parker
William Seburne & Sisly Packer . .
Giles Hitchins & Mary Pope
Richard Bendall & Izabel Smart . .
Simon Turner & Alice Williams
John Hill & Agnis Allye
George Hardinge & Elinor Doweswell
John White & Joane Atwood
Edward Patch & Ursula Costyr
William Clarke & Susanna Chappell
Jeremy Phipps, als. French, & Margaret Dere
Thomas Wotye & Ann Woollwrite
James Macye & Mary Hood
Henry Brinckworth & Joane Crowse
17 Dec. 1627
24 Apr. 1628
3 July „
11 Aug. „
13 Oct. „
8 Nov. „
24 Nov. ,,
27 Nov. „
14 Jan. „
24 Jan. 1629
25 Apr. 1630
24 June „
1 Nov. „
27 Jan.
5 Feb.
21 Feb.
21 Apr.
3 Oct. „
3 May 1632
3 May „
29 Sept. „
30 Sept. „
7 June „
29 Nov. „
14 Jan. ..
29 Apr.
2 May
13 May
30 June „
4 Oct. „
27 Apr. 1634
23 June „
31 July „
27 Sept. „
9 Feb.
9 Feb.
6 Apr.
8 Apr.
27 Apr.
1650] Cam Marriages. 115
Richard Eliots, als. Whorstone, & Susanna
Harvye . . . . . . 25 June 1635
James Evorate & Jone Bower . . . . 13 Jan. „
John Duding & Annie Nelmes . . . . 13 Jan. ,,
William Cutts & Elizabeth Atwood . . 19 Sept. 1636
Samuell Jobins & Christian Hickes . . 31 Oct. „
Thomas Davis, minister, & Mary Harding . . 2 Dec. 1637
Ambrose Addy & Mary Hopkins . . . . 22 Apr. 1638
Henry Mallard & Isabell Prince . . 25 Apr. ,,
Abraham Shipen & Elizabeth Brian . . 2 Oct. „
Thomas French & Mary Paine, w. 9 Nov. „
Thomas Wolright & Elizabeth Blacke . . 17 Jan. ,,
Nicholas Parker & Rachell Jude . . . . 1 Oct. 1639
Edward Trotman & Mary Thayre . . . . 5 Nov. ,,
Morris Attwoode & Catherine Finimore . . 6 Apr. „
Dennes Freame & Jone Bendall . . 13 Apr. ,,
John Hickes & Ane Trottman . . . . 16 July ,,
John Tucker & Cattoren Sebern . . . . 1 Oct. ,,
[The rest of page 78 of the Register is blank : and there are
no weddings registered jrom the year 1641 to the year 1648, both
dates inclusive.]
William Trotman & Elizabeth Creed . . 19 Apr. 1649
William Pipet & Joane Parker . . . . 19 Apr. „
Matthew Andros & Sarah Davies, of Stan-
comb . . . . . . 8 July „
John Hort & Katherine West . . . . 29 Oct. ,,
Richard Shotford & Sarah Eliot . . 27 Dec. ,,
Henry May & Agnice Hill . . . . 11 Mar. „
John Hampton & Mary Whood, of Stinch-
combe .. .. .. .. 30 Mar. 1650
Richard Packer & Anne Nelme, of Dursley . . 1 Apr. „
John Grafton, of Stinchcombe, & Elizabeth
Clarke . . . . . . 27 May ,,
Richard Baglen & Elizabeth Hickes . . 16 June „
John Hurd, of Stinchcombe, & Katherine
Taysome . . . . . . 29 June ,,
Roger Rudurth, of Stancombe, & Susanna
Whood, of Stinchcombe . . 8 July „
Edward Princes & Anna Idols . . . . 5 Oct. „
Daniell Packer & Anna Hardinge . . 8 Feb. ,,
1 2
26 May
24 June
25 Dec.
25 Dec.
17 June
6 Oct.
116 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1650
Robert Beard & Anna Paine . . 8 Feb. 1650
John Stinchcombe & Agnice Trahern . . 22 May 165 1
Nathaniell Hampton & Mary [blank], of Stinch-
Thomas Bick & Alice Dodswell
Roger Rudurth & Edith Tily
John Wood & Elizabeth Dawby
Edward Nelm & Alice Trotman
John Perrat & Christian Cob
[No Weddings registered these two years — 1653-4.]
Richard Hanton & Margarite Phillips . . 30 Apr.
Mathew King & Anne Dawby, both of Cam 28 July
John Bendall & Elizabeth Younge, of Stroud,
w. . . . . . . 16 Aug.
John Phillips & Margarite Parker, both of Cam 29 Sept.
John Baglan & Mary Trotman, both of Cam 30 Sept.
William Jobbins & Elizabeth Workman, both
of Dursley . . . . 31 Dec.
Robert Exall & Joan Phillimore . . 31 Dec.
John Watkins & Joan Davis, both of Dursley 15 Jan.
William Phillips & Sarah Hanton, of Stinch-
combe . . . . . . ..21 Jan.
Elbright Bendall & Anne Waytt, of Wootton 12 Feb.
Arthur Vizer & Mary Biddle, both of Dursly 25 Apr.
George Grate, of Dursley, & Barbara Ridler,
of Uley . . . . . . 24 June
William Hale & Alice Pearce . . 28 June
Richard Long & Elinor Taylor . . 21 July
William Haynes & Alice Hardinge, both of
Dursley .. .. .. .. 16 Aug.
Thomas Perrott & Margarite Howlet, both of
Dursley . . . . . . 6 Oct.
William Perrott & Mary Clutterbook, both of
Cam . . . , . . 4 Dec.
John Humphreyes & Elizabeth Turner, both
of Dursley . . . . . . 1 Jan.
Richard Bradshaw & Sarah Atkins . . 4 May
Christopher Rutter & Mary Greening, of
Stancombe . . . . ..16 May
William Roach & Anne Hill . . . . 7 Sept.
Cant Marriages.
James Cowley & Margarite King . . . . 3 Oct. 1657
George Rose & Emme Ebsworth . . ... 17 Oct.
Richard Bridge & Margarite Minor . . 5 Nov.
John Cooke & Deborah Hill . . . . 28 Nov.
William Ady, of Uley, & Sarah Nelmes . . 27 Mar. 1658
William Roberts & Anne Smyth . . . . 27 Mar.
Richard Parslow & [blank] Teekle, both of
Dursley . . . . . . 19 Apr.
Thomas Norman & Sarah Hughes, of Dursley 27 Apr.
George Longe & Amy Mallett, w. ..11 June
Maurice Phillips & Elizabeth Atherlye . . 6 July
John Ally & Elizabeth Symonds . . . . 29 Mar. 1659
James Purnell & Hester Dowswell . . 16 June
Nicholas Morse & Anna Hardinge . . 8 Aug.
John Maynard & Anna Trotman . . . . 15 Dec.
William Howell & Hester Trotman . . 15 Dec.
Danyell Booker & Elizabeth Foorde . . 5 Mar.
William Symonds, of Haresfeild, & Mary
Taylor, of Slimbridge .. .. 30 Apr. 1660
William Tippetts, of Dursley, & Deborah
Phillimore . . . . 30 Apr. ,,
Henry Wood, alias Webbe, & Elizabeth
Hitchins . . . . . . . . 20 Oct. ,,
John Minor, ye younger, & Hannah Cole, both
of Cam . . . . . . • • 3 June 1661
John Sellw}?n, of Horsley, & Mary Ridler . . 23 Dec. „
John Lacy & Mary Ally . . . . . . 26 Dec. ,,
Thomas Meeke, of Abinghall, & Mary Cole .. 16 Jan. ,,
William Sextye, of Hayles, & Mary Smyth, of
Wansell, p. Berkeley .. 25 Sept. 1662
Henry Cooke & Margarett Perrott . . 30 Sept. ,,
Richard Bradshaw & Joane Hallinge . . 4 Oct. ,,
Christipher Champion & Hester Mills, both of
Stinchcombe . . . . . . 1 Nov. „
John Peny, of North Nibley, & Mary Stubbs,
of Dursley . . . . . . 1 Jan. „
Richard Gale & Cicely Martyn, both of Dursley 23 Feb. „
John Organ & Mary Hosier, both p. Berkley 4 Apr. 1663
Jonathan Hathway & Anne Ady, both of Stan-
combe . . . . . . 20 Apr. „
1 6 Apr.
16 June
27 June
1 Aug.
1 Aug.
118 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1663
Henry Dimri, of Hill, & Sarah Harvey
John Phillimore, ye younger, & Elinor Hather
Robert Parker & Mary Freind
Richard Bendall & Martha King . .
William Phillips & Martha Dowsell
William Hood & Mary Hanton, both of
Stinchcombe . . . . 20 Aug
John Nelme, of Stancombe, & Joane Chew, of
Leonard Stanley
John Hitchins & Anne Martin, of Nibley
Danyell Rudge & Mary Lewes
Thomas Terat & Edeth Holloster
Joseph Halong & Anna Trotman
John Bendal, of Stinchcomb, & Mary Hickes,
of Cam
Ferdinando Dodswell, of Cam, & Winifred
Harding, of Hawksbury, lie.
Georg Hill & Elizabeth Stevens, both of Cam 19 June
Hugh Lewis & Anne Witmore, both of
Frampton, lie.
Nicholas Freme, of Cam, & Jane Bing, of
North Nibly
John Bence, of the City of Bathe, & Mary
Friar, of Cam
John Bagland & Bridget Williams, both of
Charles Bendal & Elizabeth Trotman, of
Maurice Bendall & Anna Kingscot, of Stinch-
Thomas Webb, of Kingswood, co. Wilts, &
Mary Hickes, of Cam
William Howel, of Barkley, & Anne Bendal,
of Cam
Robert May & Jane Chadwell, both of Cam . .
George Minot, of Cowly, & Mary Miner, of
George Harding, of Cam, & Elizabeth Lander,
of Cowly . .
27 Sept.
8 Nov.
24 Dec.
13 Nov.
24 Nov.
27 Apr.
13 June
19 June
1 July
25 July
11 Aug.
17 Apr.
6 Nov.
14 Jan.
10 Feb.
8 Apr.
9 Apr.
18 Apr.
14 May
1669] Cam Marriages. 119
James Waite & Mary Purnel, both of Stinch-
John Jobbins & Margaret Hall, both of
William Trotman & Sarah Bendal, both of
Mr. Richard Field, of Pakenhill, Stroud, &
Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, of Cam
Christopher Rutther & Esher [sic for Esther]
Oliver, both of Stinchcomb
John Bludwort, of Uley, & Edith Gaty, of
John Hampton, of Kingswood, co. Wilts, &
Mary Trotman, of Cam
John Hickes & Sarah Trotman, both of
Benjamin Hampton & Anne Tyndal, w., both
of Stinchcomb
William Browning & Elizabeth Pegler, w.,
both of Cam
William Hickes, of Upper Cam, & Ruth
Wyman, of Dursly
Richard Powel & Elizabeth Woty, both of
Mr. Thomas Pierce & Mrs. Mary Dorney,
both of Gloucester, lie.
John Kingscote, of Dursley, & Joan Summers,
of Cam
George Harding, w., & Elizabeth Bird, w., both
of Cam
William Iddols, of Stinchcomb, & Anne
Wickham, of Cam
Mr. John Arundell, of Dursley, & Mrs. Anne
Hill, of Cam, lie.
William Horrod & Elizabeth Cosby, both of
John Millard & Edith Fordes, both of Cam . .
Edward Parker & Anne Roch, both of Dursly 10 July
William Pepot, of Cam, & Mary Daw, of
Dursly . . . . . . 1 5 Aug.
28 May
24 June
26 Oct.
28 Jan.
22 Feb.
5 Mar.
5 Mar.
21 Mar.
1 Apr.
15 June
30 Aug.
25 Oct.
31 Dec.
18 Jan.
4 Feb.
20 Feb.
23 Feb.
22 Apr.
25 Apr.
3 Feb.
15 Feb.
4 Apr.
5 June
9 July
15 Nov.
120 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1669
John Phinimore & Sarah Townsend, both of
Cam . . . . . . . . 28 Aug. 1669
Thomas lies & Anne Deane, both of Dursly 21 Oct. ,,
John Knib, p. Barkeley, & Hanna Wait, of
Cam . . . . . . 27 Jan. „
Robert Heskins, of Wootton-under-Edge, &
Mary Nelme, of Cam
George Hill & Jane Barrow, both of Cam
John Watkins, of Dursly, & Susanna Clift, of
Cam . . . . . . 4 Apr. 1670
John Hadnut, of Wotton-under-Edge, & Jane
Williams, of Dursley
John Butcher & Elianor Minor, both of Cam
William Turner & Mary Purnel, both of
Thomas Hickes, of Cam, & Priscilla Turner, of
North Nibly
William Simmons, of Cam, & Elizabeth Trot-
man, of Slimbridge .. ..21 Nov. „
James Dowsell & Elizabeth Pepot, both of
Cam . . . . . . 4 Dec. „
John King & Alice Dowsell, both of Cam . . 25 Apr. 1671
Edward Purchas & Mary Exall, both of Cam 21 Apr. „
John Derat, of Stinchcomb, & Mary Hampton,
of Cam, w. . . . . 7 Sept. ,,
Thomas Nicolls & Mary Davis, both of Cam 8 Apr. 1672
William Guy, of Frocester, & Elizabeth
Warner, of Cam .. .. .. 21 Oct. ,,
Thomas Lewis, of Cam, & Hannah Nelme, of
Stancomb . . . . . . . . 26 Dec. ,,
[Page 84, which comes next, is a table of the number of
" all the Weddings, Christenings and Burialls, yt are
registered in this Booke." The table begins from 1569, and is
continued in the same handwriting to 1700; the numbers of
Weddings, Christenings and Burials are given only to the end
of 1679, after that, only the years are given, with blank
spaces opposite, till 1699, when the numbers are given, in a
later hand, till 1701, which last year is also written in a later
A note, in the original handwriting, opposite the years
1675] Cam Marriages. 121
1641-1648, says: — "No weddings registered all these eight
yeares, part of the time of the civil war ; which was not quite
ended till 1660. Few Christenings or Burialls Registered all
these eight yeares in the heate of the warre. And in the
yeares 41, 45, 46 no Burialls at all registered."
Note on 1653-1654 : "No Weddings registered these two
Dennis Fream, of Cam, & Margaret Clutter-
buck, of Slimbridge .. .. 28 Dec. 1672
Matthew Crew, of Wotton-under-Edge, &
Esther Trotman, of Cam . . 30 Dec. ,,
John Elletts & Alice Jobbins, both of Stinch-
comb . . . . . . 20 Mar. ,,
Benjamin Cowly, of Cam, & Sarah Varnum, of
Standish . . . . . . 31 Mar. 1673
William Pepot & Abigail King, both of Cam 1 Apr. ,,
Samuel Phinimore & Sarah Hollister, both of
Cam . . . . . . . . 10 Apr. „
Giles Deane & Esther Daniel, both of King-
stanly . . . . . . 28 Apr. ,,
Daniel Shipton & Elizabeth Trehern, both of
Cam . . . . . . 1 May „
Daniel Bendal & Deborah Hooper, both of Cam 5 June ,,
Robert Trotman & Judith Trotman, both of
Cam . . . . . . . . 19 June ,,
Julian Longden & Mary Hill, both of Cam . . 29 Sept. ,,
William Hickes & Mrs. Mary Hickes, both of
Cam . . . . . . 20 Nov. „
John Window & Anne Dower, both of Cam 24 Nov. „
William Hood & Anne Carter, of Stinchcomb 25 Dec. „
Thomas Dawes, of Wootton-under-Edge, &
Lydia Nelme, of Cam . . . . 16 June 1674
Francis Manning, of Minchinghampton, &
Anne Poyntz, of Uley, w., lie. . . 22 Oct. ,,
William Bendal & Deborah Bendal, both of
Cam . . . . . . ..12 Nov. „
John Ferrer, of Minchinghampton, clerke, &
Mrs. Rebekah Lloyd, p. Barkley, lie. 16 Mar. ,,
Thomas Dangerfield & Anne Dowsell, both of
Cam . . . . . . 5 Apr. 1675
122 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1675
Joseph Freame, of Cam, & Deborah Smyth, of
Stinchcomb . . . . 10 Oct. 1675
James Smyth, of Cowly, & Esther Taylor, of
Cam . . . . . . 21 Oct. ,,
Daniel Moody & Mary Hampton, both of
Stinchcomb . . . . 4 Nov. „
Nathaniel Pope, of Stinchcomb, & Anna Bendal,
of Cam . . . . . . • • 30 Dec. „
William Hood, of Stinchcomb, & Elizabeth
Holder, of Brookthrop . . . . 22 June 1676
Richard Fream, of Cam, & Mary Putly, of
Stinchcomb . . . . . . 14 Aug. ,,
James Tiler & Anne Dowsel, both of Cam . . 30 Sept. „
John Wait, of Stinchcomb, & Elizabeth Hames,
of Cam . . . . . . 2 Nov. „
Matthew Freeman & Martha Alley, both of Cam 22 Feb. „
John Cowly & Mary Selman, both of Stinch-
John Nelme & Mary Barnsdale, both of Cam,
John Hathway, of Stinchcomb, & Mary
Hickes, of Cam
John Clarke, of Stonehouse, & Sarah Parslow,
of Cam
John Howell & Elizabeth Dowsel, both of Cam 8 Nov.
Thomas Hitchins, of Dursley, & Elizabeth
Woolright, of Cam, lie.
Christopher Champian & Christian Exell, both
of Stinchcomb
William Curnocke & Mary Dallimore, both of
Thomas James, of North-Nibly, & Elizabeth
Curnock, of Stinchcomb
Charles Fream & Sarah Selwyn, both of Cam
John Purchas, of Dursly, & Elizabeth Perrot,
of Cam
Benedict Biddle & Abigail Phinimore, both of
Nathaniel Millwater, of Dursly, & Esther
17 Apr.
19 Apr.
14 May
29 Oct.
8 Nov.
27 Dec.
2 Jan.
31 Mar.
14 Apr.
8 May
20 May
6 June
1 Sept.
Cam Marriages.
Daniel Hickes & Martha Harding, both of Cam
Daniel Packer, of Cowly, & Ursula Tyndale,
of Cam
John Bendal, of Cam, & Jane Rose, p. Berkeley
Thomas Nichols & Mary Trotman, both of
this p.
Edward Downey & Elizabeth Dansy, both of
Uley, lie.
Richard Cobb & Mary Powel, both of Cam . .
Philip Jones, of Cam, & Sarah Tyndale, of
Stone, p. Berkeley
Benedict Biddle, w., yeoman, & Joane Wilkins,
s., both of Cam
George Down, blacksmith, b., & Temperance
Everett, s., both of Cam
Thomas Browning, broad-weaver, b., & Eliza-
beth England, s., both of Slimbridge . .
William Burchel, of Stinchcomb, broad-
weaver, & Jane Savage, of Cam, s.
John Shatford, of Cam, broadweaver, & Mary
Belcher, of Berkeley, w.
Samuel Driver, husbandman, b., & Hannah
Mills, s., both of Cam -
William Blick, broadweaver, & Judeth
Westtmans, both of Cam
Samuel Gibbes, broadweaver, & Ann Prime . .
Frances Weeb & Judieth Forder
Myles Freem & Sarah Owen
John Bennet, of Strood, & Hannah Harding,
of Upthorp, lie.
James Reeve & Ann Curtice, both of Dursley
John King & Martha Bendall
James Fream & Sarah Pruet
John Baglin & Elizabeth Dowsell . .
Richard Bendall & Hannah Sparks
John Dimmery & Ann Crass
Thomas Warner, jun., & Sarah Jennings
were married at Gloucester, by Thomas
Trippet, Presbyter, as appears by their
10 Sept. 1678
3 Oct. „
3 Oct. „
8 Dec. „
6 Mar. „
20 Apr. 1679
10 July „
6 Jan. „
9 Feb. „
17 Feb. „
21 June 1680
28 June
16 Oct.
31 Jan.
10 Apr. 1
1 1 Apr.
19 Apr.
17 June
16 July
22 Sept.
16 Apr. 1
14 May
26 May
6 June
21 Oct.
124 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1682
John Browning & Mary Phillips
William Terrat & Mary Gabb
Daniel Barnard, of Bisley, & Mary Stiff, of
Richard Owen, of Cam, & Mary Underwood,
of Stinchcomb
James Tyler & Mary Foard, both of Cam
John Miller & Hester Dowlswell, both of Cam
Ephraim Esbrey, of Dursley, & Katherine
Giles, of Cam
John Jones, of Berkeley, & Mary Pegler, of Cam
John Curnock, of Cam, & Sarah Delamore, of
John Short, of Berkeley, & Martha King, of
Thomas Oliver & Tabitha Hallice, of
William Cox & Hannah Ward
Henry Orphin & Jane Webb
John Symmons & Elizabeth Horwood, w.
Daniel Bendall & Mary Lacie
William Warner & Mary Purnell . .
Thomas Malpass & Margaret Oatie
Moses Butcher & Elizabeth Foards
George Rose & Hannah Pope
Daniel Evans & Sarah Flower, both of Framp
ton, lie.
Richard Prewet & Abigail Bendall . .
Thomas Davis, of Dursley, & Elizabeth Pur
nell, of Cam
James Dancy & Sarah Bendall
Thomas Dudley & Eleanor Cox
[1687. No Entry.']
Daniel Bendall & Joan Nelm
Thomas Trotman & Ann Allie
Thomas Pierce & Deborah Clift
John Brown, of Beltowne, in Sumersetshire,
& Margaret Riddiford, of North Nibly
William Blake, of Cowly, & Elizabeth Ed-
wards, of Dursley
26 Dec.
15 Feb.
24 May
7 June
12 Jan.
12 Feb.
31 Mar.
5 Apr.
20 Apr.
27 May
30 May
18 June
19 Sept.
13 Oct.
14 Jan.
7 Feb.
21 Mar.
29 Apr.
10 June
27 June
31 Aug.
20 Nov.
13 Jan.
23 Jan.
21 May
5 July
21 Aug.
23 Aug.
n Oct.
1695] Cam Marriages. 125
Joseph Bendall & Annah Harding
Richard Merrick, of Dursley, & Sarah Mabbet
Jonathan Baglan & Sarah Stone
Joseph Harris & Mary Savidge
John Bendall & Margaret Underwood
Richard Tocknell, of Kingstanley, & Elizabeth
King, of Cam
William Grunter & Hesther Hicks
John Roach & Mary Willis
John Howell & Alice Bendall
John Bendall & Mary Prince
Alexander Heath & Mary Seaburn, of Dursley
Samuel Daunsie & Joan Packer
William Web & Ann Workmam
Tobias Rudge & Joan Howell
Charles Smyth, of Uley, & Hannah Cox
Moses Fream, wid., & Hannah Bendall, w. . .
Joseph Bradshaw, alias Harper, & Mary
Bendall ..
Robert Butt & Jane Bendall
Mr. John Holder & Mrs. Elizabeth Hill
Richard Brown & Sarah Clift
Richard Selwin & Elizabeth Selwin
Samuel Leigh & Martha Powell, both of
Berkeley . . . . . . . . 6 Aug.
Thomas Burcher & Elizabeth Workman, both
of Dursley
John Jobbins, of Stinchcomb, & Ann Harding,
of Cam
Daniel Savage & Ann Workman, both of
William Blick & Alice Symmons . . . . 30 May 1694
John Hill & Esther Smyth, both of Dursley . .
Daniel Bendall & Elizabeth Malpass
John Highway, of Esson, & Elianor Bendall
John Ireland & Dorothy Workman, de Durs-
James Sadler & Dorothy Woodward . . 13 Apr. 1695
Thomas Nicholls, of Dursley, junr., & Hesther
Lewis, of Cam . . . . . . 30 May
11 Feb.
1 Apr.
7 Apr.
28 May
9 July
30 Sept.
16 Apr.
19 Apr.
23 Apr.
24 Apr.
24 Aug.
27 Aug.
4 Oct.
8 Oct.
23 Apr.
9 May
2 June
19 June
9 Nov.
2 Feb.
18 Apr.
27 Aug.
25 Dec.
9 Jan.
30 May
17 Sept,
7 Oct.
27 Dec.
15 Jan.
13 Apr.
126 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1695
Richard Clarke, of Frocester, & Priscilla
Crowes, of Cowley
Gabriel Barnet & Mary Heath
Joseph Fream & Jane Clutterbook
John Hitehins & Mary Thaier
William Browning & Mary Rudge . .
William Stephens & Elizabeth Howlet, de
Joseph Watts & Sarah Wood
William Buckland & Jane Phillimore
Richard Foards & Hannah Floyd . .
James Smyth, of Uly, & Hannah Bird, of Cam
William Lloyd, of Tedbury, & Ann Lord, of
Mordecai Davis & Mary Kendall
William Butcher & Mary Bird
John Cobb & Martha Curtis
Richard Bradsha [sic], alias Harper, & Hannah
James Harding & Sarah Millard
Jasper Harmer, rugg-maker, p. Roadborough,
& Esther Horwood, of Cam
Anthony Hathaway & Jane Baglan
John Harris, broad-weaver, & Esther Wilkins
Richard Stones, of Dursley, currier, & Eliza-
beth Sanigar
Stephen Hanks & Ann Purnel
William Smyth, of Uley, & Elizabeth Bendall,
of Cam
Samuel Gunter, of Uley, & Mary Bendall, of
William Webb, of Dursley, & Hannah Lewis,
of Cam
Richard Zouls, of Cowley, & Jane Bendall, of
Joseph Bick, of Dursley, & Esther Griffin, of
John Horwood & Mary Tyler, both of Cam
John Gunter & Johanna Bendall
James Clark & Sarah Workman
15 Nov.
10 Feb.
25 Apr.
3° Apr.
24 May
30 Sept.
15 Oct.
15 Dec.
8 Apr.
3° June
12 Sept.
17 Jan.
7 Mar.
24 Apr.
11 May
9 July
29 May
29 May
13 July
6 Dec.
6 Apr.
29 Apr.
12 May
7 June
17 June
24 July
25 Aug.
25 Dec.
24 Feb.
1703] Cam Marriages. 127
John Butcher & Sarah Foards . . 20 Apr. 1701
Sampson Brown & Elizabeth Nicolds, both of
Dursley . . . . . . ..21 Apr. „
Samuel Chamblings & Elizabeth Low . . 7 July „
Richard Hutchins & Edith Mainstone, both of
Dursley . . . . . . . . 13 July „
John Freem & Elizabeth Blick, both of Cam 29 Sept. „
Joseph Shipton & Elizabeth Wood . . 12 Oct. „
John Purchase & Sarah Bastone . . . . 15 Oct. ,,
Thomas Gab, of Cowley, & Deborah Millard,
of Cam . . . . . . . . 20 Oct. ,,
Thomas Watkins & Abigail Vizard, of Dursley 2 Nov. „
Thomas Creed, of Hampton, & Margaret
Perrot . . . . . . . . 25 Jan. ,,
Joseph Bendall & Elizabeth Web . . . . 16 Feb. „
Moses Butcher & Edith Dowlswell . . 5 Apr. 1702
Samuel Bendall & Esther Cowles . . . . 6 Apr. ,,
Henry Fowler, of Hampton, & Elizabeth
Hitchins .. .. .. 12 Apr. ,,
John Child, of Slimbridge, & Anne Morgan, of
Cam . . . . . . . . 12 Apr. ,,
Daniel Burde & Sarah Higgins . . . . 27 May ,,
Joseph Dollimore & Ann Pit, both of Dursley 22 June ,,
James King & Elizabeth Fream . . . . 24 Sept. ,,
William Roberts, of Kingstanley, & Mary
Rowles . . . . . . 18 Oct. „
Gabriel Tritchard, of Stinchcomb, & Dorcas
Harding, of Cam . . . . . . 30 Dec. „
William Heath, of Wooton, & Mary Warner 16 Mar. „
Thomas Purnell, of Nibley, & Sarah Bendall 28 Mar. 1703
Joseph Butcher & Ann Hill . . . . 5 June „
George Grace, of Dursley, & Lydia Try . . 6 July ,,
Robert Chapel, of Cam, & Ann Fox, of
Cowley .. .. .. .. 13 July „
Thomas Lacy, of Wootton Underedge, & Ann
Skreen . . . . . . . . 28 July „
John Harvey, of Nibly, & Ann Pegler, of
Dursley . . . . . . • ■ 5 Sept. „
John Curnock, of Cam, & Mary Mercer, of
Dursley .. .. .. .. 21 Sept. „
7 Oct.
23 Nov.
25 Nov.
8 Jan.
16 Apr.
23 Sept.
128 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1703
Joseph Bubb, of Slimbridge, & Ann Pegler . . 7 Oct. 1703
John Smyth, of Cowley, & Hannah Jenkins
James Trull & Katherine Phillimore
James Webb, of Bisley, & Sarah Stiff, of
Samuel Curnock & Joan Neal . . . . 16 Apr. 1704
John Bray & Sarah Young
Abraham Burde, of Cam, & Mary Hale, of
Uley . . . . . . 29 Sept. „
Thomas Damsell & Elizabeth Workman, both
of Wootton . . . . • • 30 Jan. ,,
William Harper & Esther Clarke . . 9 Apr. 1705
Richard Peace & Elizabeth Bendall . . 13 May „
Laurence Somers and Joanna Bendall . . 15 Sept. „
Samuel Coopie, of Dursley, & Sarah Parsloe 27 Sept. „
William Workman & Katharine Hallis . . 17 Oct. ,,
John Rudge & Mary Blanch . . . . 16 Dec. „
Abraham Bendall & Joan Sanager . . 25 Mar. 1706
Robert Grunter & Elizabeth Preen . . 25 Mar. „
Jonas Lasie, of Wooton, & Sarah Fream . . 25 Mar. ,,
Josiah Handcock, of Uley, & Ann Gastril . . 28 June „
William Williams & Martha Phillips . . 29 June „
Joseph Woodward & Mary Cob . . 9 July „
Joseph Hitchins & Elizabeth Curnock . . 2 Sept. „
William Jones & Sarah Hughes, of Tortworth 16 Sept. „
Daniel Went, of Dursley, & Mary Tyndall . . 22 Oct. „
John Mabet & Elizabeth Clift . . .19 Nov. „
Thomas Keen & Sarah Cob . . 22 Dec. „
William Fordes, of Uley, & Hannah Packer,
Cam . . . . . . . . 16 Feb. „
Richard Emline, of Uley, & Joan Dauncy, of
Cam .. .. .. .. 17 Apr. 1707
William Hartlon, of Berkley, & Sarah
Champin . . . . . . 5 May „
James Purchase & Mary Dowlswell . . 13 Sept. „
James Harding & Sarah Atwood . . . . 7 Dec. ,,
Robert Grunter & Mary Bendal . . . . 31 Dec. „
William Browning & Elizabeth Symons . . 6 Jan. „
Samuel Tyler & Mary Cob . . 11 Jan. ,,
Samuel Gunter & Martha Millard . . 4 Apr. 1708
171 1] Cant Marriages. 129
Daniel Shipton & Hannah Warnarr . . 4 Apr. 1708
Richard Woodward, of Stinchcomb, & Hannah
Lewis, of Cam . . . . 5 Apr. ,,
William Samors & Lydiah Mallott . . 25 Apr. ,,
Joseph Perkins & Jane Bendell . . . . 24 May ,,
[Here, at p. 92, this Volume of the Register ends, so far as
the Marriages are concerned. Two pages are missing, and the
Register continues with " Burialls," at p. 97. The Register is
written on both sides of each parchment page.]
Volume II.
Sepult. Moses Butcher, sen. . . . . 2 Apr. 1708
Nupt. Samuel Gunter & Martha Millard . . 4 Apr. „
Nupt. Daniel Shipton & Hannah Warner 4 Apr. ,,
Nupt. Richard Woodward & Hannah Lewis 5 Apr. ,,
Sepult. Joseph, the son of John Harris, &
[blank] his wife . . . . 18 Apr. ,,
Sepult. Joan, the wife of James Sanniger . . 24 Apr. ,,
Nupt. William Sommers & Lydia Mallett 25 Apr. ,,
Bapt. Abraham, the son of Abraham &
Mary Bird . . . . 2 May „
Sepult. Elizabeth Purchase, w. . . 17 May „
Nupt. Joseph Perkins & Jane Bendall . . 24 May „
[// will be seen that the first five entries of Marriage in this
Register repeat the last five in the preceding Register.]
Edward English & Hannah Erull .. .. 5 Apr. 1709
Thomas Guise & Mary Hailing, of Horsley . . 4 May ,,
William Budding & Mary Oswell . . • • 4 July ,,
Richard Cox & Mary Cross . . . . 30 July „
Thomas Ashmead & Jane Hillier, of Horsley 1 Aug. ,,
John Curtiss & Mary Baglin . . . . 29 May 17 10
Thomas [blank] & Ann Browning . . . . 6 Aug. „
Jonas Oakes & Lydia Hailing . . . . 10 Aug. ,,
John Hailing & Alice Estcourt . . ..11 Aug. „
Sam Elliotts & Elizabeth Everetts . . . . 6 Jan. „
Benedict Phillips & Sarah Purnell . . . . 1 Feb. „
Edward Prime & Esther Mallett, of Slim-
bridge . . . . . . . . 12 July 171 1
Richard Tuck & Elizabeth Penley . . 15 Sept. „
Sam Welladvys & Sarah Waltner . . . . 7 Oct. „
Glouc— VIII. k
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [17 12
Zachariah Grinning & Martha Davy
William White & Elizabeth Wall . .
Daniel Brooks & Martha Dowswell
John Hewlett & Mary Williams
Thomas Oatty & Mary Trule
Daniel Dangerfield & Sarah Harding
William Andrews & Edith Cratchley
Samuel Mallett & Sarah Manning
John Smith & Jane Creed
Anthony Dorney & Elizabeth Phillimore
Daniel Fords & Hannah Minor
John Baglin & Mary Perkins
Peter Bradshaw & Mary Tyler
Daniel Went & Elizabeth Oatridge
Thomas Ireland & Mary Neale
William Browning & Elizabeth Jobbins
Henry Clarke & Mary Hill, of Dursley
Henry Horpin & Sarah Knowles
Robert Nicols & Hannah Oaty
William Wintle & Hester Bendal . .
William Malpas & Joanna Young . .
John Baker & Mary Champion
John Carter & Elizabeth Stiff
William Taillor and Joanna Bridger
[Note. — The name " Taillor" is written in
over the name " Phillimore " erased. In the year
Phillimore, Taylor" is named as Churchwarden.
Robert Fordes & Margaret Freeme
William Bucher & Mary Bird
Thomas Hale & Hanah Millsom
Epaphraditus [sic] Eliots & Elizabeth Dowsell
Joseph Minott & Elizabeth Williams
Moses Nigat & Sarah Knowls
Stephen Watts & Mary Dudly
John Hooper & Mary Phillimore . .
Thomas Collier & Hester Underwood
Jeremiah Bucher & Sarah Kilmister
Thomas Nicolls & Elizabeth Derratt
James Partridge & Ann French
John Rickets & Hester Cobb
Apr. 1 7 1 2
20 Apr. ,,
9 May „
9 June »
17 Aug. „
18 Aug. „
1 Dec. ,,
2 Feb. „
3 Feb. ,,
4 Feb. „
16 Feb. „
12 Apr. 1 7 13
10 May „
12 May „
6 Aug. „
6 Sept. „
13 Sept. „
21 Sept. „
4 Oct. „
15 Nov. „
28 Dec. ,,
3 Oct.
25 Nov.
3 Feb. ,,
another hand,
1699 "Samuel
28 Feb. ,,
24 July 1715
12 Nov. „
29 Sept. 1 7 16
16 Nov. „
13 Dec. „
2 Mar. „
21 Apr. 1 71 7
21 May „
1 5 Aug. „
21 Oct. „
22 Dec. „
8 Mar. ..
1723] Cam Marriages. 131
Arthur Villott & Ann Escourtt . . T4 Mar. 171 7
William Perkins & Abigail Bendall . . 13 May 17 18
Daniell Groves & Mary Orpin . . . . 2 Sept. ,,
William Tippets & Hanah Wentt, of Dursly 11 Mar. ,,
Thomas Trotman & Hester Dudly . . 29 Mar. 17 19
Jonathan Lusty, of Stanley, & An [sic] Bendall
of Cam . . . . . . . . 16 May „
Samuell Harding & Hester Bendall . . 20 June ,,
["Hester" is written over "Ann" erased.]
Samuell Tyler & Mary Clark . . . . 29 June ,,
John Eliots & Mary Spencers . . . . 18 July „
John Hietts & Hester Warner . . . . 7 Sept. „
Thomas Walbon & Elizabeth Cobb . . 13 Sept. „
Gilles Bendall & Joyce Dyson . . . . 14 Nov. ,,
Samuell Hill & Elizabeth Rose . . . . 28 Nov. „
Thomas Curtis & Mary Olliver, of Dursly . . 28 Dec. ,,
Thomas White & Mary King . . . . 7 Jan. ,,
James Clarke, of Avening, & Abigail Bradshe
[sic] . . . . . . . . 29 Feb. ,,
James Freeme & Jane Symons . . • • 3 May 1720
John Saniger & Margreet Tyler . . . . 16 May 1721
William Webb & Sarah Milard . . . . 1 July ,,
John Webb & Elizabeth Pegller . . . . 26 Feb. ,,
John Carefield, p. Frampton-upon-Seavern,
& Mary Ifield, p. Slimbridge . . 26 May 1722
Nathaniel Pope & Mary Trotman . . . . 28 June „
Solomon Bendal & Anne Purnell . . . . 29 July „
Richard Fords & Anne Orpin . . • • 9 Dec. ,,
William Ganner, p. of Kingswood, & Elizabeth
Cole, of p. Dursly . . . . 18 Dec. ,,
John Trotman, of Slimbridge, & Elizabeth
Bendal . . . . . . 24 Dec. „
Cornelius Burford, p. Nymphsfield, & Martha
Ward . . . . . . . . 25 Dec. „
John Poulton, of Nymphsfield, & Joanna Fords 14 Apr. 1723
Charles King & Elizabeth Freame . . . . 14 Apr. ,,
Samuel Powel & Joan Bradshaw . . . . 2 June ,,
John Rider & Elizabeth Ward . . . . 24 June „
Daniel Paynard & Anne Atwood, of Thorn-
bury . . . . . . . . 30 June ,,
K 2
132 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1723
Thomas Leonard, alias Boucher, & Elizabeth
John Peglar, p. of Nympsfield, & Anne Hailing
Jaspar Selwyn & Eleanor Morse
Aaron Butcher & Mary Purnel
James Harris & Hannah Cook
John Hodges & Sarah Bendall
Thomas Cocks & Mary Curnock
John Powel & Mary Butcher
William Sanford & Sarah Fords
John Jones & Hannah Chamberline
William Batt & Hannah Dangerfield
Thomas Rickets & Deborah Ridge .
Daniel Harding & Joan Oland
Edward Howlet & Mary Browning
Abraham Evans & Joannah Capell
John Boucher & Hannah Brown
Joseph Taylor & Elizabeth Thornly, p. Wotton
Daniel Trotman & Esther Broadshoe
Samuell Wood & Anne Elliot
Samuell Howlett, p. Dursly, & Anne Dawncey
Daniel Driver & Elizabeth Rider
William King & Hester Rickets
George Rose & Anne Greenway
Robert Chappel & Elizabeth Curnock
Daniel Budding & Mary Harding
John Orpine & Anne Purnel, p. Cam
Anthony Welsted & Elizabeth Blanch
Thomas Burchel & Sarah Driver
Abraham Sinegar, p. Dursly, & Sarah Smith
of Cam
Richard Rider & Susannah Bendall
John Curnock & Mary Bendall
Thomas Good & Sarah Cocks
William Batt & Martha Brooks
John How, p. Dursly, & Ester Trotman, of
Daniel Sinegar & Betty Cook
Nathaniel Young & Joan Freem
7 July
26 July
y Apr.
9 Apr.
10 July
29 July
13 Sept.
22 Nov.
13 Dec.
23 Jan.
8 Mar.
28 Mar.
29 Mar.
5 Apr.
6 June
26 July
9 Sept.
25 Mar.
14 May
16 May
12 June
27 June
10 Apr.
25 Apr.
21 May
23 May
23 May
29 Oct.
26 Dec.
25 May
15 June
16 June
2 July
5 July
7 July
1 1 July
1732] Cam Marriages. 133
Edward Purchase & Elizabeth Chappel .. 14 July 1728
Joseph Shipton & Martha Hillier
Daniel Hitchins & Elizabeth Phillimore . . 16 Apr. 1729
William Duddle & Mary Oliver
John Holehouse, stranger, & Mary Millard, of
William Oakes & Hannah Brown, of Wootton
Josiah Bendall, inhabitant, & Jane Freeme . .
Mathew Wilkins & Hannah Hailing
Thomas Brown & Mary Pearce
James Daw, of Frampton, & Hannah Orpin . . 19 Jan. 1730
Samll [Samuel] Oakey & Elizabeth Brown
William Summers & Mary Gunter
John Baglin & Elizabeth Prince
John Glaconberry & Rachael Renn
George Morgan & Elizabeth Butcher . . 6 Feb. 1731
Robert Chappel, ser [senior], & Jane Rowther
Samuel Brown & Ester Parker, of Dursly
William Cowley, of Cam, & Mary Clark, of
Thomas Wilkins & Mary Phillips
Thomas Tallboys, of Uley, & Martha Barnett
Joseph Butcher & Mary Ridge, of this p.
James Clarke & Hester Bendall
Giles Turner & Ann Bradley
Thomas Tilladams & Sarah Tilladams
William Bradshaw & Sarah Hill
John Kerry, of Wotton-under-Edge, & Eliza-
beth Purchase, of Cam
Daniel Fowler & Mary Cam, both of Cam p.
John Hailing, this p., & Mary [no surname], of
Nymphfield \sic] . . . . 4 Mar. 1732
William Theyer, of Cowley, &. Elizabeth Bo}Te,
p. Slimbridge . . . . . . 10 Mar. ,,
Henery [sic] Guinnell & Hester Harriss . . 11 Mar. „
Richard King & Sarah Grinning, both of
Allingham p. . . . . . . 22 May ,,
William Poulton & Mary Bradshaw . . 20 Aug. „
John Bright, p. Westbury, & Hester Jennings,
of Cam . . . . . . . . 16 Oct.
14 July
21 Nov.
16 Apr.
20 Apr.
24 Apr.
29 Apr.
14 June
1 Aug.
21 Sept.
19 Jan.
9 Apr.
iS Aug.
23 Aug.
11 Oct.
6 Feb.
1 Mar.
12 Apr.
21 Apr.
25 Apr.
30 May
24 June
28 June
30 June
1 July
22 Aug.
4 Sept.
28 Oct.
134 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1732
John Williams, inhabitant, p. Dursly, & Sarah
Watts, of Cam . . . . . . 19 Oct. 1732
Thomas Higgins & Anne Cobb . . . . 28 Oct. „
Thomas Millard, of this p., & Elizabeth Mil-
lard, of Dursly . . . . . . 26 Nov. ,,
Richard Chew, p. Beisly, & Elizabeth Long-
street, of Frampton Super Sabrinam . . 7 Jan. 1733
John Barnes & Joannah Berriman, of Dursly 24 Mar. ,,
Charles Trotman & Margery Damswell, of
Dursly . . . . . . . . 31 Mar. „
Daniel Millard & Ester Philpot . . 3 May „
Abel Curnock & Mary Purnel, of Cam . . 15 May ,,
William Hood, of Stinchcomb, & Elizabeth
Alderidge . . . . ..11 Aug. „
John Pope & Abigail Pearce, both of Berkley,
lie. . . . . . . 9 Dec. „
James Prince & Mary Butcher . . . . 1 Jan. 1734
John Coopey & Elizabeth Freem, both of this p. 6 Jan. ,,
Joseph Curnock & Elizabeth Bendall, both of
this p. . . . . . . • • 7 Jan. „
Benedict Turner, p. Wotton-under-Edge, &
Mary Allen, of this p. . . . . 29 Jan. „
James Rudge & Mary Trotman . . . . 10 Apr. ,,
John Bendall & Elizabeth Baglin, both of
this p. . . . . . . 15 Apr. „
Thomas Paradise, belonging to St. Mary's
Parish, in the Devizess, Wiltshire, to
Sarah Crowder, of the parish of Dursly,
in Gloucestershire .. .. .. 15 Apr. ,,
James Rudge and Mary Trotman . . . . 19 Apr. „
[In the Register, the%figurc "9" in 19 appears to have been
altered from "4," the date being at first written as "14." The
same names occur above, on April 10, and the "o" there in
"10" is blotted.]
Thomas Paradise, of St. Marie's, in the County
of Wilts, in the Devizes, & Sarah
Crowder, of the p. of Dursley, Glouces-
tershire .. .. .. .. 15 Apr. 1734
[Evidently a repetition of the previous entry, .]
Jno. [? John] Howel & Hannah Rider . . 22 Apr. „
Cam Marriages.
William Bradshaw, p. of Cham, & Joan Tilly, of
North Nibbley
Edward Sinager& Mary Hicks
Daniel Burley, of the p. of Frampton-upon-
Severn, & Sarah Baall, of the p. of Cam
William Wakefield & Hester Harding
John Harding & Ann Vinton
Richard Hodges, of Dursly, & Hannah Ben-
dall, of Cam
Daniel Baglin & Hannah Dangerfield
Thomas Purnell & Elizabeth Brown
John Brown & Mary Gibbins
Richard Bigwood & Mary Prince
John Johnson, soldier & drummer, & Mary
William Broadshaw, alias Harper, & Eleanor
Randel Powel & Joan Rider
Moses Knight & Sarah Prince
John Biddle & Sarah Hadley
The Rev. Thomas Cradock, Curate of p. of
Cam, to Mrs. Hannah Ward, of the
Samuel Bendall & Hester Clarke
William Champin & Rachael Jones
Zachariah Grinnin & Hester Broadshaw
Thomas Hitchins & Lydiah Broadshaw
Josiah Bendall & Elizabeth Curnock
Mathew Eastcourt & Lydiah Hailing
John Faux & Edith Long
Stephen Watts & Sarah Matthews . . >
John Barns & Hester Ady, of Wooton-under
Samson Brown & Mary Shipton
Daniel Rudge & Elizabeth Smyth
William Cross & Sarah Gunter
Richard Ball & Elizabeth Hickes
Edward Ball & Mary Harris
Daniell Driver & Mary Daniels
William Robins & Ann Seaborne
29 Apr.
3 May
5 May
18 May
17 June
13 Aug.
15 Oct.
14 Jan.
8 Apr.
17 Apr.
19 Apr.
20 Apr.
24 May
27 July
10 Aug.
2 Nov
26 Apr.
27 Apr.
4 July
14 Oct.
• • 13 Jan.
21 Feb.
31 Mar.
5 Apr.
• • 13 July
21 Aug.
. . 5 Oct.
11 Feb.
. . 30 Apr.
• • 13 Aug
. . 10 Oct.
.. 15 Oct.
136 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1739
Abraham Bendall & Elizabeth Gardiner
William Turner & Sarah Phillimore
John Kendall & Elizabeth Hillier
Edward Lawrence & Sarah Heven . .
William Barnfield & Jane Seaborne
John Bernard & Mary Taylor
Thomas Nicholls & Hannah Haines
Joseph Luton & Elizabeth Phillimore
Robert Parsley & Elianor Butcher . .
William Daw & Mary Penny
Phillip Pierce & Jane Bendall
Daniell Somers & Hannah Bendall
William Davis & Hannah Hill
John Baglin & Hester Jones
John Millard & Elianor Chappell
Nicholas Martin & Elizabeth Eowler
Thomas Prince & Francess Parker . .
Thomas Lee & Hester Sadler
Robert Hughes & Elizabeth Packer
William Burrows & Hannah Hitchins
William Hanks & Mary Batt
Josiah Bradshaw & Mary Curnock . .
William Cox & Mary Silvey
Richard Elliott & Martha Berkeley
William Batt & Mary Hailing
Daniell Hale & Mary Mallet
Daniell Minett & Hester Clarke
William King & Lydiah Perkins
Edward Millingham & Elizabeth King
[Note on the two last entries, which are inserted between lines
in the Registrar: — "The two Marriages interlined were by
mistake omitted till after the Transcript of the Register for
1743 was given in. P. Senhouse, Vicar."]
The Rev. Thomas Gregory & Mary Barnes,
both of Uley .. .. .. 7 Jan. 1744
Thomas Jones & Sarah Grant, of Dursley . . 12 Apr. „
William Keen & Mary Ball . . . . 28 May „
William Hix & Sarah Baker . . . . 5 June „
Richard Williams & Ann Ball . . . . 27 Aug. „
Hezekiah Powell & Christian Gunter . . 2 Sept. „
4 Jan.
10 May
14 June
13 July
2 Sept.
3 Apr.
6 Apr.
13 Oct.
13 Oct.
30 Oct.
26 Dec.
1 Apr.
11 Apr.
18 Apr.
19 Apr.
3 May
13 May
22 July
26 Aug.
2 Sept.
11 Oct.
5 Dec.
12 Feb.
17 Feb.
6 Mar.
6 Apr.
14 Apr.
4 Oct.
5 Oct.
Cam Marriages.
Joseph Harris & Edith Dangerfield
Thomas Brown & Elizabeth Coopy
Thomas Morden, of Tibberton, & Ann Vince-
ley, of Frocester
Richard Bigwood & Martha Davis
William Baine & Elizabeth Workman
Bartholomey Hale & Hester Seaborne
Samuell Atwood & Rachael Butcher
John Howell & Mary Phillips
John Curnock & Hester Gunter
Joseph Hardwick & Hannah Shipton
Richard Silvey & Rachael Gunter
James White & Hester Tindall
Samuell Harding & Ann King
Joseph Heartfield & Jane Creed
Edward Sommers & Catherine Dean
John Mills & Jane Howell
Nathaniell Butcher & Mary Merrett
Benjamin Talboy & Mary Hale
William Wilkins & Mary Rider
William Cowley & Hester Cowley
William Hill & Jane Perkins
Lawrence White & Lettice Webb
Daniell Bendall & Hannah Orpin
Joseph Wyman & Betty Evans
John Watts & Martha Gunter
Daniell Trotman & Jane Creed
Thomas Cam & Rachael King
John Gough & Sarah Grinning
John Ruther & Elizabeth Cam
John Browning & Mary Butcher
Daniell Rudge & Mary Hill
John Pearse, of Berkeley, & Elizabeth Slew-
cock, of Dursley
Peter Smith, of Coaly, & Joan Harding, of
Samuell Cutt & Elizabeth Merrett
John Gethen, of Dursley, & Mary Paul, of
John Davis & Ann Verner, of Stroud
8 Oct.
6 Nov.
10 Dec.
25 Jan.
19 Feb.
28 Apr.
1 May
2 May
21 May
5 June
5 June
9 Sept.
12 Sept.
27 Oct.
19 Dec.
26 Dec.
26 Dec.
1 Feb.
2 Feb.
8 Feb.
6 Apr.
4 Aug.
26 Aug.
10 Dec.
27 Dec.
15 June
23 July
18 Feb.
21 Mar.
17 July
5 Sept.
4 Oct. „
5 Oct. „
26 Mar. 1749
14 May „
17 July „
Glottcester shire Parish Registers.
John Bray, of Eldersfield, & Ann King, of
William Poulton & Elizabeth Malpass
William Underwood & Francess Prince
Thomas Meredith, of Olveston, & Ann Robin
Joseph Shipton & Mary Butcher
Richard Somers & Sarah Curnock
Francis Curtis & Mary Watkins, of Dursley
Jeremiah Butcher & Mary Brook
Richard Watkins & Elizabeth Hailing
William Rider & Elianor Bradshaw
Stephen Parker & Mary Curnock
Samuell Gunter & Sarah Atwood
Jonathan Lamb & Elizabeth Dallimore,
William Ford & Mary Bendall
Edward Bendall & Hannah Ford . .
Samuell Attwood & Mary Bendall
William Perkins & Martha Sanegar
John Somers & Hester Harding
John Long & Hester Packer
Samuell Nicholls & Ann Trotman
William Cox & Ann Attwood
Edward Phillips & Mary Mallett
George Perkins & Mary Williams
John Barns & Ann Morse, of Dursley
William Curnock & Hester Butcher
Samuell Curtis & Mary Tyrell
William Gunter & Rebecca Everatt
William Hall & Mary Knight
Robert Godwin & Elizabeth Tindall
Thomas Hodges & Mary Phillimore
John Ball & Sarah Plummer, of Dursley
James Trull & Lydia Elliott
Charles Shillom & Elizabeth Smith
John Manning & Mary Phillimore . .
Henry Orpin & Elizabeth Packer . .
William Malpass & Elizabeth Browning
Joseph Gunter & Hester Cam
5 Sept.
9 Apr.
. 30 Apr.
. 17 June
• 21 July
24 Nov.
y 3 Dec.
10 Dec.
2 Jan.
9 Apr.
2 May
21 June
12 Sept.
30 Sept.
. 18 Oct.
. 31 Oct.
1 Dec.
7 Dec.
26 Dec.
9 Jan.
9 Feb.
3 Mar.
30 Mar.
• 13 Apr.
25 Sept.
5 Nov.
14 Nov.
26 Nov.
• 25 Jan.
6 Feb.
10 Apr.
22 Apr.
22 July
3 Jan.
3 Jan.
5 Jan.
28 Jan.
Volume III.
[The first entry in the new Register may be taken as an exact
specimen of all the others. It is as follows : — "No. i. John
Packer of (this) Parish Bachelor and Hannah Harrison of (th<?)
same Spinster were married in this (church) by {Banns) this
sixth day of April in the Year One Thousand seven Hundred
and fifty four by me P. Scnhonse, Vicar. This marriage was
solemnised between us. The mark / of John Packer. The
mark / of Hannah Harrison, in the presence of William
Everatts and John Summers"]
[To prevent needless repetition, it is to be understood hence-
forth that the parties arc of the Parish of Cam, and are
"Bachelor" and "Spinster" respectively, and are married after
" Banns," unless it be expressly stated otherivise.]
John Packer & Hannah Harrison . . . . 6 Apr. 1754
Samuel Trotman & Mary Harding
George Lewis, p. of Berkeley, & Mary Webb
John Phillimore & Francess Wood
Daniell Allen, w., & Eleanor Soules, p. of
Uley, lie. . .
Thomas Stiff & Ann Phillimore, he.
John Ball & Mary Budding
Daniell Sinnegar & Elizabeth Budding
Joseph Rudge & Susannah Butcher
Robert Harris & Sarah Summers . . 20 May 1755
George Smith & Sarah Wood
John Rider & Abigail Harris
William Glassenbury & Ann Hotkins
Thomas Talboy, w., & Hannah Brown
William Everatt & Elizabeth Cam, lie.
Samuell Butcher & Hannah Worlock
Samuell Phillimore, of this p., & Mary Com-
peer, of the p. of Yate, lie. . . . . 2 Mar. 1756
Isaac Hill & Sarah Orpin
Joseph Curnock & Sarah Witts
Richard Latham, p. Uley, & Hester Evratt,
this p. . . . . . . . . 28 Apr. 1757
William Curtis, of Dursley, & Mary Heath,
of this p. . . . . . . . . 2 May ,,
William Hort & Sarah Evereatt . . . . 30 May ,,
6 Apr.
30 May
29 June
10 July
16 July
11 Aug.
27 Oct.
16 Dec.
22 Dec.
20 May
14 Sept.
21 Sept.
19 Oct.
6 Nov.
10 Nov.
27 Dec.
2 Mar.
19 Apr.
31 Aug.
140 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1757
13 June
24 July
5 Sept.
5 Sept.
13 Dec.
18 Dec.
7 Feb.
10 Feb.
2 May
Thomas Coopy & Mary Budding .. .. 13 June 1757
Hugh Everatt, p. Dursley, w., & Mary
Fowler, p. Cam, w., lie.
Samuell Hill, of this p., & Edith Morgan,
inhabitant of the same
William Cam & Elizabeth Smith
William Workman, p. Nibley, & Sarah
Harris, of this p.
Peter King, & Battah Bendall, inhabitant,
Hopton Hadley & Mary Turner, lie. . . 7 Feb. 1758
Abraham Philpott & Elizabeth Harris
Richard Packer & Hester Watts
John Stinchcombe, p. Nibley, & Elizabeth
Phillimore, of this p. . . . . 6 May ,,
[Entry unsigned except by J. Hodges, Officg. Minr. and the
bridegroom, and John Summers as witness. As the last-named
frequently occurs as witness, it would seem likely that he was
parish clerk.']
William French, p. Uley, & Hester Bendall . .
Thomas Lewis, inhabitant, & Hester Webb
Thomas Browning, p. Stroud, & Sarah
Harper, this p.
John Bendall & Rose Cutts
Marmaduke Cox & Mary Ricketts . .
William Millard & Mary Johnson . .
Thomas Duddle & Sarah Cobb
" Paul Earl, inhabitant of this parish, batchelor,
& Sarah Yewen, of the parish of
Wootton-under-Edge, were married in
this Church by Licence this 21st day
of November, in the year 1759 by me
[blank]. This marriage was solemnised
between us [blanks] in the presence of
[blank] John Summers." .. .. 21 Nov. „
This is an exact copy of the entry in the Register itself, but on
a loose sheet of paper (u| in. long by Si in. wide) found lying
between the pages of the Register at this place {betiveen pp. 10 <$"
11) there is the following entry : —
" Paul Earl, a resident in the Parish of Cam in the County
of Gloucester, batchelor, & Sarah Yewen, of the parish of
20 May
25 Dec.
2 June
2 June
4 June
21 Oct.
10 Nov.
1763] Cam Marriages. 141
Wotton-Under-Edge, in the said county, single woman, were
married in the Parish Church of Cam, by Licence, this 21st
day of November, 1759, by me, Charles Wallington, Assistant,
as aforesaid. We were married, as witness our hands. The
mark of Paul / Earl, Sarah Yewen, in the presence of us,
Robt. Cowly, John Summers."
Samuel Leonard, w., & Sarah Long, s., lie. 29 Nov. 1759
Richard Fowler, p. Saperton, co. Glocester, &
Ann Tyrrel, this p., lie. . . . . 22 May 1760
John Butcher & Betty Coopy
Joseph Watts & Mary Freem
George Watts & Ann Harris
John Woodward, p. Stinchcombe, w., & Betty
Kite, p. Berkeley, both inhabitants of
John Vaizey & Mary Millard .. .. 3 Feb. 1761
William Greening, p. Dursley, & Hester
Warlick, this p., lie.
Nathaniel Jenner, w., & Beata Williams, s., lie.
John Rudge & Elizabeth Frost, inhabitant . .
James Hill & Susannah Wood, inhabitant . .
James Cowley, p. Frampton-upon-Severn, &
Elizabeth Morgan, this p.
Daniel Packer & Mary Gainey
John Hill & Dinah Summers, inhabitant
Thomas Bailey & Elizabeth Cam
Daniel Knight & Mary Pope, lie. . . 14 Feb. 1762
Edward Rider & Hannah Parslow
Thomas Edwards & Susan Horwood
Samuel Underwood, p. Stinchcombe, & Ann
Samuel Seborne & Ann Hanks
William Dyer, w., & Mary Bence, w.
Jasper Harris & Hester Glassenberry
William Knibbs, this p., & Hannah Champion,
p. Shipton
John Summers & Ann Pegler
John Bendall & Sarah Warner . . . . 10 Apr. 1763
Daniel Tyndal, this p., & Elizabeth Peglar, p.
Coaley, lie. . . . . 12 Apr.
22 May
1 July
17 Nov.
29 Nov.
28 Dec.
3 Feb.
10 Feb.
13 Apr.
3 May
6 May
6 May
1 1 July
26 July
iS Aug.
14 Feb.
10 Apr.
3 May
15 June
1 July
23 Aug.
26 Aug.
26 Dec.
28 Dec.
10 Apr.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1763
8 May
15 May
19 May
28 May
19 June
11 Sept.
17 Sept.
19 Sept.
4 Oct.
23 Oct.
2 Dec.
7 Apr.
21 Apr.
22 Apr.
22 Apr.
Richard Silvey, w., & Mary Price . .
William Millard & Mary Bendall . .
William Summers & Ann Butcher
Joseph Philips, this p., & Ann Smith, p. Berke
ley, lie.
Joseph Webb & Edith Geal
William Daw, this p., & Ann Hopkins,
Almonsbury, co. Gloucester, he.
Daniel Harding & Hannah Tyndal, lie.
Joseph Hitchins & Betty Duck
John Gethen, p. Dursley, & Mary Davis, this
p., lie.
James Purches & Sarah Harding . .
James Longstreth, p. Coaley, & Elizabeth
Butcher, this p.
Thomas Butcher & Mary Clarke
James Champion & Sarah Knight, lie.
William Bradshaw & Sarah Merritt
Samuel Holloway & Mary Merritt
John Wyatt, p. Dursley, & Betty Millard,
this p. . . . . . . 10 June „
Robert Kendall & Grace Smith . . . . 6 Nov. ,,
Edward Rudge & Sarah Franklin . . 29 Nov. ,,
William Champion & Rachel Bendal, lie. 5 Jan. 1764 [sic]
John Cole, p. North Nibley, & Christian Fream,
this p., lie. . . . . 14 Jan. 1765
James Holloway & Mary Brown . . . . 17 Feb. ,,
[There is no signature of an officiating clergyman, but the
other parts, except the names oj the parties and witnesses, are in
the handwriting of the Vicar, Benjamin Webb. The whole
entry runs as follows : —
"James Halloway of this parish and Mary Brown of the
same were married in this Church by Banns this 17th day of
[March erased] February, in the year 1765, by me [blank. \
This marriage was solemnized between us, James Holloway,
Brown, Mary {The Christian name is written under ' Brown'.]
In the presence of, the mark of Thomas / Brown, John
[This Marriage is entered in the Transcript as on "Feb. 19."]
Aaron Warlick & Hannah Nicholls. . . . 22 Apr. 1765
1767] Cam Marriages. 143
William Shipton & Martha Bird .. .. 29 Apr. 1765
Samuel Baglin & Elizabeth Cox . . . . 2 May ,,
[In this entry the name of the officiating clergyman is written
as "Benj. Web," thus — the final "b" is wanting, and the
whole signature is blurred. The names of the parties married
ai e not written by them anywhere, and there are no names of
witnesses. The last four lines arc quite blank. This Marriage
is entered in the Transcript]
Daniel Farmilo, p. Nybley, & Francess Hadley,
this p. . . . . . . . . 29 Aug. 1765
Joseph Shipton, this p., & Mary Pinnel, of
Slimbridge, lie.
John Duddle & Sarah Driver
Stephen Watts & Hannah Andrews
John Barnfield & Rachel 01 pin
John Harris & Elizabeth Price
Chappell Davies & Sarah Hill
John Sansom [signed " Sansum," p. Dursley,
& Keziah Harper, this p.
Robert Nicholls & Elizabeth Brown
Nathaniel Cobb, p. Uley, & Elizabeth Cur-
nock, this p. . . . . • • 5 Oct- f,
Thomas Hale, p. Stinchcombe, & Elizabeth
Summers, this p. . . . . 21 Oct. „
Obadiah Cross & Elizabeth Watkins . . 1 Dec. ,,
William Baylay, p. Berkley, & Sarah Hadley,
this p., lie. . . . . . . 22 Dec. ,,
Joseph Millard & Elizabeth Clark . . . , 24 Nov. 1767
John Parker & Rebecca Harris . . 25 Nov. ,,
[The Marriage of these parties was previously solemnised on
October 7, 1767, when the bride's name appears as "Mary,"
but a note, written at the top of the page on which the entry
occurs, in the handwriting of the then Vicar, Benjamin Webb,
states that " This Marriage between John Parker & Mary
Harris was solemnized again on account of a mistake in the
Christian name of the woman, whose real name is Rebecca."
The amended entry on Nov. 25, 1767, is this: — " John Parker
of this parish & Rebecca Harris of the same were married
in this church by banns, this 25th day of November, in the
year 1767, by me Benj. Webb, Vicar. This marriage was
23 Sept.
5 Jan.
27 Jan.
1 Apr.
11 May
24 May
29 Sept.
30 Sept.
144 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1768
solemnized between us, John Parker, the mark of Rebecca /
Harris. In the presence of, the mark of Eleanor / Harris,
Samuell Chappell.]
[The witnesses on the previous occasion, Oct. 7, were "The
mark of Beatrice/ King" and "Samuel Chappell."]
Samuel Underhill, p. Stroud, & Sarah Collis,
lie. . . . . . . 15 Feb. 1768
Samuel Nicholls & Hannah Freem . . 20 Mar. ,,
[Note. — From this point to the end of this volume oj the
Register the entries are not numbered. The last numbered entry
is No. 106.]
Daniel King & Sarah Ball . . .. .. 21 Mar. 1768
[The ink of this entry is yellow and much faded.]
Samuel Curtis & Ann Workman, lie. . . 7 June ,,
William Cowley, p. Slimbridge, & Hester
Mills, this p., lie. . . . . . . 25 Sept. ,,
Charles Cordy & Sarah Millard . . . . 5 Dec. ,,
[The bride's name is written by the Vicar as " Millerd," but
she signs her name " Millard," and the first witness signs his
name " John Millard," which is the usual way in which this
name is written in this parish.]
Richard Fords & Sarah Spencer
William Barnfield & Elizabeth Bradshaw
Moses Butcher, w., & Rebecca Trye, s., lie. . .
William Harding, this p., & Dorothea Fowles,
p. Dursley
William Beard, p. Coaley [condition not
stated], & Ann Cox, w., this p., lie.
Thomas Jobbins Harris, p. Alderley, & Ann
Buddings, this p., lie.
Joseph Barnfield & Ruth Hill
Benjamin Talboys & Mary Daw
Daniel Talbois [signed " Talboys "] & Hester
Browne .. .. .. .. 20 Feb. 1770
[" Talboys" is the usual spelling in this district.]
Nicholas Underwood, this p., & Esther
Minett, p. of Coaley, lie. . . . . 9 Apr. ,,
William Summers & Dorothy Witchell . . 28 June „
William Pick, p. Tetbury, & Susannah
Parker, this p., lie. . . . . 10 July ,,
22 Dec.
1 Jan.
12 Feb.
to Apr.
26 Aug.
2 Nov.
14 Nov.
19 Nov.
1 773J Cam Marriages. 145
John Bradshaw & Elizabeth Bradshaw . . 7 Aug. 1770
John Small, p. Uley, & Ann Phillimore, this p.,
lie. . . . . . . 20 Aug. „
Thomas Sinnegar & Sarah Fream . . 9 Oct. „
Thomas Butcher, w., & Frances Phillimore, w. 19 Oct. ,,
Joseph Minett, p. Coaley, & Sarah Morse, lie. 9 Nov. „
John Harding & Sarah Poulten . . . . 18 Nov. „
Joseph Williams & Mary Dowle, lie. . . 29 Nov. 1770
[Here Jollows a crossed out entry, "John Barnard, of the
Parish of Dursley, batchelor, & Joan Bird, widow, of the
Parish of Cam were Married in this Church by Licence this
Fifth Day of December in the year 1770 by me Richard
Lockey, Curate."; There ate no signatures of any parties
married or of any Witnesses. There is no note stating why the
entry was crossed out.]
William Butcher & Hester Ball
Edward Rudge, b., & Battah King, w.
Moses Fream & Betty Sinnegar
William White & Sarah Mills
John Lewis, inhabitant, w., & Mary Speck, s.
William King & Rachel Ball
Nicholas Ball & Ann Hill
Daniel Elliots & Hannah Parslow
Daniel Trull & Mary Worlock
Richard Gunter, inhabitant, & Ann Summers
Joseph Watts, w., & Hannah Smith, inhabi-
tant, s. . . . . . . 27 Oct.
John Mayo, p. King Stanley, & Hannah
Parker, this p.
Thomas Burford, inhabitant, & Ann Gunter
Thomas Ball & Rose Woodward . . . . 3 Jan. 1772
William Summers & Rachel Attwood
John Glassenbury & Sarah Latch, lie.
Jonathan Bendall, p. Slimbridge, & Mary
Merrell, p. Cam, lie. . . . . 12 May ,,
William Rose & Mary Beard, inhabitant,
lie. . . . . . . 3 Aug. „
Zechariah Greening & Sarah Pegler, lie. . . 2 Oct. ,,
Daniel Tyndall, this p., w., & Mary Trotman,
p. Berkeley, s., lie. . . . . . . 30 Mar. 1773
Glouc— VIII. l
30 Dec.
21 Jan.
10 Feb.
7 Apr.
13 May
30 June
7 July
1 Sept.
8 Sept.
20 Oct.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1773
Samuel Witchell, p. Sopworth, Wilts, &
Hannah Morse, this p., lie.
William Greening, this p., w., & Elizabeth
Hathaway, p. Slimbridge, w., lie.
William King, this p., & Anne Price, inhabi-
tant, p. St. Mary de Crypt, Glocester,
John Workman, p. Stinchcombe, & Lydia Hill
George Watts, p. Berkeley, & Rose Bendall,
this p., lie.
Thomas Duddle, w., & Sarah Niblett, s.
William Workman, p. Stinchcombe, & Mary
Pearce, inhabitant this p.
James Summers, p. Stinchcombe, & Catherine
Butcher, p. Cam
George Bennet & Ann Warlick, inhabitant . .
John Hadlam, inhabitant of the p. Stinch-
combe, & Olive Summers, p. Cam
Samuel Hill & Mary Malpas, lie.
Henry Burroughs & Sarah Harold
Samuel Malpas & Rebekah King
Samuel White, p. Coaley, & Eleanor Morse, p.
Cam, lie.
Thomas Greening & Ann Keen, lie.
Thomas Elliots, inhabitant of this p., &
Hannah Bendall
George Hulings & Sarah Theyer
Samuel Gunter, inhabitant of this p., &
Rebekah Ricketts
John Hill, w., & Sarah Price, inhabitant, s. . .
John Gollidge, inhabitant, w., & Sarah Rudge, s.
William Webb & Mary Browning
John Worlock, inhabitant, & Joanna Smith . .
Samuel Malpas, w., & Sarah Rudge, w.
John Halliday, p. Leonard Stanley, & Mary
Morse, p. Cam, lie.
Aaron Butcher & Hester White, inhabitant . .
Joseph King, this p., & Hannah Lewis, in-
habitant of the p. of Dursley
William Mills & Ann Olpin
10 May 1773
19 May „
16 June „
14 Aug. ,,
24 Aug. „
12 Oct. „
6 Nov. ..
14 Feb.
23 Apr.
31 May
10 June
10 Aug.
6 Nov.
19 Apr.
11 May
6 June
7 Nov.
25 Dec.
19 Jan.
12 Feb.
12 Feb.
30 Mar.
5 Apr.
25 Apr.
22 June
27 June
7 July
1777] Cam Marriages. 147
James Bendall, inhabitant, & Joanna Malpas,
Josiah Bendall, w., & Mary Parker, inhabitant
Thomas Wilkins & Martha Morgan
Daniel Foord, p. Wotton-under-Edge, & Sarah
Cox, p. Cam, lie.
George Smith, inhabitant, & Grace Rudge . .
Daniel Sinnegar, w., & Nancy Fream, s.
John Olpin, w., & Sarah Smith, s., lie.
William Osborn, p. Coaley, & Anne Smith . .
Richard Webb, w., & Hester Bradsha,
Robert Knight, w., & Hannah Bradshaw,
John White, p. Coaley, & Esther Fords,
Thomas Chappell & Elizabeth Shepard
Stephen Cole & Rosanna Hill, inhabitant
William Thayer & Hannah Crows
Daniel Summers & Elizabeth Fisher, inhabi-
tant . . . . . . . . 12 Aug. ,,
Samuel Webb, p. Coaley, & Mary Comby,
inhabitant of this p. .. .. 15 Sept. ,,
Edmund Bailey & Mary Bendall, lie. . . 14 Oct. ,,
Thomas Minett, p. Cowley, & Mary Olpen
[? Olpin], p. Cam . . . . 23 Oct. ,,
[The bride signs her own name as " Olpm ".J
William Savage & Patience Parker, inhabi-
tants . . . . . . 24 Oct. „
John Griffin & Susanna Ball . . . . 10 Nov. ,,
Thomas Malpas & Jane Fisher, inhabitant . . 13 Nov. ,,
Thomas Harmar,* p. Dursley, and Hannah
White, of this p. . . 9 Nov. ,,
[Note. — This entry "Nov. 9", comes after the entries "Nov.
10" and "Nov. 13."]
John Gunter, inhabitant of this [blank] & Han-
nah Smith, inhabitant of [blank], were
married in this [blank] by [blank] this
13 July
24 July
29 July
27 Aug.
16 Sept.
26 Sept.
14 Oct.
6 Nov.
15 Dec.
19 Dec.
27 Jan.
8 Apr.
1 1 Apr.
! ?
28 July
* He signs as " Thomas Harman."
L 2
148 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1777
[blank] day of [blank] in the year [blank]
by me [blank]. This Marriage was
[the mark / of John Gunter] solemnized
between us [the mark / of Hannah Smith]
in the presence of [Thomas Harman,
Samuel Chappell.] . . . . . . [No date]
[This entry is in the handwriting of, but is not signed by,
Richard Lockey, Curate. In the Transcript, the date of this
Marriage is given as November 29.]
John Earle, p. Berkeley, & Betty Turner, p.
Cam., lie. . .
Joseph Millard, w., & Mary Summers, s.
Thomas Watts & Elizabeth Baker, inhabitant
Elisha King & Ann Worlock, inhabitant
Giles Hadley & Mary Glassenbury, lie.
Thomas Stinchcombe, p. Berkeley, & Hannah
Packer, this p.
Francis Lord & Jane Fletcher, lie.
Thomas Wells, p. Frampton-on-Severne, &
Mary Edmonds, this p., lie.
Joseph Pride & Elizabeth Harding. .
William Greening, b., & Hester Dainty, w., lie.
William Perkins & Hannah King
Edmund Goodrich, p. Dursley, & Sarah Watts,
this p. . . . . . . 8 Oct.
Thomas Alpass, p. Berkeley, & Ann Turner,
this p., lie.
David Davis & Hannah Baker . . . . 5 Apr. 1779
John Hogg, p. Stonehouse, b., & Anne Curtis,
p. Cam, w., lie.
William Sanniger & Elizabeth Trull
Joseph Mills, p. Berkeley, & Hannah Smith
Moses Fream, w., & Ann Jones, s. . .
Thomas Fords, p. Uley, & Ann Summers, this p. 21 Feb. 1780
Samuel Lewton, p. Dursley, & Ann Steevens,
inhabitant this p. . . . . . . 5 Mar. „
Joseph Elliott, p. Dursley, w., & Martha
Kirkby, this p., s. . . . . . . 26 Mar. „
[The entry is in the handwriting of Richard Lockey, Curate,
but he has not signed his name as officiating.]
18 Dec.
5 Jan.
12 Jan.
24 Jan.
26 Feb.
1 Mar.
3 Mar.
23 Apr.
6 May
7 June
8 Sept.
27 Dec.
5 Apr.
11 June
1 Aug.
18 Oct.
30 Oct.
21 Feb.
Cam Marriages.
John Lewis, inhabitant, & Sarah Bendall . . 19 Sept. 1780
Edward Gregoiw, p. Bisley, & Rachael Davis,
p. Cam, lie. . . . . . . 8 Oct. „
Richard Dowle, p. Slimbridge, & Hester Ben-
dall, inhabitant this p. .. .. 31 Oct. ,,
Josiah Talboys & Hester Savage, lie. . . 5 Jan. 1781
Moses Butcher, w., & Ann Packer, s. 15 Jan. ,,
John Jones, p. Coaley, & Anne Cooper, p. Cam 9 Apr. „
Daniel Knight, w., & Ann Stiff, w., lie. . . 19 Apr. ,,
Robert Hughes, p. Eastington, & Sarah Ben-
dall, this p., lie. . . . ■ . . 10 Dec. ,,
Daniel Trotman, p. St. James, Middlesex, &
Susanna Smith, this p., lie. . . . . n Feb. 1782
John Ball, w., & Mary Sannigar . . ..11 Feb. ,,
Robert Allen & Ann Cornock, inhabitant . . 5 May ,,
Note. — The Register, at this point, has the entries out oj
order: entries belonging to 1783 and 1784 are interposed
between those of 1782. In this transcript, the entries {for con-
venience) are arranged in their proper order, but the following
list will show the actual order in which they appear in the
original Register itself. All are in the handwriting of
"Richard Lockey, Curate."
Elliott & Niblett
Olpin & Hadley
Bendall & Coaley
Smith & Curnock
Summers & Trull
Ball & Harris
Pool & Lewis
Gunter & Malpas
Hill and Cutts
Higgs & Harding
Baglin & Gunter
Bird & Webb
Morgan & Everett
Cobb & Ford
Hughes & Harrold
Rice & Bailey
Rudge & Ricketts
. 30 May
8 Feb.
24 Feb.
19 Apr.
6 May
. 11 May
28 June
9 Aug.
27 Sept.
2 Sept.
6 Oct.
7 Oct.
20 Nov.
5 Dec.
. 18 Dec.
21 Aug.
. 27 Aug.
150 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1782
Cordy & Carpenter .. .. .. 1 Jan. 1783
Cowley & Gassen .. .. .. 16 Nov. 1784
John Elliott, p. Dursley, & Mary Niblett, of
this p. . . . . . . . . 30 May 1782
Wm. Higgs, inhabitant, & Elizabeth Harding 2 Sept. „
Daniel Baglin & Patience Gunter . . . . 6 Oct. ,,
Jacob Bird & Mary Webb . . 7 Oct. „
James Morgan, p. Dursley, w., & Mary
Everett, inhabitant of this p., w., lie. .. 20 Nov. „
Absalom Cobb, p. Coaly, b., & Sarah Ford,
of this p., w. . . . . • • 5 Dec. „
Thomas Hughes & Ann Harrold, inhabitant 18 Dec. ,,
John Cordy & Martha Carpenter, lie. . . 1 Jan. 1783
John Olpin, w., & Elizabeth Hadley, lie. . . 8 Feb. „
[This entry is in the handwriting of Richard Lockey, Curate,
but he has not signed his name as officiating^
Samuel Bendall & Sarah Coaley, lie. . . 24 Feb. 1783
Joseph Smith, p. Coaley, & Rachel Curnock,
this p. . . . . . . . . 19 Apr. ,,
John Rice, inhabitant, & Elizabeth Bailey . . 21 Aug. ,,
Moses Rudge & Betty Ricketts . . 27 Aug. ,,
George Summers & Anna Maria Trull . . 6 May 1784
Abraham Ball & Mary Harris . . . . 11 May ,,
Edward Pool & Betty Lewis, inhabitant . . 28 June „
William Gunter & Sarah Mai pas . . —9 Aug. „
William Hill, inhabitant, & Ann Cutts . . 27 Sept. ,,
Richard Cowley & Mary Gassen . . . . 16 Nov. ,,
John Huntley, b., & Sarah Buck, w., lie. . . 7 Feb. 1785
John Brown & Hannah Harding, lie. . . 12 Mar. ,,
Joseph Syms & Susanna Leonard, lie. . . 25 Apr. ,,
Richard Hunt, inhabitant, b., & Nancy Sinne-
gar, w. . . . . . . . . 1 Aug. „
John Rawlings, p. Dursley, & Rachel Gunter,
this p. . . . . . . . . 26 Sept. ,,
Thomas Phillips, inhabitant of the p. of Fret-
herne, b., & Hannah Perkins, this p., w. 3 Oct. „
Nicholas Bendall & Mary Roberts .. .. 14 Oct. „
William Coopey & Ann Hill .. .. 21 Oct. „
John Howel, inhabitant, & Elizabeth Rider . . 12 Nov. „
Cam Marriages.
'[All the Marriages in 1785 were solemnized by Richard
Lockcy, Curate, but he has not signed his name in the entry on
October 21, 1785; he has written " Curate " in the usual place,
but has left a blank space after the words " by me ".]
Samuel Russell, p. Dursley, & Sarah Trull,
this p., lie. .. .. .. .. 13 Jan. 1786
Robert Carter & Rachel Harris . . . . 23 Jan. ,,
John Brookes, p. of Frampton-upon-Severne,
w., & Elizabeth Packer, p. Cam, s., lie. 24 Jan. ,,
Thomas Stratford, p. Dursley, & Susanna
Millard, this p., lie.
John Hill & Elizabeth Smith
William Cox & Jane White
James Willson, inhabitant, & Hester Parker. .
Samuel Gunter & Isabella Curnock. .
William Mutlow, p. Dursley, & Betty Coopey,
this p.
Richard Webb, w., & Rose Summers, s.
Thomas Sparks & Sarah Watts
Richard Mills & Jane Browning
John Webb, inhabitant, & Mary Bradshaw . .
Edward Rider, this p., w., & Sarah Bennett,
p. Leighterton, s., lie. . . . . 2 Jan. 1787
John Hill, b., & Esther Talboys, w.
Richard Silvey, w., & Jane Baker, s.
John Butcher & Mary Woodward . .
Robert Packer & Hannah Townsend, lie.
Benjamin Aldridge, inhabitant, b., & Ann
Hughes, w. . . . • • 9 -Dec. ,,
William Wilts & Hannah Rudge, both of p.
Thornbury, lie. .. .. .. 8 Jan. 1788
John Malpas & Mary Gingell . . . . 18 Feb. „
Samuel Meadows & Elizabeth Thurstan . . 3 Mar. „
George Hill, w., & Mary Woodroffe, s. 11 May ,,
Richard Bailey & Mary Bennet . . 25 May ,,
Richard Cox & Betty Butcher . . . . 28 June ,,
[Married by "John Golightly, A.M., Clerk".J
Thomas Ball & Mary Gowen, both of p.
Slimbridge . . . . . . 2 Sept. ,,
William Malpas, b., & Mary King, w. . . 20 Dec „
29 Jan.
13 Feb.
25 Mar.
11 May
23 July
5 Nov.
12 Nov.
17 Nov.
18 Nov.
24 Dec.
2 Jan.
19 Mar.
31 Aug.
1 Oct.
6 Dec.
152 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1789
William Barnfield, w., & Hannah Hill, s. . . 31 Jan. 1789
Thomas Trotman & Ursula Underwood . . 2 Feb. ,,
Aaron Rudge & Mary Barnfield . . • • 5 Mar. „
John Bendall, p. Cam, & Frances Payne, p,
Winterbourne, lie. .. .. .. 17 Mar. ,,
Edmund Summers, inhabitant, & Hannah
Dancey, w. . . . . 30 Mar. ,,
Jeremiah Wilkins & Sarah Frier . . . . 2 Apr. ,,
William Harding & Betty Leonard. . 27 Apr. „
\The bride's surname is entered by the Curate as " Lennard",
but she signs it quite clearly as "Leonard ".J
Samuel Joyner, p. Coaley, & Mary Greening,
p. Cam, lie.
James Browne, inhabitant, & Sarah Gunter . .
George Hill & Betty Millard
Daniel Malpas & Susanna Fisher
Thomas Hadley & Mary Tainton, lie.
John Hill & Elizabeth Holloway
John Wilkins & Rachel Watts, lie.
Daniel King, w., & Hester Summers, s.
Thomas Bird, p. Dursley, & Elizabeth Trot-
man, this p.
Thomas Barnfield & Ann Trotman
William Gabb, inhabitant, & Nancy Hill
James Coopey, inhabitant, & Martha Harris. .
Joseph Powel, inhabitant, w., & Sarah Harris, w.
Jacob Smith & Betty Summers
John Collier, p. Dursley, & Elizabeth Hill, this
p., lie.
William Steevens & Mary Phillips
Peter King & Lucy Lewis. .
Aaron Cook, p. Berkeley, & Joanna Malpas,
this p. . . . .
Jacob Gunter, p. Coaley, & Christian Packer,
this p.
Thomas Woodward, p. Stinchcombe, & Mary
William Powell & Ann Hill
[The bridegroom writes his surname quite clearly with a double
"1", but the Curate writes it with one "1 ".]
6 June
3° July
21 Oct.
30 Jan.
28 Feb.
3 Apr.
30 May
19 June
24 July
24 July
28 Sept.
11 Oct.
19 Nov.
1 Jan.
3 Mar.
6 Mar.
7 Mar.
14 Mar.
3 Apr.
10 May
24 May
1793] Cam Marriages. 153
Robert Summers, inhabitant, & Hannah Dudley 31 July 1 791
[This entry is in the writing of R. Lockey, Curate, but he has
not signed his name as officiating. ]
Obadiah Cross, w., & Frances Cam, s. • • 4 Oct. 1 791
[This entry is in R. Lockey }s writing, but he has not signed
his name.]
Moses Fream, w., & Hannah Theyer, w. 27 Oct. 1 791
John Malpas, w., & Cindonia Jones, s. 15 Nov. ,,
Peter Butcher & Ann Woodward .. .. 4 Feb. 1792
Daniel Poulton & Betty Watts . . . . 8 Apr. „
[Richard Lockey has entered the year of this Marriage as
11 1782," but it appears among the Marriages of " 1792," and in
the parchment Transcript the date is clearly given as " 1 792 "."]
Edward Phillips & Martha Watkins .. 9 Apr. 1792
Abraham Byford, inhabitant of the p. of
Stinchcombe, & Mary Coopey, p. Cam 13 May „
Thomas Tyndall, b., & Sarah Rider, w., lie. . . 17 May ,,
John Ball, w., & Rachael King, w. . . 10 June ,,
Daniel Shipton & Elizabeth Watts . . 30 June „
Samuel Parker, p. Dursley, & Elizabeth King,
p. Cam, lie. . . . . . . 1 Oct. „
Thomas Mash, inhabitant, & Hannah Ford,
Charles Jellyman, inhabitant, & Ann Barnfield
Thomas Browning, p. Dursley, w., & Martha
Cooke, this p. .. .. .. 21 Jan. 1793
Thomas Collison, inhabitant, & Betty Silvey
Thomas Evans, of the town of Monmouth, &
Mary Holloway, p. Cam
John Wilts, inhabitant, & Mary Price
James Watts, p. Dursley, & Mary Batt, this p.
James Collins & Sarah Beard, lie.
George Watts, p. Coaley, & Sarah Barnfield,
this p.
Daniel White & Sarah Savage
Daniel Fream & Hannah Underwood
[Richard Lockey has entered the Marriage as between Daniel
Fream and Hannah "Fream", but the bride signs her surname
as "Underwood", and in the parchment Transcript the sur-
name is given as "Underwood".]
5 Oct.
7 Oct.
21 Jan.
20 Mar.
8 Apr.
18 Apr.
22 Apr.
3 Oct.
26 Nov.
24 Dec.
28 Dec.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1793
31 Dec.
9 Jan.
14 Jan.
Thomas Bird & Lydia Bendall
Thomas Harper, inhabitant, & Ann Mills
Samuel Joyner, p. Coaley, w., & Ann Good-
rich, this p., lie.
John Miles, inhabitant, w., & Edith Sea-
borne, s. . .
John Baglin & Elizabeth Trotman
William Hill & Hannah Wilkins
Edward Workman & Betty Long
Thomas Phillips & Elizabeth Cox
[The two last entries are in this order ; that of Nov. 24 being
written after that of Dec. 14. J
Jesse Barnfield & Mary Butcher
John Cordy & Patience Millard
Josiah Malpas, p. Uley, & Mary Trotman, this p.
Thomas Butcher & Mary Wilkins
Thomas Howel & Ann Hill
John Olpin & Susanna Wilkins
James Bloodworth, p. Dursley, w., & Elizabeth
Elliott, this p.
Robert Watts & Betty Wilkins
[The last two entries are in Mr. Lockers writing, blithe has
not signed his name?\
John Arthurs, p. Tortworth, & Rachel Hill,
this p.
John Gayner, inhabitant, & Mary Silvey
Samuel Greening & Betty Jones
John Hart, inhabitant, w., & Ann Rudge
John Harding, p. Wootton, & Mary Talboy
Robert Gunter & Mary Harris
John Cordy, w., & Sarah Ewen, s.
William Hill & Sarah Window
Samuel Cox & Sarah Wilkins
John Hill, w., & Sarah Lockier
Abram Ball, w., & Deborah Dyer, s.
[Married by Richard Lockey, who writes
Christian name as "Abram", ivhcrcas the bridegroom himself
signs it as "Abraham". This Marriage is not entered in the
parchment Transcript, though the preceding Marriage {Hill cS*
Lockier), also on the 17th October, is duly entered therein.]
23 May
27 July
16 Nov.
14 Dec.
24 Nov.
Nov. 24
30 May
22 June
17 Sept.
24 Oct.
27 Oct.
21 Mar.
27 Mar.
10 Apr.
5 June
26 June
• 1 1 July
1 1 Aug.
y 16 Aug.
24 Sept.
29 Sept.
. 13 Oct.
. 16 Oct.
. 17 Oct.
. 17 Oct.
the bridegrc
29 Oct.
5 Dec.
5 Dec.
io Feb.
15 May
5 June
4 July
2 Aug.
3 Aug.
5 Oct.
25 Dec.
1799] Cam Marriages. 155
Richard Gunter & Elizabeth Parslow . . 29 Oct. 1796
Job Woodward, inhabitant, & Mary Bull
Thomas Bayly, b., & Ann Hill, w. . .
Samuel White, w., & Betty Earl, w. 10 Feb. 1797
Thomas Nichols & Martha Hill
Thomas Knight, p. Dursley, & Ann Purches,
p. Cam
Jonathan Barnfield, w., & Betty Cox, w.
Samuel Barnfield & Ann Summers
Joseph Gunter & Mary Cordey
John Talboys & Rachel Summers
John Heath & Lucina Wilkins
\ln the original Register, Richard Lockey has not entered the
day or the year of this Marriage, but the date is duly given in the
parchment Transcript. \
George Wilkins & Sarah Baker, lie. . . 23 Jan. 1798
William Barnfield & Sarah Summers
John Hill & Betty Sannegar
Revd. John Barker & Esther Parry, lie.
William Minett, w., & Hannah Hathaway, w.,
Henry White & Mary Underwood, lie.
William Lewis, p. Stone, & Sophia Butcher,
this p.
Jonathan Woodward, p. Stinchcombe, &
Mary Fream, this p.
[By Richard Lockey, presumably, as the entry is in his unit-
ing, but he has not signed his name, neither has he entered the
month or the year, but these dates are given clearly in the parch-
ment Transcript.}
William Tudor & Betty Baglin . . . . 8 Oct. 1 798
Samuel Daniell, p. St. Michael, Gloucester, &
Mary Whittard, this p., lie. . . 25 Feb. 1799
2 3
William Summers & Mary Watts . .
Timothy Stanley, p. Painswick, & Joanna
Hurlestone, this p., lie.
John Morris, inhabitant, & Ann Shipton
Thomas Hurlstone, this p., b., & Sarah Davis
p. Dursley, lie.
Henry Reeves & Lydia Hill, lie.
14 Apr.
29 Apr.
9 May
26 May
22 Aug.
156 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1799
Robert Harris & Lydia Summers . . . . 28 Oct. 1799
David Butcher & Carolina Stephens . . 25 Dec. ,,
[In the original Register, Richard Lockey, after writing
" David Butcher", has left the rest of the entry a blank till he
signs his name as officiating. The bride's name has to be
gathered from the line where she makes her mark, "the mark
/ of Carolina Stephens" ; the date has to be gathered from the
parchment Transcript, where it is given clearly as " December
Thomas Cratchley, p. Owlpen, & Elizabeth
Bennett, this p. . . . . 28 Jan. 1800
William Hopton Hadley & Hannah Cox, lie. 1 Apr. ,,
John Webb & Ann Millard . . . . 13 Apr. „
William Herbert, p. Slimbridge, & Mary
Bendall, this p. . . . . 15 Apr. „
Daniel Tyndall & Hannah Bradshaw . . 23 Apr. „
William Hardwick, p. Eastington, & Sarah
Cornock, this p., lie. . . . . 6 June ,,
[Here this volume of the Register ends. The two last
entries are made on a blank fly-leaf which faces the last of the
pages having printed forms of entry; these two last entries are
in the writing of Richard Lockey ; the parties married and the
witnesses have, in each case, duly signed their names. The
remainder {second half) of this volume of the Register is occu-
pied with Banns; it is entitled " A Register-Book For the
Publication of BANNS of MARRIAGE According to Act of
Parliament of the Twenty sixth of King GEORGE II. By
Joseph Fox, Parish Clerk to the Honourable the House of
Commons. London: MDCCLIV."]
[The next Register is of the same size and sort as the preced-
ing, except that it is arranged throughout for Marriages only,
and not for Banns also. Only 45 pages of this Register are
filled with entries ; by far the greater part of the Book is blank
and unused.']
Jesse Smith, p. Coaley, & Elizabeth Evans,
this p. . . . . . . 1 Sept. 1800
John Dudly & Elizabeth Pride . . . . 16 Sept. ,,
Samuel Smith, inhabitant, & Charlotte Baglin 16 Sept. ,,
William Brewer & Hannah Webb . . . . 28 Sept. „
Charles Whittard, b., & Elizabeth Olpin, w. . . 25 Nov. „
John Chappell, inhabitant, & Ann Summers
Daniel Hadley & Elizabeth Hulings
James Ford, inhabitant, & Elizabeth King
Samuel Smith, p. Uley, & Mary Cox
Samuel Olpin & Mary Curnock, lie.
James Higgs & Betty Olpin
William Watts, inhabitant, & Sarah Cordey
John Warner & Betty Cordey
Isaac Haynes, p. Coaley, & Betty Hill, this p
Samuel Trotman & Hester Workman
Samuel Harris & Rebecah Wilkins
John Griffin, p. Slimbridge, & Mary Mills
this p.
George Wilkins & Sarah Wilkins . .
Samuel White, inhabitant, & Susannah Long
street, inhabitant
Thomas Watts & Ann Powell
William Davis & Martha Watts
William Mayo & Mary Greening
Charles French & Sarah Harris
George Emerson, p. Michaelstone, co. Glamor
gan, & Hannah Seaborn, this p., lie. .
John Pegler & Sarah Morgan
Robert Nicholls & Margarett Holloway
Edward Summers & Bilah [sic] Barnfield
William Pegler & Mary Taylor
Thomas Bendall, p. St. James, Bristol, & Mary
Mallett, this p., lie.
Isaac Wilkins & Mary Curnuck [sic]
[The bride makes her mark, and her surname
her as lt Curnuck".]
Samuel Parslow, inhabitant, & Martha Clark,
Joseph Ball & Hannah Elliotts
Thomas Baker & Rose Sanigar
Henry Bayly & Betty Workman
Daniel Cross & Mary Everett
Andrew Murphy, w., & Sarah Malpas, s.
Joseph Sims, of Dursley, & Elizabeth White,
this p., lie.
1 801
22 Dec
5 Jan.
3 Feb. „
23 Mar. „
3° July „
5 Oct. „
6 Nov. „
26 Nov. „
27 Dec. ,,
28 Dec. ,,
28 Jan. 1802
31 Jan. „
28 Feb. „
9 May „
10 May „
10 May „
4 July ,,
5 Sept. „
6 Sept. „
19 Sept. „
3 Oct. „
8 Nov. „
12 Dec. „
15 Feb. 1S03
7 Apr. „
is written for
23 June 1803
1 1 Aug. „
13 Aug. „
14 Oct. „
13 Nov. „
5 Dec. „
23 Jan. 1804
158 Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1804
George Boothe, of Eldresfield, co. Worcester,
& Jane White, this p., lie. .. . . 21 Feb. 1804
Joseph Cox & Mary Taylor . . 23 Feb. „
Thomas Mills & Mary Ford . . . . 24 Feb. „
Thomas Walker & Mary Sannigar . . . . 14 Mar. ,,
Thomas Sparks & Hester Bradshaw . . 18 Mar. ,,
William Underwood & Elizabeth Knight, lie. 4 Apr. „
Joseph Bailey, of Stinchcombe, & Mary Cole,
this p. . . . . . . • • 9 Apr. „
Thomas Mallett, of Slimbridge, & Elizabeth
Elliotts, this p. . . . . • • 7 May „
Stephen Malpas, of Frampton-upon-Severn, &
Sarah Ball, this p., lie. . . . . 19 May „
Joseph King & Hannah Freem . . 21 May „
Luke Davis & Elizabeth Watts . . . . 9 July ,,
John Gabb & Sarah Bennett . . 21 July ,,
Henry King & Hannah Passer . . . . 26 Oct. ,,
Joseph Drake & Rose Summers . . 23 Dec. „
Thomas Nicholls & Sarah Evans . . . . 2 May 1805
William Summers & Edith Parslow . . 5 July „
Enoch Summers & Lydia Hill . . . . 11 Aug. „
Thomas Lewton, of Dursley, & Lucina Whit-
tard, this p., lie. . . . . 20 Aug. ,,
William Simmons & Hannah Osborne, lie. . . 11 Sept. „
John Vizard, of Dursley, & Anna Maria
Weight, this p., lie. . . . . 1 Oct. ,,
George Packer, of Coaley, & Anne Rowles,
this p., lie. . . . . 8 Oct. „
James Hill & Ann King .. .. .. 12 Oct. „
William Jones & Margaret Phillips . . 12 Oct. „
Edward Stoneham & Sarah Davis . . . . 28 Oct. ,,
Peter Bullock & Sarah Millard . . 1 Dec. „
Samuel Harris & Esther Cam . . . . 21 Dec. „
Samuel Nicholls & Hannah Davis . . . . 26 Dec. „
[This (Nicholls & Davis) is the last entry of Marriage copied
from the Register into the parchment Transcript.]
William Nicholls & Esther Carter . . . . 17 Mar. 1806
David Elliotts & Ann Summers . . 9 Apr. ,,
Thomas Merrett, p. Frampton-on-Severn, &
Betty Webb, this p. . . 9 May „
Joseph Silvey & Elizabeth Summers
John Salcombe & Mary King
Moses Seaborne & Rose Webb
James Hunt, inhabitant, & Sarah Reeves
Charles King & Elizabeth Harris
Richard Mills & Sarah Thornhill . .
William Hort, p. Dursley, & Hannah Mills
this p.
David Organ, p. North Nibley, w., & Martha
Cordy, this p., w., lie.
Daniel Malpass & Betty Hill
John Barnfield & Hannah Nicholls. .
Samuel Ball, p. Cowley, & Hannah Butcher
this p.
John Chamberlain, p. Cowley, & Elizabeth
Seaborne, this p.
Edward Cradock & Mary Spitell
Joseph Hill & Comfort Merrett
Robert Davies Underwood, p. Coaley, & Eliz
abeth Brown, this p., lie.
Joseph King & Ann Lawrence
William Mayo & Elizabeth Ford, lie.
Joseph Wilkins & Rachel Nicholls . .
Stephen Trotman & Dinah Butcher
Thomas Brown & Deborah Sanigar
Thomas Peters & Mary Ann Barnfield
Richard Marling, p. Berkeley, & Hannah Minett
Edward Hancock & Anna Burress . .
John Clissold, p. Eastington, & Hannah Higgs
William Harding & Esther Ricketts
Leonard Hill & Rose Hill
John Avery & Sarah Hill . .
William White & Jane Elliotts
John Powell, p. Uley, & Hester Elliotts, this p
Isaac Fream & Drusilla Plolbrow . .
James Wintle & Mary Powell
James Burris, p. Slimbridge, & Sarah Malpas
this p.
Thomas White & Elizabeth Chilton
15 May 1806
21 May „
24 July „
22 Aug. „
7 Oct. „
11 Nov. ,,
18 Nov. ..
2 Dec.
6 Dec.
29 Dec.
29 May
7 July
26 July
5 Aug.
7 Aug.
18 Aug.
6 Oct.
12 Oct.
19 Oct.
11 Jan.
18 Jan.
20 Jan.
2 Feb.
21 Feb.
5 Apr.
8 May
20 June
26 June
26 June
30 June
4 July
4 Oct.
5 Oct.
Gloucestershire Parish Registers. [1808
Richard Wilkins & Hannah Malpass
Richard Phillips & Caroline Butcher
William Edmunds, of Newport, Berkeley, &
Ann Olpin, this p., lie.
John Talboys & Sarah Ulens
William Millard, this p., w., & Ann Lewton,
p. Dursley, w.
Daniel Ball & Elizabeth Bloodworth
James Sparks & Rose Freem
Thomas Woodruff, p. Cheltenham, & Sophia
Talboys, this p.
Joseph Cox & Elizabeth Butt
Stephen Workman & Mary Witts
John Jones & Mary Bingham
Jonathan Barnfield & Elizabeth Rodway
John Purnell & Hannah Phillips
James Mallett & Elizabeth Hadley, lie.
Thomas Grizell & Hester Olpin, lie.
William Olpin, this p., & Ann Read, p. Thorn-
bury, lie. . .
Thomas Kilmister & Maria Summers
James Bendall & Hannah Malpas, lie.
James Martin & Hannah Worlock, lie.
William Webb, p. Painswick, & Elizabeth
Minett, this p.
Abraham Elliotts, p. Stinchcombe, & Elizabeth
King, this p.
Samuel Savage, p. Coaley, & Sarah Nicholls,
this p., lie. . .
Samuel Pearce, p. Berkeley, & Anne White,
this p., lie. . .
Samuel Newth & Elizabeth Whittard, lie.
William Smart & Sarah Knight
William Stokes, of Brimsfield, Gloucester, &
Hannah Nicholls, this p., lie.
John Malpass & Hannah Webb
John Hazel, of Stinchcombe, & Esther Gunter,
this p.
Samuel Morgan, of Dursley, & Mary Work-
9 Oct.
10 Oct.
21 Oct.
20 Nov.
20 Dec.
25 Dec.
16 Jan.
13 Mar.
4 June
29 June
1 7 July
27 July
30 July
6 Nov.
6 Nov.
8 Dec.
12 June
13 Sept.
27 Sept.
16 Oct.
22 Oct.
23 Oct.
1 Nov.
7 Feb.
5 Mar.
30 Mar.
27 Sept.
1 Dec.
25 Dec.
Cam Marriages.
John Dickings & Mary Cam . . 10 Feb. 1812
Reuben Hill & Hester Harris . . 8 Mar.
William Baglin & Rachel Gunter . . . . 15 Mar.
Stephen Cox & Sarah Smith . . . . 5 June
Thomas Butcher & Hannah Barnfield . . 5 June
Thomas Mills, w., & Mary Sparks . . 6 June
[This entry (" Mills and Sparks ") is the last in the Register —
all the remaining leaves of the book are blank and unused. In
the next volume oj Registers, the first entry is dated April 21,
1813, and is signed by William Fryer, Vicar.']
G. Simpson, Printer, Devizes.